24 research outputs found

    FCS-MPC-Based Current Control of a Five-Phase Induction Motor and its Comparison with PI-PWM Control

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    This paper presents an investigation of the finite-control-set model predictive control (FCS-MPC) of a five-phase induction motor drive. Specifically, performance with regard to different selections of inverter switching states is investigated. The motor is operated under rotor flux orientation, and both flux/torque producing (d-q) and nonflux/torque producing (x-y) currents are included into the quadratic cost function. The performance is evaluated on the basis of the primary plane, secondary plane, and phase (average) current ripples, across the full inverter's linear operating region under constant flux-torque operation. A secondary plane current ripple weighting factor is added in the cost function, and its impact on all the studied schemes is evaluated. Guidelines for the best switching state set and weighting factor selections are thus established. All the considerations are accompanied with both simulation and experimental results, which are further compared with the steady-state and transient performance of a proportional-integral pulsewidth modulation (PI-PWM)-based current control scheme. While a better transient performance is obtained with FCS-MPC, steady-state performance is always superior with PI-PWM control. It is argued that this is inevitable in multiphase drives in general, due to the existence of nonflux/torque producing current components. © 1982-2012 IEEE

    Comparative Study of DTC and RFOC Methods for the Open-Phase Fault Operation of a 5-Phase Induction Motor Drive

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    Direct Torque Control (DTC) technique has been applied in recent times in high performance five-phase induction motor drives during the normal operation of the system. The use of DTC in the multiphase area is far from becoming a reality because it has not been used in competitive multiphase applications where the fault operation needs to be considered. The authors have successfully tested the ability of DTC controllers to manage the open-phase fault operation in a five-phase induction motor drive. However, the conclusion of the mentioned study must be completed comparing the obtained results with other mature alternatives based on field oriented controllers. This paper focuses on the comparative analysis of DTC and Rotor Field Oriented Control (RFOC) when an open-phase fault appears in the five-phase induction motor drive. Simulation results are provided to compare the performance of the system using these control alternatives

    Open-Phase Fault Operation of 5-Phase Induction Motor Drives using DTC Techniques

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    Direct torque control (DTC) is extensively used in conventional three-phase drives as an alternative to field-oriented control methods. The standard DTC technique was originally designed to regulate two independent variables using hysteresis controllers. Recent works have extended the procedure for five-phase drives in healthy operation accounting for the additional degrees of freedom. Although one of the main advantages of multiphase machines is the ability to continue the operation in faulty conditions, the utility of DTC after the appearance of a fault has not been covered in the literature yet. This paper analyses the operation of a five-phase induction motor drive in faulty situation using a DTC controller. An open-phase fault condition is considered, and simulation results are provided to study the performance of the drive, comparing with the behavior during healthy state

    Comparative Study of DTC and RFOC Methods for the Open-Phase Fault Operation of a 5-Phase Induction Motor Drive

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    Direct Torque Control (DTC) technique has been applied in recent times in high performance five-phase induction motor drives during the normal operation of the system. The use of DTC in the multiphase area is far from becoming a reality because it has not been used in competitive multiphase applications where the fault operation needs to be considered. The authors have successfully tested the ability of DTC controllers to manage the open-phase fault operation in a five-phase induction motor drive. However, the conclusion of the mentioned study must be completed comparing the obtained results with other mature alternatives based on field oriented controllers. This paper focuses on the comparative analysis of DTC and Rotor Field Oriented Control (RFOC) when an open-phase fault appears in the five-phase induction motor drive. Simulation results are provided to compare the performance of the system using these control alternatives

    Open-Phase Fault Operation of 5-Phase Induction Motor Drives using DTC Techniques

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    Direct torque control (DTC) is extensively used in conventional three-phase drives as an alternative to field-oriented control methods. The standard DTC technique was originally designed to regulate two independent variables using hysteresis controllers. Recent works have extended the procedure for five-phase drives in healthy operation accounting for the additional degrees of freedom. Although one of the main advantages of multiphase machines is the ability to continue the operation in faulty conditions, the utility of DTC after the appearance of a fault has not been covered in the literature yet. This paper analyses the operation of a five-phase induction motor drive in faulty situation using a DTC controller. An open-phase fault condition is considered, and simulation results are provided to study the performance of the drive, comparing with the behavior during healthy state

    Model predictive control of six-phase induction motor drives using virtual voltage vectors

