1,317 research outputs found

    Extremal results for rooted minor problems

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    Counting Contours on Trees

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    We calculate the exact number of contours of size nn containing a fixed vertex in dd-ary trees and provide sharp estimates for this number for more general trees. We also obtain a characterization of the locally finite trees with infinitely many contours of the same size containing a fixed vertex.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Number of cliques in graphs with a forbidden subdivision

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    We prove that for all positive integers tt, every nn-vertex graph with no KtK_t-subdivision has at most 250tn2^{50t}n cliques. We also prove that asymptotically, such graphs contain at most 2(5+o(1))tn2^{(5+o(1))t}n cliques, where o(1)o(1) tends to zero as tt tends to infinity. This strongly answers a question of D. Wood asking if the number of cliques in nn-vertex graphs with no KtK_t-minor is at most 2ctn2^{ct}n for some constant cc.Comment: 10 pages; to appear in SIAM J. Discrete Mat

    Processes on Unimodular Random Networks

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    We investigate unimodular random networks. Our motivations include their characterization via reversibility of an associated random walk and their similarities to unimodular quasi-transitive graphs. We extend various theorems concerning random walks, percolation, spanning forests, and amenability from the known context of unimodular quasi-transitive graphs to the more general context of unimodular random networks. We give properties of a trace associated to unimodular random networks with applications to stochastic comparison of continuous-time random walk.Comment: 66 pages; 3rd version corrects formula (4.4) -- the published version is incorrect --, as well as a minor error in the proof of Proposition 4.10; 4th version corrects proof of Proposition 7.1; 5th version corrects proof of Theorem 5.1; 6th version makes a few more minor correction

    On limits of Graphs Sphere Packed in Euclidean Space and Applications

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    The core of this note is the observation that links between circle packings of graphs and potential theory developed in \cite{BeSc01} and \cite{HS} can be extended to higher dimensions. In particular, it is shown that every limit of finite graphs sphere packed in Rd\R^d with a uniformly-chosen root is dd-parabolic. We then derive few geometric corollaries. E.g.\,every infinite graph packed in Rd\R^{d} has either strictly positive isoperimetric Cheeger constant or admits arbitrarily large finite sets WW with boundary size which satisfies WWd1d+o(1) |\partial W| \leq |W|^{\frac{d-1}{d}+o(1)}. Some open problems and conjectures are gathered at the end

    Diszkrét matematika = Discrete mathematics

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    A pályázat résztvevői igen aktívak voltak a 2006-2008 években. Nemcsak sok eredményt értek el, miket több mint 150 cikkben publikáltak, eredményesen népszerűsítették azokat. Több mint 100 konferencián vettek részt és adtak elő, felerészben meghívott, vagy plenáris előadóként. Hagyományos gráfelmélet Több extremális gráfproblémát oldottunk meg. Új eredményeket kaptunk Ramsey számokról, globális és lokális kromatikus számokról, Hamiltonkörök létezéséséről. a crossig numberről, gráf kapacitásokról és kizárt részgráfokról. Véletlen gráfok, nagy gráfok, regularitási lemma Nagy gráfok "hasonlóságait" vizsgáltuk. Különféle metrikák ekvivalensek. Űj eredeményeink: Hereditary Property Testing, Inverse Counting Lemma and the Uniqueness of Hypergraph Limit. Hipergráfok, egyéb kombinatorika Új Sperner tipusú tételekte kaptunk, aszimptotikusan meghatározva a halmazok max számát bizonyos kizárt struktőrák esetén. Több esetre megoldottuk a kizárt hipergráf problémát is. Elméleti számítástudomány Új ujjlenyomat kódokat és bioinformatikai eredményeket kaptunk. | The participants of the project were scientifically very active during the years 2006-2008. They did not only obtain many results, which are contained in their more than 150 papers appeared in strong journals, but effectively disseminated them in the scientific community. They participated and gave lectures in more than 100 conferences (with multiplicity), half of them were plenary or invited talks. Traditional graph theory Several extremal problems for graphs were solved. We obtained new results for certain Ramsey numbers, (local and global) chromatic numbers, existence of Hamiltonian cycles crossing numbers, graph capacities, and excluded subgraphs. Random graphs, large graphs, regularity lemma The "similarities" of large graphs were studied. We show that several different definitions of the metrics (and convergence) are equivalent. Several new results like the Hereditary Property Testing, Inverse Counting Lemma and the Uniqueness of Hypergraph Limit were proved Hypergraphs, other combinatorics New Sperner type theorems were obtained, asymptotically determining the maximum number of sets in a family of subsets with certain excluded configurations. Several cases of the excluded hypergraph problem were solved. Theoretical computer science New fingerprint codes and results in bioinformatics were found