96 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Integer Transform and Quantization Processor for H.264 Encoder on FPGA

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    This paper proposes a novel implementation of the core processors, the integer transform and quantization for H.264 video encoder using an FPGA. It is capable of processing the picture frames with the desired compression controlled by the user input. The algorithm and architecture of the components of the video encoder namely, integer transformation, quantization were developed, designed and coded in Verilog. The complete H.264 video encoder was coded in Matlab in order to verify the results of the Verilog implementation. The processor is implemented on a Xilinx Vertex – II Pro XC2VP30 FPGA. The gate count of the implementation is approximately 1,057,000 working at a frequency of 208 MHz. It can process 1024x768 pixel color images in 4:2:0 format at 25 frames per second. The reconstructed picture quality is better than 35 dB

    A Cost Shared Quantization Algorithm and its Implementation for Multi-Standard Video CODECS

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    The current trend of digital convergence creates the need for the video encoder and decoder system, known as codec in short, that should support multiple video standards on a single platform. In a modern video codec, quantization is a key unit used for video compression. In this thesis, a generalized quantization algorithm and hardware implementation is presented to compute quantized coefficient for six different video codecs including the new developing codec High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). HEVC, successor to H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, aims to substantially improve coding efficiency compared to AVC High Profile. The thesis presents a high performance circuit shared architecture that can perform the quantization operation for HEVC, H.264/AVC, AVS, VC-1, MPEG- 2/4 and Motion JPEG (MJPEG). Since HEVC is still in drafting stage, the architecture was designed in such a way that any final changes can be accommodated into the design. The proposed quantizer architecture is completely division free as the division operation is replaced by multiplication, shift and addition operations. The design was implemented on FPGA and later synthesized in CMOS 0.18 μm technology. The results show that the proposed design satisfies the requirement of all codecs with a maximum decoding capability of 60 fps at 187.3 MHz for Xilinx Virtex4 LX60 FPGA of a 1080p HD video. The scheme is also suitable for low-cost implementation in modern multi-codec systems

    VHDL Modeling of an H.264/AVC Video Decoder

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    Transmission and storage of video data has necessitated the development of video com pression techniques. One of today\u27s most widely used video compression techniques is the MPEG-2 standard, which is over ten years old. A task force sponsored by the same groups that developed MPEG-2 has recently finished defining a new standard that is meant to replace MPEG-2 for future video compression applications. This standard, H.264/AVC, uses significantly improved compression techniques. It is capable of providing similar pic ture quality at bit rates of 30-70% less than MPEG-2, depending on the particular video sequence and application [20]. This thesis developed a complete VHDL behavioral model of a video decoder imple menting the Baseline Profile of the H.264/AVC standard. The decoder was verified using a testing environment for comparison with reference software results. Development of a synthesizable hardware description was also shown for two components of the video de coder: the transform unit and the deblocking filter. This demonstrated how a complete video decoder could be developed one module at a time with individual module verifica tion. Analysis was also done to estimate the performance and hardware requirements for a complete implementation on an FPGA device

    An Efficient Architecture of Forward Transforms and Quantization for H.264/AVC Codecs

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    Thanks to many novel coding tools, H.264/AVC has become the most efficient video compression standard providing much better performance than previous standards. However, this standard comes with an extraordinary computational complexity and a huge memory access requirement, which make the hardware architecture design much more difficult and costly, especially for realtime applications. In the framework of H.264 codec hardware architecture project, this paper presents an efficient architecture of Forward Transform and Quantization (FTQ) for H.264/AVC codecs in mobile applications. To reduce the hardware implementation overhead, the proposed design uses only one unified architecture of 1-D transform engine to perform all required transform processes, including discrete cosine transform and Walsh Hadamard transform. This design also enables to share the common parts among multipliers that have the same multiplicands. The performance of the design is taken into consideration and improved by using a fast architecture of the multiplier in the quantizer, the most critical component in the design. Experimental results show that our architecture can completely finish transform and quantization processes for a 4:2:0 macroblock in 228 clock cycles and the achieved throughput is 445Msamples/s at 250MHz operating frequency while the area overhead is very small, 147755μm2 (approximate 15KGates), with the 130nm TSMC CMOS technology

    Verilog implementation of the VESA DSC compression algorithm

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    O trabalho consiste em implementar em verilog o Standard de compressão VESA DSC v1.1. O projecto está na fase de teste e optimização para cumprir restrições de timming. É esperado estar concluido nos inicios de Junho. Feito isto será feita uma comparação entre uma abordagem usando ferramentes de síntese de alto nível e a abordagem "manual" (RTL

