24 research outputs found

    Modeling and Optimization of Next-Generation Wireless Access Networks

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    The ultimate goal of the next generation access networks is to provide all network users, whether they are fixed or mobile, indoor or outdoor, with high data rate connectivity, while ensuring a high quality of service. In order to realize this ambitious goal, delay, jitter, error rate and packet loss should be minimized: a goal that can only be achieved through integrating different technologies, including passive optical networks, 4th generation wireless networks, and femtocells, among others. This thesis focuses on medium access control and physical layers of future networks. In this regard, the first part of this thesis discusses techniques to improve the end-to-end quality of service in hybrid optical-wireless networks. In these hybrid networks, users are connected to a wireless base station that relays their data to the core network through an optical connection. Hence, by integrating wireless and optical parts of these networks, a smart scheduler can predict the incoming traffic to the optical network. The prediction data generated herein is then used to propose a traffic-aware dynamic bandwidth assignment algorithm for reducing the end-to-end delay. The second part of this thesis addresses the challenging problem of interference management in a two-tier macrocell/femtocell network. A high quality, high speed connection for indoor users is ensured only if the network has a high signal to noise ratio. A requirement that can be fulfilled with using femtocells in cellular networks. However, since femtocells generate harmful interference to macrocell users in proximity of them, careful analysis and realistic models should be developed to manage the introduced interference. Thus, a realistic model for femtocell interference outside suburban houses is proposed and several performance measures, e.g., signal to interference and noise ratio and outage probability are derived mathematically for further analysis. The quality of service of cellular networks can be degraded by several factors. For example, in industrial environments, simultaneous fading and strong impulsive noise significantly deteriorate the error rate performance. In the third part of this thesis, a technique to improve the bit error rate of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing systems in industrial environments is presented. This system is the most widely used technology in next-generation networks, and is very susceptible to impulsive noise, especially in fading channels. Mathematical analysis proves that the proposed method can effectively mitigate the degradation caused by impulsive noise and significantly improve signal to interference and noise ratio and bit error rate, even in frequency-selective fading channels

    Novel Estimation and Detection Techniques for 5G Networks

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    The thesis presents several detection and estimation techniques that can be incorporated into the fifth-generation (5G) networks. First, the thesis presents a novel system for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) to estimate the channel blindly. The system is based on modulating particular pairs of subcarriers using amplitude shift keying (ASK) and phase-shift keying (PSK) adjacent in the frequency domain, which enables the realization of a decision-directed (DD) one-shot blind channel estimator (OSBCE). The performance of the proposed estimator is evaluated in terms of the mean squared error (MSE), where an accurate analytical expression is derived and verified using Monte Carlo simulation under various channel conditions. The system has also extended to exploits the channel correlation over consecutive OFDM symbols to estimate the channel parameters blindly. Furthermore, a reliable and accurate approach has been introduced to evaluate the spectral efficiency of various communications systems. The metric takes into consideration the system dynamics, QoS requirements, and design constraints. Next, a novel efficient receiver design for wireless communication systems that incorporate OFDM transmission has been proposed. The proposed receiver does not require channel estimation or equalization to perform coherent data detection. Instead, channel estimation, equalization, and data detection are combined into a single operation, and hence, the detector performs a direct data detector (D3). The performance of the proposed D3 is thoroughly analyzed theoretically in terms of bit error rate (BER), where closed-form accurate approximations are derived for several cases of interest, and validated by Monte Carlo simulations. The computational complexity of D3 depends on the length of the sequence to be detected. Nevertheless, a significant complexity reduction can be achieved using the Viterbi algorithm (VA). Finally, the thesis proposes a low-complexity algorithm for detecting anomalies in industrial steelmaking furnaces operation. The algorithm utilizes the vibration measurements collected from several built-in sensors to compute the temporal correlation using the autocorrelation function (ACF). Furthermore, the proposed model parameters are tuned by solving multi-objective optimization using a genetic algorithm (GA). The proposed algorithm is tested using a practical dataset provided by an industrial steelmaking plant

