17 research outputs found

    Relational Symbolic Execution

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    Symbolic execution is a classical program analysis technique used to show that programs satisfy or violate given specifications. In this work we generalize symbolic execution to support program analysis for relational specifications in the form of relational properties - these are properties about two runs of two programs on related inputs, or about two executions of a single program on related inputs. Relational properties are useful to formalize notions in security and privacy, and to reason about program optimizations. We design a relational symbolic execution engine, named RelSym which supports interactive refutation, as well as proving of relational properties for programs written in a language with arrays and for-like loops

    Synthesizing Dominant Strategies for Liveness

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    Reactive synthesis automatically derives a strategy that satisfies a given specification. However, requiring a strategy to meet the specification in every situation is, in many cases, too hard of a requirement. Particularly in compositional synthesis of distributed systems, individual winning strategies for the processes often do not exist. Remorsefree dominance, a weaker notion than winning, accounts for such situations: dominant strategies are only required to be as good as any alternative strategy, i.e.they are allowed to violate the specification if no other strategy would have satisfied it in the same situation. The composition of dominant strategies is only guaranteed to be dominant for safety properties, though; preventing the use of dominance in compositional synthesis for liveness specifications. Yet, safety properties are often not expressive enough. In this paper, we thus introduce a new winning condition for strategies, called delay-dominance, that overcomes this weakness of remorsefree dominance: we show that it is compositional for many safety and liveness specifications, enabling a compositional synthesis algorithm based on delay-dominance for general specifications. Furthermore, we introduce an automaton construction for recognizing delay-dominant strategies and prove its soundness and completeness. The resulting automaton is of single-exponential size in the squared length of the specification and can immediately be used for safraless synthesis procedures. Thus, synthesis of delay-dominant strategies is, as synthesis of winning strategies, in 2EXPTIME

    Executable cancer models: successes and challenges

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    Making decisions on how best to treat cancer patients requires the integration of different data sets, including genomic profiles, tumour histopathology, radiological images, proteomic analysis and more. This wealth of biological information calls for novel strategies to integrate such information in a meaningful, predictive and experimentally verifiable way. In this Perspective we explain how executable computational models meet this need. Such models provide a means for comprehensive data integration, can be experimentally validated, are readily interpreted both biologically and clinically, and have the potential to predict effective therapies for different cancer types and subtypes. We explain what executable models are and how they can be used to represent the dynamic biological behaviours inherent in cancer, and demonstrate how such models, when coupled with automated reasoning, facilitate our understanding of the mechanisms by which oncogenic signalling pathways regulate tumours. We explore how executable models have impacted the field of cancer research and argue that extending them to represent a tumour in a specific patient (that is, an avatar) will pave the way for improved personalized treatments and precision medicine. Finally, we highlight some of the ongoing challenges in developing executable models and stress that effective cross-disciplinary efforts are key to forward progress in the field

    A Learning-Based Approach to Synthesizing Invariants for Incomplete Verification Engines

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    Synthesizing Dominant Strategies for Liveness

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    Reactive synthesis automatically derives a strategy that satisfies a given specification. However, requiring a strategy to meet the specification in every situation is, in many cases, too hard of a requirement. Particularly in compositional synthesis of distributed systems, individual winning strategies for the processes often do not exist. Remorsefree dominance, a weaker notion than winning, accounts for such situations: dominant strategies are only required to be as good as any alternative strategy, i.e., they are allowed to violate the specification if no other strategy would have satisfied it in the same situation. The composition of dominant strategies is only guaranteed to be dominant for safety properties, though; preventing the use of dominance in compositional synthesis for liveness specifications. Yet, safety properties are often not expressive enough. In this paper, we thus introduce a new winning condition for strategies, called delay-dominance, that overcomes this weakness of remorsefree dominance: we show that it is compositional for both safety and liveness specifications, enabling a compositional synthesis algorithm based on delay-dominance for general specifications. Furthermore, we introduce an automaton construction for recognizing delay-dominant strategies and prove its soundness and completeness. The resulting automaton is of single-exponential size in the squared length of the specification and can immediately be used for safraless synthesis procedures. Thus, synthesis of delay-dominant strategies is, as synthesis of winning strategies, in 2EXPTIME