    Low delay video coding

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    Analogue wireless cameras have been employed for decades, however they have not become an universal solution due to their difficulties of set up and use. The main problem is the link robustness which mainly depends on the requirement of a line-of-sight view between transmitter and receiver, a working condition not always possible. Despite the use of tracking antenna system such as the Portable Intelligent Tracking Antenna (PITA [1]), if strong multipath fading occurs (e.g. obstacles between transmitter and receiver) the picture rapidly falls apart. Digital wireless cameras based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) modulation schemes give a valid solution for the above problem. OFDM offers strong multipath protection due to the insertion of the guard interval; in particular, the OFDM-based DVB-T standard has proven to offer excellent performance for the broadcasting of multimedia streams with bit rates over 10 Mbps in difficult terrestrial propagation channels, for fixed and portable applications. However, in typical conditions, the latency needed to compress/decompress a digital video signal at Standard Definition (SD) resolution is of the order of 15 frames, which corresponds to ≃ 0.5 sec. This delay introduces a serious problem when wireless and wired cameras have to be interfaced. Cabled cameras do not use compression, because the cable which directly links transmitter and receiver does not impose restrictive bandwidth constraints. Therefore, the only latency that affects a cable cameras link system is the on cable propagation delay, almost not significant, when switching between wired and wireless cameras, the residual latency makes it impossible to achieve the audio-video synchronization, with consequent disagreeable effects. A way to solve this problem is to provide a low delay digital processing scheme based on a video coding algorithm which avoids massive intermediate data storage. The analysis of the last MPEG based coding standards puts in evidence a series of problems which limits the real performance of a low delay MPEG coding system. The first effort of this work is to study the MPEG standard to understand its limit from both the coding delay and implementation complexity points of views. This thesis also investigates an alternative solution based on HERMES codec, a proprietary algorithm which is described implemented and evaluated. HERMES achieves better results than MPEG in terms of latency and implementation complexity, at the price of higher compression ratios, which means high output bit rates. The use of HERMES codec together with an enhanced OFDM system [2] leads to a competitive solution for wireless digital professional video applications

    Architecture design of a scalable adaptive deblocking filter for H.264/AVC

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    Due to significant bit-rate savings and improved perceptual quality, H.264/AVC, the latest video compression standard from the Joint Video Team, is receiving widespread adoption. Greater coding efficiency relative to previous standards is a result of additional techniques and features. One important change is the inclusion of an in-loop deblocking filter for removal of blocking artifacts. Since the filter can easily account for one-third of the computational complexity of a decoder, its addition was a source of debate during the development of the H.264/AVC standard. Ample research on architecture design of the deblocking filter has been carried out, generally targeted toward high performance profiles. To the best of our knowledge no other research investigated designs that can be scaled from low-power extended profiles up to high performance profiles. This work investigated the design of a scalable architecture for the deblocking filter. Four different designs were implemented. The relative performance of the designs were then compared against each other and existing research through simulation. All designs were targeted towards a Xilinx Virtex 5 field programmable gate array (FPGA)

    Hardware Software Synthesis of a H.264 / AVC Baseline Profile Decoder

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    The latest video compression standard is a joint effort between ITU and MPEG known as H.264/AVC. As with any video compression standard the H.264/AVC uses computationally intensive algorithms to maximize performance. During decompression these algorithms must be applied in real-time, processing 30 frames a second. This can be done in software, specialized hardware, or a combination of the two. Software solutions allow for maximum portability and ease of design, but General Purpose Processors (GPP) can not take full advantage of the parallelizable algorithms that the H.264 decoder is based upon. Specialized hardware solutions, on the other hand, allow concurrent data and instruction paths, but do not offer a high level of abstraction for cross platform development. Recent work by Xilinx has resulted in the advent of the MicroBlaze soft-processor that is a stand alone microcontroller built from an FPGA. The MicroBlaze provides a specialized hardware medium to run software on-chip with VHDL entities. The goal of this thesis was to model and simulate a software hardware hybrid H.264/AVC Baseline Profile decoder using VHDL and a soft-processor. It was proposed to divide all highly sequential calculations (run-length and CALVC decoding) and control data flow into software and perform the remaining calculations (prediction, inverse transform, inverse quantization, etc.) in hardware modules. The software runs on Xilinx\u27 s MicroBlaze soft-processor and the hardware was designed using VHDL. A major advantage of soft-processors over GPP\u27s, is that it hardware instantiations reside on-chip with the processor. The software and MicroBlaze soft-processor were simulated in a test bench and the results proved that the MicroBlaze could not handle the encoded bit-stream in real-time. For this reason the hardware interface and hardware decoder were never fully implemented. The scope of the thesis covers the H.264 Baseline Profile standard, MicroBlaze processor, the implemented software solution, and the proposed hardware counterpart

    Video Compression from the Hardware Perspective

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