17 research outputs found

    From Monolith to Microservices: A Classification of Refactoring Approaches

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    While the recently emerged Microservices architectural style is widely discussed in literature, it is difficult to find clear guidance on the process of refactoring legacy applications. The importance of the topic is underpinned by high costs and effort of a refactoring process which has several other implications, e.g. overall processes (DevOps) and team structure. Software architects facing this challenge are in need of selecting an appropriate strategy and refactoring technique. One of the most discussed aspects in this context is finding the right service granularity to fully leverage the advantages of a Microservices architecture. This study first discusses the notion of architectural refactoring and subsequently compares 10 existing refactoring approaches recently proposed in academic literature. The approaches are classified by the underlying decomposition technique and visually presented in the form of a decision guide for quick reference. The review yielded a variety of strategies to break down a monolithic application into independent services. With one exception, most approaches are only applicable under certain conditions. Further concerns are the significant amount of input data some approaches require as well as limited or prototypical tool support.Comment: 13 pages, 4 tables, 2 figures, Software Engineering Aspects of Continuous Development and New Paradigms of Software Production and Deployment, First International Workshop, DEVOPS 2018, Chateau de Villebrumier, France, March 5-6, 2018, Revised Selected Paper

    Security Scanner For Web Applications Case Study: Learning Management System

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    In software engineering, web applications are software that are accessed using a web browser through a network such as the Internet or intranet. Web applications are applications that can be relied on by users to do many useful activities. Despite the awareness of web application developers about safe programming practices, there are still many aspect in web applications that can be exploited by attacker. The development of web applications and the Internet causes the movement of information systems to use them as a basis. Security is needed to protect the contents of web applications that are sensitive and provide a safe process of sending data, therefore application security must be applied to all infrastructure that supports web applications, including the web application itself. Most organizations today have some kind of web application security program or try to build/ improve. But most of these programs do not get the results expected for the organization, are not durable or are not able to provide value continuously and efficiently and also cannot improve the mindset of developers to build/ design secure web applications. This research aims to develop a web application security scanner that can help overcome security problems in web applications

    Migrasi dari Arsitektur Monolitik Server ke Micro Service untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Aplikasi E-Rapor

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    Baik perusahaan berskala besar seperti Amazon sampai dengan UKM telah menggunakan arsitektur microservice untuk meningkatkan skalabilitasnya. Mereka juga mempertimbangkan pembiayaan untuk mengembangkan aplikasinya. Penelitian ini akan membahas proses migrasi aplikasi E-rapor dari arsitektur monolitik ke arsitektur microservice untuk meningkatkan kinerja melayani user lebih banyak dengan waktu lebih cepat dan mengurangi biaya sumber daya. Akan dihitung pula besarnya waktu proses migrasinya. Selain proses migrasi, penyesuaian kode dan peningkatan kinerja database juga dipertimbangkan. Pada penelitian ini ditingkatkan pelayanan kepada pengguna dengan mengoptimalkan dari segi arsitektur software. Aplikasi dirombak arsitekturnya dari monolitik ke micro service dikarenakan ketika menggunakan arsitektur monolitik, skalabilitas hanya mengandalkan upgrade pada server yang besar dan tentunya membutuhkan biaya yang banyak dibandingkan micro service yang mengandalkan pengoptimalan dari sisi software dengan service worker mengacu pada pengelolaan server yang lebih baik. Hasil pengujian stresstest dari arsitektur microservice mampu menangani 90 pengguna dalam satu waktu dibanding menggunakan arsitektur monilitik yang hanya 40 pengguna dalam satu waktu. Penelitian ini berada dalam tingkat ketersiapan teknologi level 7, demonstrasi prototipe sistem telah di uji coba di SD Muhammadiyah Ambarketawang 3

    La arquitectura de software basada en microservicios: Una revisión sistemática de la literatura

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    El estilo de arquitectura de software basado en microservicios se ha ido convirtiendo en un tema de interés debido a los múltiples beneficios que otorga a las organizaciones que lo adoptan para el desarrollo de sus sistemas de software. Este estilo propone desarrollar la aplicación como un conjunto de pequeños servicios, cada uno ejecutándose independientemente y comunicándose entre sí. El presente artículo busca identificar patrones, buenas prácticas y técnicas relacionadas con la arquitectura de software basada en microservicios. Para la identificación de los elementos mencionados se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura en las bases de datos reconocidas. De un total de 394 artículos revisados, se identificaron 24 artículos que hacen referencia a la arquitectura basada en microservicios y sus elementos. Luego de realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura se pudo identificar 8 patrones en los cuales se destaca la contenerización de servicios y la descomposición de monolitos, 1 técnica relacionada a la migración de aplicaciones monolíticas a microservicios y 4 buenas prácticas destacadas las cuales pertenecen a DevOps.Trabajo de investigaciónLIMAEscuela Profesional de Ingeniería de SistemasIngeniería de Softwar

    Serverless software engineering – and how to get there

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    Serverless computing is on the rise but developing software to exploit this space involves a deep rethink of software architecture, deployment, and operation (perhaps also, software development processes and team structures). Central to this revolution, we find a compelling argument for distributed, services-based software architectures. But converting a large, established monolith architecture system to microservices is non-trivial and fraught with both cost and risk. For the many firms with established software systems, this architectural system conversion might be considered the first stop-off on the journey to serverless computing. In tandem, software deployment and production monitoring also require reinvention. The focus of this paper involves an examination of the advantages of microservices architectures, include techniques for migrating from monolith architectures. Through application of a Multivocal Literature Review (MLR), we find that migrating from a monolith architecture to a microservices architecture is risky and non-trivial, but that there are techniques that can be employed to support the transition. We find also that monoliths have their advantages which might be overlooked to some extent in the race to serverless computing

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