    Cache-Aware Adaptive Video Streaming in 5G networks

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    Η τεχνολογία προσαρμοστικής ροής video μέσω HTTP έχει επικρατήσει ως ο κυρίαρχος τρόπος μετάδοσης video στο Internet. Η τεχνολογία αυτή βασίζεται στη λήψη μικρών διαδοχικών τμημάτων video από έναν server. Μία πρόκληση που όμως δεν έχει διερευνηθεί επαρκώς είναι η λήψη τμημάτων video από περισσότερους από έναν servers, με τρόπο που να εξυπηρετεί τόσο τις ανάγκες του δικτύου όσο και τη βελτίωση της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας του χρήστη (Quality of Experience, QoE). Η συγκεκριμένη διπλωματική εργασία θα διερευνήσει αυτό το πρόβλημα, προσομοιώνοντας ένα δίκτυο με πολλαπλούς video servers και διάφορους video clients. Στη συνέχεια, θα υλοποιήσει τόσο την δυνατότητα επικοινωνίας peer-to-many στα πλαίσια της προσαρμοστικής ροής video όσο και τον αλγόριθμο επιλογής video server. Όλα αυτά θα διερευνηθούν στο περιβάλλον του Mininet, που είναι ένας δικτυακός εξομοιωτής, για να προσομοιωθεί η τεχνολογία DASH με τη βοήθεια των κόμβων του δικτύου του εξομοιωτή. Αρχικά, το βίντεο χωρίστηκε σε μικρά κομμάτια με τη βοήθεια του εργαλείου ffmpeg και στη συνέχεια, υλοποιήθηκαν πειράματα που ένας πελάτης ζητούσε το βίντεο από έναν server προσωρινής αποθήκευσης (cache server). Αν το συγκεκριμένο τμήμα του βίντεο δεν υπήρχε εκεί, τότε στελνόταν αίτημα από τον server προσωρινής αποθήκευσης σε έναν διακομιστή που περιείχε όλα τα τμήματα του βίντεο (main server). Στα πειράματα αυτά εξετάστηκε και η προστιθέμενη δικτυακή κίνηση, με τελικό συμπέρασμα ότι το περιβάλλον του Mininet προκαλεί αναπόφευκτους περιορισμούς στη περίπτωση της δικτυακής κίνησης, καθώς παρατηρήσαμε πως το κανάλι του server βάσης δεδομένων παρέμενε ανενεργό καθ’ όλη τη διάρκεια αιτημάτων από τον server προσωρινής αποθήκευσης, με αποτέλεσμα να δημιουργούνται συνθήκες μη-ρεαλιστικού δικτύου. Γι’ αυτόν τον λόγο, προβήκαμε στην υλοποίηση μιας νέας προσέγγισης, εξαλείφοντας το Mininet περιβάλλον και δουλεύοντας πάνω σε νέες τεχνικές προσθήκης δικτυακής κίνησης και τροποποιώντας την επικοινωνία των διακομιστών μεταξύ τους. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο, καταφέραμε να δείξουμε σαφέστερα τους περιορισμούς της προηγούμενης προσέγγισης αλλά και να συμπεράνουμε ότι η ύπαρξη servers προσωρινής αποθήκευσης είναι ένα χρήσιμο εργαλείο υπό όρους αύξησης της ποιότητας εμπειρίας ενός χρήστη. Η γενική τάση που παρατηρήθηκε ήταν ότι με την αύξηση του διαθέσιμου χώρου αποθήκευσης, η ποιότητα αναπαραγωγής του βίντεο ανέβαινε σε κάποιο βαθμό. Ταυτόχρονα όμως, το ποσοστό βελτίωσης αυτό, είναι άρρηκτα δεμένο με τον αλγόριθμο επιλογής κομματιών βίντεο που χρησιμοποιείται. Για ακόμα καλύτερα αποτελέσματα λοιπόν, θεωρείται αναγκαία η εύρεση της χρυσής τομής μεταξύ χωρητικότητας του χώρου προσωρινής αποθήκευσης και αλγορίθμου επιλογής κομματιών. Στην παρούσα διπλωματική παρουσιάζονται τα εξής κεφάλαια: Στο κεφάλαιο 1 αναφέρεται η ιστορική αναδρομή της τεχνολογίας των δικτύων. Στο κεφάλαιο 2 αναλύεται η τεχνολογία προσαρμοστικής ροής βίντεο μέσω HTTP. Στο κεφάλαιο 3 αναλύονται οι διαφορετικές τεχνικές προσωρινής αποθήκευσης. Στο κεφάλαιο 4 παρουσιάζεται η έννοια της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας του χρήστη και η συσχέτισή της με πολλούς άλλους παράγοντες. Το κεφάλαιο 5 περιγράφεται αναλυτικά η διαδικασία στησίματος του περιβάλλοντος και τα διάφορα απαραίτητα εργαλεία για την υλοποίησή μας. Το κεφάλαιο 6 αναφέρει τα πειράματα μέσω Mininet, την τοπολογία και όλο το στήσιμο, καθώς και τους λόγους που μας οδήγησαν στην πορεία μιας διαφορετικής προσέγγισης. Στο κεφάλαιο 7 προτείνεται η διαφορετική προσέγγιση και παρουσιάζεται η μεθοδολογία και οι μετρικές. Επίσης, αναλύονται διαγράμματα που εξάχθηκαν από την ανάλυση τω μετρικών. Τέλος, το κεφάλαιο 8 αφορά τα συμπεράσματα και θέματα μελλοντικής έρευνας για βελτίωση της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας του χρήστη περαιτέρω.Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) has prevailed as the dominant way of video transmission over the Internet. This technology is based on receiving small sequential video segments from a server. However, one challenge that has not been adequately examined, is the obtainment of video segments from more than one server, in a way that serves both the needs of the network and the improvement of the Quality of Experience (QoE). This thesis will investigate this problem by simulating a network with multiple video servers and a video client. It will then implement both the peer-to-many communication in the context of adaptive video streaming and the video server caching algorithm based on proposed criteria that will improve the status of the network and/or the user. All of this will be explored in the environment of Mininet, which is a network emulator, in order to simulate the DASH technology with the help of the emulator network nodes. Initially, the video was split into small segments using the ffmpeg tool, and then experiments were conducted in which a client requested the video from a cache server. If the segment could not be found in the cache server, then a request was sent from the cache server to a server that contained all segments of the video (main server). In these experiments, the added traffic was also examined, by concluded to the fact that the Mininet environment causes unavoidable limitations in the case of the traffic. What we observed was that the main server channel remained inactive throughout the requests of the cache server, resulting in unrealistic network conditions. For this reason, we have explored a new approach, eliminating the Mininet environment and working on new techniques for adding web traffic and modifying the communication of the servers, regarding the requests they receive. In this way, we were able to clearly show the limitations of the previous approach but also to conclude that the existence of caching servers is a useful tool in terms of increasing the quality of experience. The general tendency was that, as the available buffer size increased, the video playback quality increased to some extent. However, at the same time this improvement is linked to the random selection algorithm. For even better results, it is considered necessary to find an appropriate caching selection algorithm in order to take full advantage of the caching technology. The following chapters presented in this thesis are: Chapter 1 mentions the historical background of the networks. Chapter 2 analyzes the Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP. Chapter 3 analyzes the caching techniques. Chapter 4 presents the concept of Quality of Experience and its correlation with many other factors. Chapter 5 describes in detail the process of setting up the environment and the various necessary tools for our implementation. Chapter 6 refers to the Mininet experiments, the topology, and the set-up, as well as the reasons that led us to a different approach. Chapter 7 proposes the different approach and presents the methodology and the metrics. Also, diagrams extracted from the analysis of the metrics are analyzed in Chapter 7. Finally, Chapter 8 summarizes the conclusions and issues of future research to improve the Quality of Experience even further

