2,874 research outputs found

    Ensemble of Different Approaches for a Reliable Person Re-identification System

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    An ensemble of approaches for reliable person re-identification is proposed in this paper. The proposed ensemble is built combining widely used person re-identification systems using different color spaces and some variants of state-of-the-art approaches that are proposed in this paper. Different descriptors are tested, and both texture and color features are extracted from the images; then the different descriptors are compared using different distance measures (e.g., the Euclidean distance, angle, and the Jeffrey distance). To improve performance, a method based on skeleton detection, extracted from the depth map, is also applied when the depth map is available. The proposed ensemble is validated on three widely used datasets (CAVIAR4REID, IAS, and VIPeR), keeping the same parameter set of each approach constant across all tests to avoid overfitting and to demonstrate that the proposed system can be considered a general-purpose person re-identification system. Our experimental results show that the proposed system offers significant improvements over baseline approaches. The source code used for the approaches tested in this paper will be available at https://www.dei.unipd.it/node/2357 and http://robotics.dei.unipd.it/reid/

    Hybrid mamdani fuzzy rules and convolutional neural networks for analysis and identification of animal images

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    Accurate, fast, and automatic detection and classification of animal images is challenging, but it is much needed for many real-life applications. This paper presents a hybrid model of Mamdani Type-2 fuzzy rules and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) applied to identify and distinguish various animals using different datasets consisting of about 27,307 images. The proposed system utilizes fuzzy rules to detect the image and then apply the CNN model for the object’s predicate category. The CNN model was trained and tested based on more than 21,846 pictures of animals. The experiments’ results of the proposed method offered high speed and efficiency, which could be a prominent aspect in designing image-processing systems based on Type 2 fuzzy rules characterization for identifying fixed and moving images. The proposed fuzzy method obtained an accuracy rate for identifying and recognizing moving objects of 98% and a mean square error of 0.1183464 less than other studies. It also achieved a very high rate of correctly predicting malicious objects equal to recall = 0.98121 and a precision rate of 1. The test’s accuracy was evaluated using the F1 Score, which obtained a high percentage of 0.99052

    Crack Analyser: a novel image-based NDT approach for measuring crack severity ​

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    openIn Europa, le infrastrutture civili e di trasporto necessitano di una manutenzione efficace e proattiva per garantire il continuo funzionamento in sicurezza durante l'intero loro ciclo di vita. I paesi europei devono ogni anno stanziare enormi risorse per mantenere il loro livello di funzionalità. Ciò fa sorgere la necessità urgente di adottare approcci di ispezione di monitoraggio più rapidi e affidabili per aiutare ad affrontare questi problemi. Il deterioramento delle strutture è più spesso anticipato dalla formazione di fessure sulla superficie del calcestruzzo. La presenza di fessurazioni può essere sintomo di diverse problematiche quali dilatazioni e ritiri dovuti a sbalzi di temperatura, assestamenti della struttura, copertura impropria fornita in fase di getto, corrosione delle armature in acciaio, carichi pesanti applicati, vibrazioni insufficienti al momento della posa del calcestruzzo o perdite d'acqua per ritiro superficiale del calcestruzzo. Diventa quindi di primaria importanza l'identificazione, la misurazione e il monitoraggio delle fessurazioni sulla superficie del calcestruzzo. I principali metodi di ispezione attualmente adottati si basano su strumenti manuali e righelli: un’attività lunga e ingombrante, soggetta a errori e scarsamente oggettiva sull'analisi quantitativa perché fortemente dipendente dall'esperienza dell'operatore. Secondo la norma UNI EN 1992-1-1:2005, la larghezza massima delle fessure del calcestruzzo ammessa per una generica classe di rischio è di 0,3 mm. Per questo motivo, per misurare in modo accurato e affidabile la dimensione della fessura, è necessario l’impiego di strumenti di misura con caratteristiche metrologiche adeguate (es. precisione e accuratezza almeno un ordine inferiore al valore da misurare). In caso contrario, la severità della fessura potrebbe essere classificata erroneamente. Questo lavoro di tesi propone un nuovo approccio automatico, basato su immagini, in grado di localizzare e misurare fessure su superfici in calcestruzzo rispettando il vincolo metrologico imposto dalla norma UNI EN 1992-1-1:2005. Utilizzando una sola immagine, il metodo sviluppato è in grado di localizzare e misurare automaticamente e rapidamente la larghezza e la lunghezza di una fessura su una superficie. Il sistema di misura sviluppato sfrutta una singola telecamera operante nel campo del visibile per acquisire un'immagine digitalizzata della superficie da ispezionare. Il componente software del sistema riceve in input la singola immagine che inquadra la crepa e fornisce in output un'immagine aumentata dove viene evidenziata la crepa e la sua larghezza e lunghezza media/max. La misura della larghezza della fessura viene eseguita perpendicolarmente alla linea centrale della fessura con una precisione sub-pixel. Il sistema di misurazione è stato implementato su uno smartphone per eseguire ispezioni manuali da parte dell'operatore e su sistemi integrati per l'ispezione remota con robot o velivoli senza pilota (UAV)). Le strategie sviluppate possono essere facilmente estese a qualsiasi altro contesto in cui sia richiesto un controllo di qualità superficiale mirato all'identificazione e misura di eventuali danni o difettosità. ​Europe’s ageing transport infrastructure needs effective and proactive maintenance in order to continue its safe operation during the entire life cycle; European countries have to allocate huge resources for maintaining their service-ability level. This give rise to the necessity of an urgent need to adopt faster and more reliable monitoring inspection approaches to help tackling these issues. The deterioration of structures is most often foreseen by the formation of cracks on concrete surface. The presence of cracks can be a symptom of various problems like expansion and shrinks due to temperature differences, settlement of the structure, improper cover provided during concreting, corrosion of reinforcement steel, heavy load applied, insufficient vibration at the time of laying the concrete or loss of water from concrete surface shrinkage, therefore the identification, measurement and monitoring of cracks on the concrete surface becomes of primary importance. The main currently adopted inspection methods rely on visual marking and rulers, long and cumbersome activity, prone to errors and poorly objective on quantitative analysis because it strongly depends on operator experience. According to UNI EN 1992-1-1:2005 standard , the maximum admitted concrete crack width is 0.3 mm. For this reason, to accurately and reliably measure the target dimension, it is necessary to employ measurement instruments with suitable metrological characteristics (e.g. precision and accuracy at least one order lower than the value to be measured). Otherwise, the crack severity could be misclassified. This thesis work proposes a novel automatic image-based approach able to locate and measure cracks on concrete surfaces respecting the metrological constraint imposed by UNI EN 1992-1-1:2005 standard. Using only one image, the developed method is able to automatically and rapidly locate and measure the average width and length of a crack in an existing concrete structure. The measurement system developed exploits a single camera working in the visible range to acquire a digitized image of the structure being inspected. The software component of the system receives as input the single image framing the crack and gives as output an augmented image where the crack is highlighted as well as its average/max width and length. The measure of the crack width is performed perpendicularly to the crack central line with sub-pixel accuracy. The measurement system has been deployed on a smartphone for operator-based manual inspections as well on embedded systems for remote inspection with robots or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The strategies developed can be easily extended from concrete inspection applications to any other context where a surface quality control targeted to the identification of eventual damages/defects is required. The activity was triggered by an explicit need within the EnDurCrete project. ​INGEGNERIA INDUSTRIALEembargoed_20220321Giulietti, Nicol

