372 research outputs found

    FPT algorithms for path-transversal and cycle-transversal problems

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    AbstractWe study the parameterized complexity of several vertex- and edge-deletion problems on graphs, parameterized by the number p of deletions. The first kind of problems are separation problems on undirected graphs, where we aim at separating distinguished vertices in a graph. The second kind of problems are feedback set problems on group-labelled graphs, where we aim at breaking nonnull cycles in a graph having its arcs labelled by elements of a group. We obtain new FPT algorithms for these different problems, relying on a generic O∗(4p) algorithm for breaking paths of a homogeneous path system

    Compression via Matroids: A Randomized Polynomial Kernel for Odd Cycle Transversal

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    The Odd Cycle Transversal problem (OCT) asks whether a given graph can be made bipartite by deleting at most kk of its vertices. In a breakthrough result Reed, Smith, and Vetta (Operations Research Letters, 2004) gave a \BigOh(4^kkmn) time algorithm for it, the first algorithm with polynomial runtime of uniform degree for every fixed kk. It is known that this implies a polynomial-time compression algorithm that turns OCT instances into equivalent instances of size at most \BigOh(4^k), a so-called kernelization. Since then the existence of a polynomial kernel for OCT, i.e., a kernelization with size bounded polynomially in kk, has turned into one of the main open questions in the study of kernelization. This work provides the first (randomized) polynomial kernelization for OCT. We introduce a novel kernelization approach based on matroid theory, where we encode all relevant information about a problem instance into a matroid with a representation of size polynomial in kk. For OCT, the matroid is built to allow us to simulate the computation of the iterative compression step of the algorithm of Reed, Smith, and Vetta, applied (for only one round) to an approximate odd cycle transversal which it is aiming to shrink to size kk. The process is randomized with one-sided error exponentially small in kk, where the result can contain false positives but no false negatives, and the size guarantee is cubic in the size of the approximate solution. Combined with an \BigOh(\sqrt{\log n})-approximation (Agarwal et al., STOC 2005), we get a reduction of the instance to size \BigOh(k^{4.5}), implying a randomized polynomial kernelization.Comment: Minor changes to agree with SODA 2012 version of the pape

    Covering Small Independent Sets and Separators with Applications to Parameterized Algorithms

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    We present two new combinatorial tools for the design of parameterized algorithms. The first is a simple linear time randomized algorithm that given as input a dd-degenerate graph GG and an integer kk, outputs an independent set YY, such that for every independent set XX in GG of size at most kk, the probability that XX is a subset of YY is at least (((d+1)kk)⋅k(d+1))−1\left({(d+1)k \choose k} \cdot k(d+1)\right)^{-1}.The second is a new (deterministic) polynomial time graph sparsification procedure that given a graph GG, a set T={{s1,t1},{s2,t2},…,{sℓ,tℓ}}T = \{\{s_1, t_1\}, \{s_2, t_2\}, \ldots, \{s_\ell, t_\ell\}\} of terminal pairs and an integer kk, returns an induced subgraph G⋆G^\star of GG that maintains all the inclusion minimal multicuts of GG of size at most kk, and does not contain any (k+2)(k+2)-vertex connected set of size 2O(k)2^{{\cal O}(k)}. In particular, G⋆G^\star excludes a clique of size 2O(k)2^{{\cal O}(k)} as a topological minor. Put together, our new tools yield new randomized fixed parameter tractable (FPT) algorithms for Stable ss-tt Separator, Stable Odd Cycle Transversal and Stable Multicut on general graphs, and for Stable Directed Feedback Vertex Set on dd-degenerate graphs, resolving two problems left open by Marx et al. [ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 2013]. All of our algorithms can be derandomized at the cost of a small overhead in the running time.Comment: 35 page

    The Graph Motif problem parameterized by the structure of the input graph

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    The Graph Motif problem was introduced in 2006 in the context of biological networks. It consists of deciding whether or not a multiset of colors occurs in a connected subgraph of a vertex-colored graph. Graph Motif has been mostly analyzed from the standpoint of parameterized complexity. The main parameters which came into consideration were the size of the multiset and the number of colors. Though, in the many applications of Graph Motif, the input graph originates from real-life and has structure. Motivated by this prosaic observation, we systematically study its complexity relatively to graph structural parameters. For a wide range of parameters, we give new or improved FPT algorithms, or show that the problem remains intractable. For the FPT cases, we also give some kernelization lower bounds as well as some ETH-based lower bounds on the worst case running time. Interestingly, we establish that Graph Motif is W[1]-hard (while in W[P]) for parameter max leaf number, which is, to the best of our knowledge, the first problem to behave this way.Comment: 24 pages, accepted in DAM, conference version in IPEC 201

    Linear-Time FPT Algorithms via Network Flow

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    In the area of parameterized complexity, to cope with NP-Hard problems, we introduce a parameter k besides the input size n, and we aim to design algorithms (called FPT algorithms) that run in O(f(k)n^d) time for some function f(k) and constant d. Though FPT algorithms have been successfully designed for many problems, typically they are not sufficiently fast because of huge f(k) and d. In this paper, we give FPT algorithms with small f(k) and d for many important problems including Odd Cycle Transversal and Almost 2-SAT. More specifically, we can choose f(k) as a single exponential (4^k) and d as one, that is, linear in the input size. To the best of our knowledge, our algorithms achieve linear time complexity for the first time for these problems. To obtain our algorithms for these problems, we consider a large class of integer programs, called BIP2. Then we show that, in linear time, we can reduce BIP2 to Vertex Cover Above LP preserving the parameter k, and we can compute an optimal LP solution for Vertex Cover Above LP using network flow. Then, we perform an exhaustive search by fixing half-integral values in the optimal LP solution for Vertex Cover Above LP. A bottleneck here is that we need to recompute an LP optimal solution after branching. To address this issue, we exploit network flow to update the optimal LP solution in linear time.Comment: 20 page
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