    Joint Radar and Communication Design: Applications, State-of-the-Art, and the Road Ahead

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    Sharing of the frequency bands between radar and communication systems has attracted substantial attention, as it can avoid under-utilization of otherwise permanently allocated spectral resources, thus improving efficiency. Further, there is increasing demand for radar and communication systems that share the hardware platform as well as the frequency band, as this not only decongests the spectrum, but also benefits both sensing and signaling operations via the full cooperation between both functionalities. Nevertheless, the success of spectrum and hardware sharing between radar and communication systems critically depends on high-quality joint radar and communication designs. In the first part of this paper, we overview the research progress in the areas of radar-communication coexistence and dual-functional radar-communication (DFRC) systems, with particular emphasis on application scenarios and technical approaches. In the second part, we propose a novel transceiver architecture and frame structure for a DFRC base station (BS) operating in the millimeter wave (mmWave) band, using the hybrid analog-digital (HAD) beamforming technique. We assume that the BS is serving a multi-antenna user equipment (UE) over a mmWave channel, and at the same time it actively detects targets. The targets also play the role of scatterers for the communication signal. In that framework, we propose a novel scheme for joint target search and communication channel estimation, which relies on omni-directional pilot signals generated by the HAD structure. Given a fully-digital communication precoder and a desired radar transmit beampattern, we propose to design the analog and digital precoders under non-convex constant-modulus (CM) and power constraints, such that the BS can formulate narrow beams towards all the targets, while pre-equalizing the impact of the communication channel. Furthermore, we design a HAD receiver that can simultaneously process signals from the UE and echo waves from the targets. By tracking the angular variation of the targets, we show that it is possible to recover the target echoes and mitigate the resulting interference to the UE signals, even when the radar and communication signals share the same signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The feasibility and efficiency of the proposed approaches in realizing DFRC are verified via numerical simulations. Finally, the paper concludes with an overview of the open problems in the research field of communication and radar spectrum sharing (CRSS)

