11 research outputs found

    Location-based services and the price of security

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    Location-based services (LBS) are one of many high- tech solutions to national security, providing advanced information capabilities. With their use comes a perceived increase in citizens having reduced access to services and information as well as waiving certain liberties in order for national security initiatives to be fully implemented. Focusing particularly on the role of LBS, this research will establish an understanding of the \u27price\u27 people pay for national security when it is achieved using LBS. The exchange of liberties for security will be illustrated by the results of the content analysis. This research provides insight in to how far a location- based technology can be utilized in national security applications before its perceived cost-benefit is exceeded

    The myth of freedom of information.

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    The article discusses the myths surrounding the founding of the U.S. and the freedoms of information supposedly conferred by its founders in the drafting and ratification of the U.S. Constitution. Particular focus is given to the efforts of libraries in defending the public\u27s right to know and their attempts to inform and instruct the public on the significance of openness in government. The misuse of a quote by former U.S. President James Madison about freedom of information is explored

    Investigating the relationship between Location-Based Services and National Security

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    Public awareness of national security has increased significantly since September 11, 2001. Literature has discussed ways to respond or prevent breaches of National security with some of these methods employing information technologies, including Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Global Positioning System (GPS). Other studies have focused on the privacy impact the proposed solutions will have. This research examines the technologies under the umbrella of Location-Based Services (LBS). The preliminary findings of this research indicate that the broader notion of LBS is what needs to be focused on in order to understand the impact that they are having in the effort to ensure national security

    Location-Based Services and the Price of Security

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    Location-based services (LBS) are one of many high- tech solutions to national security, providing advanced information capabilities. With their use comes a perceived increase in citizens having reduced access to services and information as well as waiving certain liberties in order for national security initiatives to be fully implemented. Focusing particularly on the role of LBS, this research will establish an understanding of the \u27price\u27 people pay for national security when it is achieved using LBS. The exchange of liberties for security will be illustrated by the results of the content analysis. This research provides insight in to how far a location- based technology can be utilized in national security applications before its perceived cost-benefit is exceeded

    Longstanding, Systemic Weaknesses : Hillary Clinton\u27s Emails, FOIA\u27s Defects and Affirmative Disclosure

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    The Hillary Clinton email fiasco demonstrated alarming failures in the procedures of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); derelictions in archive integrity and adequacy of search that an internal report identified as “longstanding, systemic weaknesses” in the FOIA. These procedural gaps pose dire consequences for the future of the FOIA, where requesters query incomplete archives and agencies intentionally desert their search obligations. The abandonment of these duties necessitates that the federal government look toward new mechanisms for access to government records and adopt strong affirmative disclosure principles. There has been little scholarship on the twin failures of archive integrity and adequacy of search, but support for increased instances of affirmative disclosure is building. This Article progresses the argument by presenting the country’s enduring, unheralded commitment to these principles and makes recommendations on how to further adopt affirmative disclosure measures

    Local Government-Citizen Relationships: Using the coorientation approach to analyze relationship effectivness

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    One of the current debates in public relations scholarship surrounds how to evaluate and measure the effectiveness of public relations practitioners and programs and the value they add to an organization. Known as the ROI, or return on investment, in public relations, this concept is often hard to define. However, as management demands become stronger for more accountability from public relations departments, the need to effectively address this concern continues to grow. Previous research has shown that a strong indicator of the effectiveness of public relations is the relationship that exists between an organization and its publics. This study details the relationship between local governments and the citizens they serve. Specifically, it analyzes the different aspects of the relationship and the public relations activities and tactics used to promote and foster relationship development. The research method utilized included the perspectives of both the organization and the public in assessing the organization-public relationship by combining the coorientational approach advocated by Broom (1977) and Broom and Dozier (1990) with the relationship measures proposed by Hon and Grunig (1999) and the tenets of the J.Grunig’s (1989) situational theory of publics. Using online survey data collected from more than 300 local government officials from municipalities across the United States and more than 300 citizens with various demographic and geographic backgrounds, this research examined the relationship dimensions of control mutuality, trust commitment, and satisfaction. In addition, the study evaluated the communication behaviors of citizens to obtain information to guide local government communicators in message development and strategy and also to determine the issues and tactics that will be most effective. Results indicate that citizens have a neutral view of the local government-citizen relationship, and local government officials view it more favorably. Furthermore, higher problem recognition, lower constraint recognition, and higher levels of involvement were positively associated with more active communication behaviors of citizens. Findings from the coorientation analysis illustrate that the two groups are in disagreement about the relationship. Dissensus exists between local government officials and citizens; that is, local government officials and citizens are in disagreement, and both parties know they are in disagreement

    Many faces of corruption. A multimethod study.

