6 research outputs found

    Un metodo basato su LDA per la sentiment analysis

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    2011 - 2012La progressiva diffusione dei social network, sia generalisti (quali Twitter, Facebook o Google+, la recente piattaforma messa a punto da Google) sia specializzati (ad esempio le comunità professionali di Linkedin), ha reso disponibili una massiccia e inedita quantità di dati sulle preferenze sulle opinioni degli utenti. Questi dati, disponibili in quantità significative e in tempo reale, possono essere sia di carattere orizzontale e quindi di caratterizzazione territoriale (grazie anche alla possibilità di geo localizzazione degli smartphone, tablet e integrati nei MID (Mobile Internet Device) di ultima generazione, sia verticale (in termini anagrafici, culturali, professionali e in termini di orientamenti settoriali e capacità di spesa). La qualità e la contestualità (temporale e spaziale) di questi dati sulle tendenze degli utenti, con l’affermazione (oramai consolidata) del Web 2.0 (oggi Web 3.0), amplia la dimensione partecipativa alle scelte dell’impresa e delle istituzioni. Più che sul giacimento di idee e di opinioni disponibili in rete, imprese e istituzioni dovrebbero puntare sul valore delle comunità virtuali per modificare le proprie strategie di marketing, partendo proprio dal concetto di stakeholder, sviluppando, con il monitoraggio degli orientamenti, nuove metodologie di CRM... [a cura dell'autore]XI n.s

    The impact of the visual merchandise display on consumer purchases of luxury brands: the moderating role of cultural capital

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    This thesis argues that Visual Merchandise Display (VMD) can enhance consumers intentions to buy luxury brands and this influence is stronger for the consumers with higher cultural capital (CC) than those with lower CC. Prior research in store atmospherics has suggested that consumers make inferences about a product, a store or a seller based on high-image or low-image store environment cues. Contemporary research in the luxury retailing literature explores qualitatively, the role of of museocological product presentation techniques in building and sustaining a luxury brand image. However, the extant literature does not consider that people can differ in their ability to decode or appreciate such display tecniques. This thesis builds on the emerging research in luxury retailing by investigating (empirically and quantitatively in four studies) the impact of VMD on consumer purchase intentions of luxury brands as well as the moderating role of the consumers CC. Furthermore, it attempts to explain this effect by adopting a consumer-style-of-processing approach, and it explores whether the consumers CC can determine their holistic or analytical way of processing of visual information in a retail context

    Co-Creativity and Engaged Scholarship

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    This open access book explores creative and collaborative forms of research praxis within the social sustainability sciences. The term co-creativity is used in reference to both individual methods and overarching research approaches. Supported by a series of in-depth examples, the edited collection critically reviews the potential of co-creative research praxis to nurture just and transformative processes of change. Included amongst the individual chapters are first-hand accounts of such as: militant research strategies and guerrilla narrative, decolonial participative approaches, appreciative inquiry and care-ethics, deep-mapping, photo-voice, community-arts, digital participatory mapping, creative workshops and living labs. The collection considers how, through socially inclusive forms of action and reflection, such co-creative methods can be used to stimulate alternative understandings of why and how things are, and how they could be. It provides illustrations of (and problematizes) the use of co-creative methods as overtly disruptive interventions in their own right, and as a means of enriching the transformative potential of transdisciplinary and more traditional forms of social science research inquiry. The positionality of the researcher, together with the emotional and embodied dimensions of engaged scholarship, are threads which run throughout the book. So too does the question of how to communicate sustainability science research in a meaningful way

    Co-Creativity and Engaged Scholarship

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    This open access book explores creative and collaborative forms of research praxis within the social sustainability sciences. The term co-creativity is used in reference to both individual methods and overarching research approaches. Supported by a series of in-depth examples, the edited collection critically reviews the potential of co-creative research praxis to nurture just and transformative processes of change. Included amongst the individual chapters are first-hand accounts of such as: militant research strategies and guerrilla narrative, decolonial participative approaches, appreciative inquiry and care-ethics, deep-mapping, photo-voice, community-arts, digital participatory mapping, creative workshops and living labs. The collection considers how, through socially inclusive forms of action and reflection, such co-creative methods can be used to stimulate alternative understandings of why and how things are, and how they could be. It provides illustrations of (and problematizes) the use of co-creative methods as overtly disruptive interventions in their own right, and as a means of enriching the transformative potential of transdisciplinary and more traditional forms of social science research inquiry. The positionality of the researcher, together with the emotional and embodied dimensions of engaged scholarship, are threads which run throughout the book. So too does the question of how to communicate sustainability science research in a meaningful way