    High speed 802.11ad wireless video streaming

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    The aim of this thesis is to investigate, both theoretically and experimentally, the capability of the IEEE 802.11ad device, the Wireless Gigabit Alliance known as WiGig operating in the 60 GHz band to handle rise in data traffic ubiquitous to high speed data transmission such as bulk data transfer, and wireless video streaming. According to Cisco and others, it is estimated that in 2020, internet video traffic will account for 82 % of all consumer internet traffic. This research evalu- ated the feasibility of the 60 GHz to provide minimum data rate of about 970 Mbps from the Ethernet link limited or clamped to 1 Gbps. This translated to 97 % effi- ciency with respect to the IEEE 802.11ad system performance. For the first time, the author proposed the enhancement of millimetre wave propagation through the use of specular reflection in non-line-of-sight environment, providing at least 94 % bandwidth utilization. Additional investigations result of the IEEE 802.11ad device in real live streaming of 4k ultra-high definition (UHD) video shows the feasibility of aggressive frequency reuse in the absence of co-channel interference. Moreover, using heuristic approach, this work compared materials absorption and signal reception at 60 GHz and the results gives better performance in contrast to the theoretical values. Finally, this thesis proposes a framework for the 802.11ad wireless H.264 video streaming over 60 GHz band. The work describes the potential and efficiency of WiGig device in streaming high definition (HD) video with high temporal index (TI) and 4k UHD video with no retransmission. Caching point established at the re-transmitter increase coverage and cache multimedia data. The results in this thesis shows the growing potential of millimeter wave technology, the WiGig for very high speed bulk data transfer, and live streaming video transmission

    Adaptive Precoding and Resource Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    In this thesis, we develop efficient resource allocation and adaptive precoding schemes for two scenarios: multiuser MIMO-OFDM and multiuser MIMO based CR networks. In the context of the multiuser MIMO-OFDM CR network, we have developed resource allocation and adaptive precoding schemes for both the downlink (DL) and uplink (UL). The proposed schemes are characterized by both computational and spectral efficiencies. The adaptive precoder operates based on generating degrees of freedom (DoF). The resource allocation has been formulated as a sum-rate maximization problem subject to the upper-limit of total power and interference at primary user constraints. The formulated optimization problem is a mixed integer programming having a combinatorial complexity which is hard to solve, and therefore we separated it into a two-phase procedure to elaborate computational efficiency: Adaptive precoding (DoF assignment) and subcarrier mapping. From the implementation perspective, the resource allocation of the DL is central based processing, but the UL is semi-distributed based. The DL and UL problems are sorted out using the Lagrange multiplier theory which is regarded as an efficient alternative methodology compared to the convex optimization theory. The solution is not only characterized by low-complexity, but also by optimality. Numerical simulations illustrate remarkable spectral and SNR gains provided by the proposed schemes.In dieser Dissertation werden effiziente Ressourcenallokation und adaptive Vorkodierungsverfahren für zwei Szenarios entwickelt: Mehrbenutzer-MIMO-OFDM und Mehrbenutzer-MIMO jeweils basierend auf CR-Netzwerken. Im Bereich der Mehrbenutzer-MIMO-OFDM CR-Netzwerke wurden Verfahren zur Ressourcenallokation und zur adaptiven Vorkodierung jeweils für den Downlink (DL) und den Uplink (UL) entwickelt. Die Ressourcenallokation wurde als Optimierungsproblem formuliert, bei dem die Summenrate maximiert wird, wobei die Gesamtsendeleistung und die Interferenz an den Primärnutzern begrenzt ist. Das formulierte Optimierungsproblem ist ein sogenanntes Mixed-Integer-Programm, dessen kombinatorische Komplexität nur extrem aufwendig lösbar ist. Auf Grund dessen wurde es zur Komplexitätsreduktion in zwei Phasen aufgeteilt: Adaptive Vorkodierung (DoF-Zuordnung) und Subkanalzuordnung. Während die Ressourcenallokation für den DL aus Implementierungssicht ein zentralistischer Prozess ist, kann sie für den UL als semiverteilt eingeordnet werden. Die Aufgabe der zentralen Ressourcenallokation wird gelöst, um die zentrale adaptive Vorkodierung und die Subkanalzuordnung für UL und DL zu verwalten. Die Subkanalzuordnung ist für den DL optimal und effizient gelöst, indem das Problem als konvexes Problem modelliert ist. Für den UL wiederum ist das Problem trotz der Konvexität quasi-optimal gelöst, da in der Problemformulierung eine Begrenzung der Ressourcen pro Benutzer existiert