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    The most serious and recent competitor to the standard field oriented control for induction motors (IM) is the finite control set model predictive control (FCS-MPC). Nevertheless, the extension to multiphase drives faces the impossibility to simultaneously regulate the flux/torque and the secondary current components (typically termed x − y in the literature). The application of a single switching state during the whole sampling period inevitably implies the appearance of x − y voltage/currents that increase the system losses and deteriorate the power quality. These circulating currents become intolerably high as per the unit x − y impedance and the switching frequency diminish. Aiming to overcome this limitation, this work suggests the integration of virtual voltage vectors (VVs) into the FCS-MPC structure. The VVs ensure null x − y voltages on average during the sampling period and the MPC approach selects the most suitable VV to fulfill the flux/torque requirements. The experimental results for a six-phase case study compare the standard FCS-MPC with the suggested method, confirming that the VV-based MPC maintains the flux/torque regulation and successfully improves the power quality and efficiency

    Model Predictive Control based on Dynamic Voltage Vectors for Six-phase Induction Machines

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    Model predictive control (MPC) has been recently suggested as an interesting alternative for the regulation of multiphase electric drives because it easily exploits the inherent advantages of multiphase machines. However, the standard MPC applies a single switching state during the whole sampling period, inevitably leading to an undesired x y voltage production. Consequently, its performance can be highly degraded when the stator leakage inductance is low. This shortcoming has been, however, mitigated in recent work with the implementation of virtual/synthetic voltage vectors (VVs) in MPC strategies. Their implementation reduces the phase current harmonic distortion since the average x y voltage production becomes null. Nevertheless, VVs have a static nature because they are generally estimated offline, and this implies that the flux/torque regulation is suboptimal. Moreover, these static VVs also present some limitations from the point of view of the dc-link voltage exploitation. Based on these previous limitations, this article proposes the implementation of dynamic virtual voltage vectors (DVVs), where VVs are created online within the MPC strategy. This new concept provides an online optimization of the output voltage production depending on the operating point, resulting in an enhanced flux/torque regulation and a better use of the dc-link voltage. Experimental results have been employed to assess the goodness of the proposed MPC based on DVVs.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RTI2018-096151-B-100

    A Comparative Study of Synchronous Current Control Schemes Based on FCS-MPC and PI-PWM for a Two-Motor Three-Phase Drive

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    A two-motor drive, supplied by a five-leg inverter, is considered in this paper. The independent control of machines with full dc-bus voltage utilization is typically achieved using an existing pulsewidth modulation (PWM) technique in conjunction with field-oriented control, based on PI current control. However, model predictive control (MPC), based on a finite number of control inputs [finite-control-set MPC (FCS-MPC)], does not utilize a pulsewidth modulator. This paper introduces three FCS-MPC schemes for synchronous current control in this drive system. The first scheme uses all of the available switching states. The second and third schemes are aimed at reducing the computational burden and utilize a reduced set of voltage vectors and a duty ratio partitioning principle, respectively. Steady-state and transient performances are analyzed and compared both against each other and with respect to the field-oriented control based on PI controllers and PWM. All analyses are experimental and use the same experimental rig and test conditions. Comparison of the predictive schemes leads to the conclusion that the first two schemes have the fastest transient response. The third scheme has a much smaller current ripple while achieving perfect control decoupling between the machines and is of low computational complexity. Nevertheless, at approximately the same switching loss, the PI-PWM control yields the lowest current ripple but with slower electrical transient response. © 1982-2012 IEEE

    Open-Phase Fault-Tolerant Direct Torque Control Technique for Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives

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    Direct torque control (DTC) has been widely used as an alternative to traditional field-oriented control (FOC) methods for three-phase drives. The conventional DTC scheme has been successfully extended to multiphase drives in recent times, using hysteresis regulators to independently track the desired torque and flux in symmetrical five-phase induction machines (IMs). The fault-tolerant capability of multiphase drives is an interesting intrinsic advantage for safety-critical applications, where recent research has demonstrated the effectiveness of FOC schemes to perform ripple-free postfault operation. In spite of the utility of DTC methods in normal operation of the multiphase machine, no extension to manage the postfault operation of the drive is found in the literature. In this paper, a novel fault-tolerant DTC scheme is presented. The performance of the proposed method is experimentally validated in a five-phase IM drive considering an open-phase fault condition. Provided tests analyze steady and transient states, including the transition from pre- to postfault operation. Obtained results prove the interest of the proposal, which ensures the open-phase fault-tolerant capability of DTC-controlled five-phase IM drives