6 research outputs found

    An Integrated Interactive Technique for Image Segmentation using Stack based Seeded Region Growing and Thresholding

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    Image segmentation is a challenging process in numerous applications. Region growing is one of the segmentation techniques as a basis for the Seeded Region Growing method. A novel real time integrated method was developed in the current work to locate the segmented region of interest of an image based on the Region Growing segmentation method along with the thresholding supported image segmentation. Through the proposed work, a homogeneity based on pixel intensity was suggested as well as the threshold value can be decided via a variety of schemes such as manual selection, Iterative method, Otsu’s method, local thresholding to obtain the best possible threshold. The experimental results were performed on different images obtained from an Alpert dataset. A comparative study was arried out with the human segmented image, threshold based region growing, and the proposed integrated method. The results established that the proposed integrated method outperformed the region growing method in terms of the recall and F-score. Although, it had comparable recall values with that gained by the human segmented images. It was noted that as the image under test had a dark background with the brighter object, thus the proposed method provided the superior recall value compared to the other methods

    The Segmentation Analysis of Retinal Image Based on K-means Algorithm for Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Hypertensive Retinopathy

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    Computer-aided diagnosis of hypertensive retinopathy (CAD-HR) is performed by analyzing the retinal image. The analysis is carried out in several stages, one of which is image segmentation. The segmentation carried out so far generally uses a region-based and threshold-based approach. There is not yet a clustering-based approach, and there has been no previous analysis of why clustering-based is not yet widely used. This study aims to conduct clustering-based Segmentation analysis, specifically k-means clustering in CAD-HR. The research method used is divided into four stages, namely preprocessing, segmentation, feature extraction using fractal dimensions, statistical analysis for classification, and classification. Testing is done using the DRIVE and STARE datasets. The results of statistical tests showed that the number of clusters 3 was able to provide a significant difference between the fractal positive and negative dimensions of hypertensive retinopathy. The model of CAD-RH using the k-means algorithm for segmentation method is able to provide 80% sensitivity performance. The k-mean algorithm can be used as an alternative to segmenting retinal blood vessels

    A Novel Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation Algorithm using Fuzzy segmentation

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    Assessment of blood vessels in retinal images is an important factor for many medical disorders. The changes in the retinal vessels due to the pathologies can be easily identified by segmenting the retinal vessels. Segmentation of retinal vessels is done to identify the early diagnosis of the disease like glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, hypertensive retinopathy and arteriosclerosis. In this paper, we propose an automatic blood vessel segmentation method. The proposed algorithm starts with the extraction of blood vessel centerline pixels. The final segmentation is obtained using an iterative region growing method that merges the binary images resulting from centerline detection part with the image resulting from fuzzy vessel segmentation part. In this proposed algorithm, the blood vessel is enhanced using modified morphological operations and the salt and pepper noises are removed from retinal images using Adaptive Fuzzy Switching Median filter. This method is applied on two publicly available databases, the DRIVE and the STARE and the experimental results obtained by using green channel images have been presented and compared with recently published methods. The results demonstrate that our algorithm is very effective method to detect retinal blood vessels.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i4.625

    Parameter optimization for local polynomial approximation based intersection confidence interval filter using genetic algorithm: an application for brain MRI image de-noising

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is extensively exploited for more accuratepathological changes as well as diagnosis. Conversely, MRI suffers from variousshortcomings such as ambient noise from the environment, acquisition noise from theequipment, the presence of background tissue, breathing motion, body fat, etc.Consequently, noise reduction is critical as diverse types of the generated noise limit the efficiency of the medical image diagnosis. Local polynomial approximation basedintersection confidence interval (LPA-ICI) filter is one of the effective de-noising filters.This filter requires an adjustment of the ICI parameters for efficient window size selection.From the wide range of ICI parametric values, finding out the best set of tunes values is itselfan optimization problem. The present study proposed a novel technique for parameteroptimization of LPA-ICI filter using genetic algorithm (GA) for brain MR imagesde-noising. The experimental results proved that the proposed method outperforms theLPA-ICI method for de-noising in terms of various performance metrics for different noisevariance levels. Obtained results reports that the ICI parameter values depend on the noisevariance and the concerned under test image