10 research outputs found

    Reproducibility and Concordance of Differential DNA Methylation and Gene Expression in Cancer

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    Background: Hundreds of genes with differential DNA methylation of promoters have been identified for various cancers. However, the reproducibility of differential DNA methylation discoveries for cancer and the relationship between DNA methylation and aberrant gene expression have not been systematically analysed. Methodology/Principal Findings: Using array data for seven types of cancers, we first evaluated the effects of experimental batches on differential DNA methylation detection. Second, we compared the directions of DNA methylation changes detected from different datasets for the same cancer. Third, we evaluated the concordance between methylation and gene expression changes. Finally, we compared DNA methylation changes in different cancers. For a given cancer, the directions of methylation and expression changes detected from different datasets, excluding potential batch effects, were highly consistent. In different cancers, DNA hypermethylation was highly inversely correlated with the down-regulation of gene expression, whereas hypomethylation was only weakly correlated with the up-regulation of genes. Finally, we found that genes commonly hypomethylated in different cancers primarily performed functions associated with chronic inflammation, such as ‘keratinization’, ‘chemotaxis ’ and ‘immune response’. Conclusions: Batch effects could greatly affect the discovery of DNA methylation biomarkers. For a particular cancer, both differential DNA methylation and gene expression can be reproducibly detected from different studies with no batc

    DAC-driven Integrative Network Regulation and Pathway Coordination in Breast Cancer

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    Epigenetic variation represents a mechanism of regulation for genes expressed in different cancer histotypes. We considered breast cancer, and investigated differential expression following treatment with the 5-Aza-2\u27-deoxycytidine or DAC, a demethylating agent. Several oncogenic signalling pathways altered upon DAC treatment were detected with significant enrichment, and a regulatory map integrating Transcription Factors and microRNAs was derived. The ultimate goal is deciphering the potential molecular mechanisms induced by DAC therapy in MCF7 cell

    Reproducible Cancer Biomarker Discovery in SELDI-TOF MS Using Different Pre-Processing Algorithms

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    BACKGROUND: There has been much interest in differentiating diseased and normal samples using biomarkers derived from mass spectrometry (MS) studies. However, biomarker identification for specific diseases has been hindered by irreproducibility. Specifically, a peak profile extracted from a dataset for biomarker identification depends on a data pre-processing algorithm. Until now, no widely accepted agreement has been reached. RESULTS: In this paper, we investigated the consistency of biomarker identification using differentially expressed (DE) peaks from peak profiles produced by three widely used average spectrum-dependent pre-processing algorithms based on SELDI-TOF MS data for prostate and breast cancers. Our results revealed two important factors that affect the consistency of DE peak identification using different algorithms. One factor is that some DE peaks selected from one peak profile were not detected as peaks in other profiles, and the second factor is that the statistical power of identifying DE peaks in large peak profiles with many peaks may be low due to the large scale of the tests and small number of samples. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the DE peak detection power in large profiles could be improved by the stratified false discovery rate (FDR) control approach and that the reproducibility of DE peak detection could thereby be increased. CONCLUSIONS: Comparing and evaluating pre-processing algorithms in terms of reproducibility can elucidate the relationship among different algorithms and also help in selecting a pre-processing algorithm. The DE peaks selected from small peak profiles with few peaks for a dataset tend to be reproducibly detected in large peak profiles, which suggests that a suitable pre-processing algorithm should be able to produce peaks sufficient for identifying useful and reproducible biomarkers

    Pathway landscapes and epigenetic regulation in breast cancer and melanoma cell lines

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    Background Epigenetic variation is a main regulation mechanism of gene expression in various cancer histotypes, and due to its reversibility, the potential impact in therapy can be very relevant. Methods Based on a selected pair, breast cancer (BC) and melanoma, we conducted inference analysis in parallel on a few cell lines (MCF-7 for BC and A375 for melanoma). Starting from differential expression after treatment with a demethylating agent, the 5-Aza-2\u27-deoxycytidine (DAC), we provided pathway enrichment analysis and gene regulatory maps with cross-linked microRNAs and transcription factors. Results Several oncogenic signaling pathways altered upon DAC treatment were detected with significant enrichment. We represented the association between these cancers by depicting the landscape of common and specific variation affecting them

