194 research outputs found

    A hybrid approach for text summarization using semantic latent Dirichlet allocation and sentence concept mapping with transformer

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    Automatic text summarization generates a summary that contains sentences reflecting the essential and relevant information of the original documents. Extractive summarization requires semantic understanding, while abstractive summarization requires a better intermediate text representation. This paper proposes a hybrid approach for generating text summaries that combine extractive and abstractive methods. To improve the semantic understanding of the model, we propose two novel extractive methods: semantic latent Dirichlet allocation (semantic LDA) and sentence concept mapping. We then generate an intermediate summary by applying our proposed sentence ranking algorithm over the sentence concept mapping. This intermediate summary is input to a transformer-based abstractive model fine-tuned with a multi-head attention mechanism. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed hybrid model generates coherent summaries using the intermediate extractive summary covering semantics. As we increase the concepts and number of words in the summary the rouge scores are improved for precision and F1 scores in our proposed model

    A news image captioning approach based on multimodal pointer-generator network

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    News image captioning aims to generate captions or descriptions for news images automatically, serving as draft captions for creating news image captions manually. News image captions are different from generic captions as news image captions contain more detailed information such as entity names and events. Therefore, both images on news and the accompanying text are the source of generating caption of news image. Pointer-generator network is a neural method defined for text summarization. This article proposes the Multimodal pointer-generation network by incorporating visual information into the original network for news image captioning. The multimodal attention mechanism is proposed by splitting attention into visual attention paid to the image and textual attention paid to the text. The multimodal pointer mechanism is proposed by using both textual attention and visual attention to compute pointer distributions, where visual attention is first transformed into textual attention via the word-image relationships. The multimodal coverage mechanism is defined to reduce repetitions of attentions or repetitions of pointer distributions. Experiments on the DailyMail test dataset and the out-of-domain BBC test dataset show that the proposed model outperforms the original pointer-generator network, the generic image captioning method, the extractive news image captioning method, and the LDA-based method according BLEU, METEOR, and ROUGL-L evaluations. Experiments also show that the proposed multimodal coverage mechanisms can improve the model, and that transforming visual attention to pointer distributions can improve the model

    Multimodal video abstraction into a static document using deep learning

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    Abstraction is a strategy that gives the essential points of a document in a short period of time. The video abstraction approach proposed in this research is based on multi-modal video data, which comprises both audio and visual data. Segmenting the input video into scenes and obtaining a textual and visual summary for each scene are the major video abstraction procedures to summarize the video events into a static document. To recognize the shot and scene boundary from a video sequence, a hybrid features method was employed, which improves detection shot performance by selecting strong and flexible features. The most informative keyframes from each scene are then incorporated into the visual summary. A hybrid deep learning model was used for abstractive text summarization. The BBC archive provided the testing videos, which comprised BBC Learning English and BBC News. In addition, a news summary dataset was used to train a deep model. The performance of the proposed approaches was assessed using metrics like Rouge for textual summary, which achieved a 40.49% accuracy rate. While precision, recall, and F-score used for visual summary have achieved (94.9%) accuracy, which performed better than the other methods, according to the findings of the experiments
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