2 research outputs found

    Using Multi-indices Approach to Quantify Mangrove Changes Over the Western Arabian Gulf along Saudi Arabia Coast

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    Mangroves habitat present an important resource for large coastal communities benefiting from activities such as fisheries, forest products and clean water as well as protection against coastal erosion and climate related extreme events. Yet they are increasingly threatened by natural pressure and anthropogenic activities. We observed an inaccurate distribution of mangroves over the Western Arabian Gulf (WAG) which is a vital habitat and resource for the local ecosystem, according to the United Stated Geological Survey (USGS) mangrove database through spectral analysis. Change detection analysis is conducted on mangrove forests along the Saudi Arabian coast of the WAG for the years 2000, 2010 and 2018 using Landsat 7 & 8 data. Three supervised classification methodologies are employed for mangrove mapping, including Supported Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree (DT), referred to as Classification and Regression Trees (CART) and Random Forest (RF). CART’s accuracy was recorded to be \u3e95% while other classifiers were \u3e90%. The CART supervised learning classifier, mapping mangroves’ distribution and biomass using Google Earth Engine (GEE) online platform, indicates an overall increase in the northern Tarut Bay and Tarut Island, by 0.21 km2 from 2000 to 2010 and by 1.4 km2 from 2010 to 2018. The increase might be due to mitigation strategies such as mangrove breeding and plantation. It can be challenging to detect changes in certain regions due to the inadequate resolution of Landsat where submerged mangroves can be confused with salt marshes and macro algae. We employed a new method to identify and analyze submerged mangrove forests distribution via a submerged mangrove recognition index (SMRI) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in Abu Ali Island. Our results show the robustness of SMRI as an effective indicator to detect submerged mangroves in both high and medium spatial resolution satellite images. NDVI values differentiated submerged mangroves from tidal flats between Landsat 7 & 8 as well as during conditions of low and high tides. High resolution WorldView-2 image showed agreement of mangroves distribution with the SMRI and NDVI results

    Large-Scale High-Resolution Coastal Mangrove Forests Mapping Across West Africa With Machine Learning Ensemble and Satellite Big Data

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    Coastal mangrove forests provide important ecosystem goods and services, including carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, and hazard mitigation. However, they are being destroyed at an alarming rate by human activities. To characterize mangrove forest changes, evaluate their impacts, and support relevant protection and restoration decision making, accurate and up-to-date mangrove extent mapping at large spatial scales is essential. Available large-scale mangrove extent data products use a single machine learning method commonly with 30 m Landsat imagery, and significant inconsistencies remain among these data products. With huge amounts of satellite data involved and the heterogeneity of land surface characteristics across large geographic areas, finding the most suitable method for large-scale high-resolution mangrove mapping is a challenge. The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of a machine learning ensemble for mangrove forest mapping at 20 m spatial resolution across West Africa using Sentinel-2 (optical) and Sentinel-1 (radar) imagery. The machine learning ensemble integrates three commonly used machine learning methods in land cover and land use mapping, including Random Forest (RF), Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM), and Neural Network (NN). The cloud-based big geospatial data processing platform Google Earth Engine (GEE) was used for pre-processing Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 data. Extensive validation has demonstrated that the machine learning ensemble can generate mangrove extent maps at high accuracies for all study regions in West Africa (92%–99% Producer’s Accuracy, 98%–100% User’s Accuracy, 95%–99% Overall Accuracy). This is the first-time that mangrove extent has been mapped at a 20 m spatial resolution across West Africa. The machine learning ensemble has the potential to be applied to other regions of the world and is therefore capable of producing high-resolution mangrove extent maps at global scales periodically.</p