444 research outputs found

    2015 Grizzly Football Yearbook

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    Annual yearbook of the University of Montana’s Athletics Department. This volume covers the period from fall 2015 through spring 2016.https://scholarworks.umt.edu/grizzlyfootball_yearbooks/1065/thumbnail.jp

    Policy 15.02.2 of the NCAA Regulation Handbook: An Impact Analysis

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    In January 2015, the Power Five Conferences of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) passed a new policy to change the procedure by which the amount of athletic financial aid is calculated and provided to student athletes (Sherman, 2015). Policy 15.02.2 of the NCAA Regulation Handbook states that institutions can provide athletic financial aid based on the cost of attendance rather than the cost of living (National Colligate Athletic Association, 2017). The previous policy allowed for institutions to provide cost of living aid, including total cost of tuition, books, supplies, and meals (National Colligate Athletic Association, 2012). The new ruling adds transportation, childcare, disability costs, and miscellaneous personal expenses in the calculations when figuring the total amount of athletic financial aid to be provided to student athletes (National Colligate Athletic Association, 2017). University financial aid offices are responsible for calculating the full cost of an athlete’s attendance (New, 2015). This allows each institution to interpret the policy and decide how much financial aid to provide to the student athletes. San Jose State University’s (SJSU) Athletic Department implemented Policy 15.02.2 for the 2015/2016 academic year using funding from the university. This initial funding was provided as a one-time allotment, with subsequent monies for full cost of attendance being the responsibility of the Athletic Department (Murray, 2015). San Jose State Athletics has been responsible for funding cost of attendance following the one-time allotment (Poch, 2017). With a limited athletics budget, does offering cost of attendance packages to student athletes benefit the university through improved athletic performance and more winning games or events? Does the higher cost-of-attendance financial support promote financial fairness and just compensation to the student athletes receiving this aid? Does the university receive any downstream deliverable benefits that justify the increased cost, such as increased freshman enrollments following a winning season, or increased donations to the Spartan Foundation and the Athletic Department to support the increased cost of athletics

    2016 Grizzly Football Yearbook

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    Annual yearbook of the University of Montana’s Athletics Department. This volume covers the period from fall 2016 through spring 2017.https://scholarworks.umt.edu/grizzlyfootball_yearbooks/1066/thumbnail.jp

    2013 Grizzly Football Yearbook

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    Annual yearbook of the University of Montana’s Athletics Department. This volume covers the period from fall 2013 through spring 2014.https://scholarworks.umt.edu/grizzlyfootball_yearbooks/1060/thumbnail.jp

    Title IX Compliance: A Comparison of Division I Equality

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    The passage of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 has had a significant impact on college athletics. However, there is still a large disparity between opportunities offered for men and women. This study determined the true gender equality within Division I athletics. Inequalities were assessed in the areas of athletic participation, athletically related student aid, recruiting expenses, and total expenses. Data from these areas were gathered from the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Analysis Cutting Tool. Ratios and the difference between the ideal and current values were calculated for each category. Institutions were ranked in each category, as well as by total composite score. It is believed that schools will meet Title IX, but will not be equitable in all areas. Based upon the data and results, based on both strict proportionality and proportionality within five percent, Division I athletics are not equitable in the assessed areas

    2015 Georgia Southern Football Full Media Guide

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    2015 Georgia Southern Football Media Guid

    Refugee Outreach and Engagement Programs for Police Agencies

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    The world is in the midst of a global migration crisis. By the close of 2015, the number of forcibly displaced persons around the globe had reached 65.3 million, surpassing levels seen in the aftermath of the Second World War. Of these, 21.3 million were refugees—persons whose displacement forces them to flee their home countries due to a well-founded fear of persecution.Much of the attention surrounding the migration crisis in the past two years has centered on Europe, to which more than one million migrants and refugees made their way in 2015. Most came from Syria, fleeing the violence that has beset the country since 2011.Historically, however, it is the United States that has resettled more refugees than any other country in the world.4, 5 Since 1975, more than three million refugees have begun new lives in the United States. For police agencies across the country, this means that every year refugees are joining the communities they serve. Refugees often face unique challenges when building new lives in the United States, and police departments play a critical role in ensuring their successful integration into the community.In 2016, and as part of a general support grant from Carnegie Corporation, the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) examined promising practices and lessons learned for police outreach to refugees in the community. As part of this study, PERF documented the impact that refugee outreach has on police work, public safety, and building trust with the community. PERF conducted site visits with police departments and their community partners, as well as in-depth telephone interviews with police practitioners across the country. With support from Carnegie Corporation, PERF also held a one-day forum in Washington, D.C. on September 13, 2016 for police agencies and their community partners to discuss refugee engagement and methods for success. This report details PERF's findings. Intended to serve as a guide for police professionals, this report presents promising practices and lessons learned for conducting outreach to your refugee community.

    2014 Grizzly Football Yearbook

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    Annual yearbook of the University of Montana’s Athletics Department. This volume covers the period from fall 2014 through spring 2015.https://scholarworks.umt.edu/grizzlyfootball_yearbooks/1061/thumbnail.jp
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