    Multi-level reproducibility of signature hubs in human interactome for breast cancer metastasis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It has been suggested that, in the human protein-protein interaction network, changes of co-expression between highly connected proteins ("hub") and their interaction neighbours might have important roles in cancer metastasis and be predictive disease signatures for patient outcome. However, for a cancer, such disease signatures identified from different studies have little overlap.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here, we propose a systemic approach to evaluate the reproducibility of disease signatures at multiple levels, on the basis of some statistically testable biological models. Using two datasets for breast cancer metastasis, we showed that different signature hubs identified from different studies were highly consistent in terms of significantly sharing interaction neighbours and displaying consistent co-expression changes with their overlapping neighbours, whereas the shared interaction neighbours were significantly over-represented with known cancer genes and enriched in pathways deregulated in breast cancer pathogenesis. Then, we showed that the signature hubs identified from the two datasets were highly reproducible at the protein interaction and pathway levels in three other independent datasets.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results provide a possible biological model that different signature hubs altered in different patient cohorts could disturb the same pathways associated with cancer metastasis through their interaction neighbours.</p

    A framework for list representation, enabling list stabilization through incorporation of gene exchangeabilities

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    Analysis of multivariate data sets from e.g. microarray studies frequently results in lists of genes which are associated with some response of interest. The biological interpretation is often complicated by the statistical instability of the obtained gene lists with respect to sampling variations, which may partly be due to the functional redundancy among genes, implying that multiple genes can play exchangeable roles in the cell. In this paper we use the concept of exchangeability of random variables to model this functional redundancy and thereby account for the instability attributable to sampling variations. We present a flexible framework to incorporate the exchangeability into the representation of lists. The proposed framework supports straightforward robust comparison between any two lists. It can also be used to generate new, more stable gene rankings incorporating more information from the experimental data. Using a microarray data set from lung cancer patients we show that the proposed method provides more robust gene rankings than existing methods with respect to sampling variations, without compromising the biological significance

    Single Sample Expression-Anchored Mechanisms Predict Survival in Head and Neck Cancer

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    Gene expression signatures that are predictive of therapeutic response or prognosis are increasingly useful in clinical care; however, mechanistic (and intuitive) interpretation of expression arrays remains an unmet challenge. Additionally, there is surprisingly little gene overlap among distinct clinically validated expression signatures. These “causality challenges” hinder the adoption of signatures as compared to functionally well-characterized single gene biomarkers. To increase the utility of multi-gene signatures in survival studies, we developed a novel approach to generate “personal mechanism signatures” of molecular pathways and functions from gene expression arrays. FAIME, the Functional Analysis of Individual Microarray Expression, computes mechanism scores using rank-weighted gene expression of an individual sample. By comparing head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) samples with non-tumor control tissues, the precision and recall of deregulated FAIME-derived mechanisms of pathways and molecular functions are comparable to those produced by conventional cohort-wide methods (e.g. GSEA). The overlap of “Oncogenic FAIME Features of HNSCC” (statistically significant and differentially regulated FAIME-derived genesets representing GO functions or KEGG pathways derived from HNSCC tissue) among three distinct HNSCC datasets (pathways:46%, p<0.001) is more significant than the gene overlap (genes:4%). These Oncogenic FAIME Features of HNSCC can accurately discriminate tumors from control tissues in two additional HNSCC datasets (n = 35 and 91, F-accuracy = 100% and 97%, empirical p<0.001, area under the receiver operating characteristic curves = 99% and 92%), and stratify recurrence-free survival in patients from two independent studies (p = 0.0018 and p = 0.032, log-rank). Previous approaches depending on group assignment of individual samples before selecting features or learning a classifier are limited by design to discrete-class prediction. In contrast, FAIME calculates mechanism profiles for individual patients without requiring group assignment in validation sets. FAIME is more amenable for clinical deployment since it translates the gene-level measurements of each given sample into pathways and molecular function profiles that can be applied to analyze continuous phenotypes in clinical outcome studies (e.g. survival time, tumor volume)

    Pathway landscape and regulatory networks of epigenetically modified Breast Cancer genes

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    Epigenetic changes are a key regulator of gene expression in different cancer histotypes. After investigating the differentially expressed genes upon treatment with a demethylating agent, e.g. DAC, we performed pathways enrichment analysis and investigated the map of Transcription Factors and microRNAs regulating the epigenetically modified genes. Our results revealed several oncogenic signalling pathways that are altered upon DAC treatment, thus depicting a breast cancer specific pathway landscape. Also, the regulatory maps that have been reported offer a contribution to the understanding of the potential molecular mechanisms induced by DAC therapy