2,298 research outputs found

    Randomness Extraction in AC0 and with Small Locality

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    Randomness extractors, which extract high quality (almost-uniform) random bits from biased random sources, are important objects both in theory and in practice. While there have been significant progress in obtaining near optimal constructions of randomness extractors in various settings, the computational complexity of randomness extractors is still much less studied. In particular, it is not clear whether randomness extractors with good parameters can be computed in several interesting complexity classes that are much weaker than P. In this paper we study randomness extractors in the following two models of computation: (1) constant-depth circuits (AC0), and (2) the local computation model. Previous work in these models, such as [Vio05a], [GVW15] and [BG13], only achieve constructions with weak parameters. In this work we give explicit constructions of randomness extractors with much better parameters. As an application, we use our AC0 extractors to study pseudorandom generators in AC0, and show that we can construct both cryptographic pseudorandom generators (under reasonable computational assumptions) and unconditional pseudorandom generators for space bounded computation with very good parameters. Our constructions combine several previous techniques in randomness extractors, as well as introduce new techniques to reduce or preserve the complexity of extractors, which may be of independent interest. These include (1) a general way to reduce the error of strong seeded extractors while preserving the AC0 property and small locality, and (2) a seeded randomness condenser with small locality.Comment: 62 page

    Two-Source Condensers with Low Error and Small Entropy Gap via Entropy-Resilient Functions

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    In their seminal work, Chattopadhyay and Zuckerman (STOC\u2716) constructed a two-source extractor with error epsilon for n-bit sources having min-entropy {polylog}(n/epsilon). Unfortunately, the construction\u27s running-time is {poly}(n/epsilon), which means that with polynomial-time constructions, only polynomially-small errors are possible. Our main result is a {poly}(n,log(1/epsilon))-time computable two-source condenser. For any k >= {polylog}(n/epsilon), our condenser transforms two independent (n,k)-sources to a distribution over m = k-O(log(1/epsilon)) bits that is epsilon-close to having min-entropy m - o(log(1/epsilon)). Hence, achieving entropy gap of o(log(1/epsilon)). The bottleneck for obtaining low error in recent constructions of two-source extractors lies in the use of resilient functions. Informally, this is a function that receives input bits from r players with the property that the function\u27s output has small bias even if a bounded number of corrupted players feed adversarial inputs after seeing the inputs of the other players. The drawback of using resilient functions is that the error cannot be smaller than ln r/r. This, in return, forces the running time of the construction to be polynomial in 1/epsilon. A key component in our construction is a variant of resilient functions which we call entropy-resilient functions. This variant can be seen as playing the above game for several rounds, each round outputting one bit. The goal of the corrupted players is to reduce, with as high probability as they can, the min-entropy accumulated throughout the rounds. We show that while the bias decreases only polynomially with the number of players in a one-round game, their success probability decreases exponentially in the entropy gap they are attempting to incur in a repeated game

    Improved Extractors for Recognizable and Algebraic Sources

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    Simple extractors via constructions of cryptographic pseudo-random generators

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    Trevisan has shown that constructions of pseudo-random generators from hard functions (the Nisan-Wigderson approach) also produce extractors. We show that constructions of pseudo-random generators from one-way permutations (the Blum-Micali-Yao approach) can be used for building extractors as well. Using this new technique we build extractors that do not use designs and polynomial-based error-correcting codes and that are very simple and efficient. For example, one extractor produces each output bit separately in O(log2n)O(\log^2 n) time. These extractors work for weak sources with min entropy λn\lambda n, for arbitrary constant λ>0\lambda > 0, have seed length O(log2n)O(\log^2 n), and their output length is nλ/3\approx n^{\lambda/3}.Comment: 21 pages, an extended abstract will appear in Proc. ICALP 2005; small corrections, some comments and references adde

    Two Structural Results for Low Degree Polynomials and Applications

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    In this paper, two structural results concerning low degree polynomials over finite fields are given. The first states that over any finite field F\mathbb{F}, for any polynomial ff on nn variables with degree dlog(n)/10d \le \log(n)/10, there exists a subspace of Fn\mathbb{F}^n with dimension Ω(dn1/(d1))\Omega(d \cdot n^{1/(d-1)}) on which ff is constant. This result is shown to be tight. Stated differently, a degree dd polynomial cannot compute an affine disperser for dimension smaller than Ω(dn1/(d1))\Omega(d \cdot n^{1/(d-1)}). Using a recursive argument, we obtain our second structural result, showing that any degree dd polynomial ff induces a partition of FnF^n to affine subspaces of dimension Ω(n1/(d1)!)\Omega(n^{1/(d-1)!}), such that ff is constant on each part. We extend both structural results to more than one polynomial. We further prove an analog of the first structural result to sparse polynomials (with no restriction on the degree) and to functions that are close to low degree polynomials. We also consider the algorithmic aspect of the two structural results. Our structural results have various applications, two of which are: * Dvir [CC 2012] introduced the notion of extractors for varieties, and gave explicit constructions of such extractors over large fields. We show that over any finite field, any affine extractor is also an extractor for varieties with related parameters. Our reduction also holds for dispersers, and we conclude that Shaltiel's affine disperser [FOCS 2011] is a disperser for varieties over F2F_2. * Ben-Sasson and Kopparty [SIAM J. C 2012] proved that any degree 3 affine disperser over a prime field is also an affine extractor with related parameters. Using our structural results, and based on the work of Kaufman and Lovett [FOCS 2008] and Haramaty and Shpilka [STOC 2010], we generalize this result to any constant degree