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    Communication Matters: A Study of Communication Between Emergency Managers and Water Systems Professionals Regarding Insufficient Access to Drinking Water

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    In 2021, the United States – specifically the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation – declared its first-ever drinking water shortage for the Colorado River and the Hoover Dam, resulting in cuts to water access for the southwestern United States. Unfortunately, incidents like this one are increasingly likely to occur as access to drinking water has become a more pervasive issue that not only impacts the work of water systems professionals, but also impacts the field of emergency management and its practitioners. In addition, these incidents underscore the need to put a spotlight on communication processes between water systems professionals and emergency managers. This study has the following aims. First, to explore the communication processes between emergency managers and water systems professionals to better understand and learn if and how the two groups communicate about their respective organizational efforts regarding insufficient drinking water access. Second, to determine that if the two groups are communicating, then what are their current communication processes and how are their communication processes working to collaborate with each other to coordinate efforts. And to determine if the two groups are not communicating, then what can both groups respectively do better to create efficient and effective communication process. These aims focus on the distinguishing role of each practitioner group in dealing with the issue of insufficient access to drinking water. This explorative case study uses semi-structured, qualitative interviews with two respective groups of study participants – emergency managers and water systems professionals – and a document review of public-facing government documents to explore communication channels between these two groups to learn more about if and how they communicate regarding the mitigation of issues associated with insufficient access to drinking water. Findings from this study may be useful to better inform the practice of emergency management, as well as for the practice of water systems management

    Acesso à informação pública nos países do Cone Sul : estudo sobre a adesão às diretrizes de acesso à informação

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciência da Informação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, 2018.Trata do estudo sobre a adesão às diretrizes de acesso à informação pública preconizadas pela literatura das respectivas leis de acesso à informação nos países pertencentes ao grupo chamado Cone Sul. Esse grupo, composto por Argentina, Bolívia, Brasil, Chile, Paraguai e Uruguai, parte de um contexto maior, a América Latina, e representa uma reunião de nações de natureza heterogênea, no que se refere aos aspectos políticos, econômicos e culturais. Portanto, apresenta-se como um terreno fértil para investigação e debate em torno do fenômeno do direito de acesso à informação, que se expandiu, especialmente na metade final do século XX e início do século XXI, por meio da edição de normas jurídicas específicas conhecidas como leis de acesso à informação. Tais itens normativos regulam o acesso à informação pública pela sociedade e a obrigação do Estado de ofertar informações que estão sob sua custódia e de fomentar a cultura da transparência de suas atividades. A presente pesquisa, além da proposição de um modelo baseado em diretrizes preconizadas por Braman (2004, 2006, 2011), Mendel (2009) e pelo Modelo Interamericano de Lei de Acesso à Informação (2012), teve como objetivo descrever as características constituidoras das leis de acesso à informação e seus aspectos quanto a possíveis similaridades e diferenças. A aplicação do modelo, aliada ao diálogo realizado com a literatura, permitiu constatar que há alta correlação entre as diretrizes de acesso à informação e as leis de acesso à informação, e que as leis dos países do Cone Sul possuem entre si mais similaridades do que dessemelhanças tanto em seus aspectos estruturais quando na organização dos preceitos. Por fim, identificou-se que o direito de acesso à informação representado nos textos normativos se concentra em três itens principais: divulgação/promoção, solicitação e restrição de informação.The present study focus on the adherence to the guidelines for access to public information recommended by the literature and manifested in the respective access to information act from the countries belonging to the group called the Southern Cone. This group, composed of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay, of a larger context, Latin America, represent a gathering of nations of heterogeneous nature in the political, economic and cultural aspects, hence presents itself as a fertile ground for the investigation and debate around the phenomenon of the right of access to information that has expanded itself, especially in the late half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century with the publication of specific legal norms known as information access law. Such normative items regulate the access to public information by the society and the obligation of the State to offer information guarded by it and to foment the culture of the transparency of its activities. The present research, besides the proposal of a model based on theoretical guidelines advocated by Braman (2004, 2006, 2011) Mendel (2009) and the Model Inter-American Law on Access to Information (2012), aimed to describe the constitutive characteristics of the information access laws and its aspects regarding possible similarities and differences. The application of the model allied with the literature dialogue, allowed to verify that there is a high correlation between the theoretical guidelines of information access laws; the laws of the countries of the Southern Cone have among themselves more similarities than dissimilarities both in its structural aspects and in the organization of the precepts. Finally, after all analyses, it is clear that the right of access to the information represented in the normative texts concentrates on three items concepts: divulgation/promotion, solicitation and restriction of information