    Towards Data-Driven Large Scale Scientific Visualization and Exploration

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    Technological advances have enabled us to acquire extremely large datasets but it remains a challenge to store, process, and extract information from them. This dissertation builds upon recent advances in machine learning, visualization, and user interactions to facilitate exploration of large-scale scientific datasets. First, we use data-driven approaches to computationally identify regions of interest in the datasets. Second, we use visual presentation for effective user comprehension. Third, we provide interactions for human users to integrate domain knowledge and semantic information into this exploration process. Our research shows how to extract, visualize, and explore informative regions on very large 2D landscape images, 3D volumetric datasets, high-dimensional volumetric mouse brain datasets with thousands of spatially-mapped gene expression profiles, and geospatial trajectories that evolve over time. The contribution of this dissertation include: (1) We introduce a sliding-window saliency model that discovers regions of user interest in very large images; (2) We develop visual segmentation of intensity-gradient histograms to identify meaningful components from volumetric datasets; (3) We extract boundary surfaces from a wealth of volumetric gene expression mouse brain profiles to personalize the reference brain atlas; (4) We show how to efficiently cluster geospatial trajectories by mapping each sequence of locations to a high-dimensional point with the kernel distance framework. We aim to discover patterns, relationships, and anomalies that would lead to new scientific, engineering, and medical advances. This work represents one of the first steps toward better visual understanding of large-scale scientific data by combining machine learning and human intelligence

    Automatic Update of Airport GIS by Remote Sensing Image Analysis

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    This project investigates ways to automatically update Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for airports by analysis of Very High Resolution (VHR) remote sensing images. These GIS databases map the physical layout of an airport by representing a broad range of features (such as runways, taxiways and roads) as georeferenced vector objects. Updating such systems therefore involves both automatic detection of relevant objects from remotely sensed images, and comparison of these objects between bi-temporal images. The size of the VHR images and the diversity of the object types to be captured in the GIS databases makes this a very large and complex problem. Therefore we must split it into smaller parts which can be framed as instances of image processing problems. The aim of this project is to apply a range of methodologies to these problems and compare their results, providing quantitative data where possible. In this report, we devote a chapter to each sub-problem that was focussed on. Chapter 1 begins by introducing the background and motivation of the project, and describes the problem in more detail. Chapter 2 presents a method for detecting and segmenting runways, by detecting their distinctive markings and feeding them into a modified Hough transform. The algorithm was tested on a dataset of six bi-temporal remote sensing image pairs and validated against manually generated ground-truth GIS data, provided by Jeppesen. Chapter 3 investigates co-registration of bi-temporal images, as a necessary precursor to most direct change detection algorithms. Chapter 4 then tests a range of bi-temporal change detection algorithms (some standard, some novel) on co-registered images of airports, with the aim of producing a change heat-map which may assist a human operator in rapidly focussing attention on areas that have changed significantly. Chapter 5 explores a number of approaches to detecting curvilinear AMDB features such as taxilines and stopbars, by means of enhancing such features and suppressing others, prior to thresholding. Finally in Chapter 6 we develop a method for distinguishing between AMDB lines and other curvilinear structures that may occur in an image, by analysing the connectivity between such features and the runways

    Recurrent Fusion Network for Image Captioning

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    Recently, much advance has been made in image captioning, and an encoder-decoder framework has been adopted by all the state-of-the-art models. Under this framework, an input image is encoded by a convolutional neural network (CNN) and then translated into natural language with a recurrent neural network (RNN). The existing models counting on this framework merely employ one kind of CNNs, e.g., ResNet or Inception-X, which describe image contents from only one specific view point. Thus, the semantic meaning of an input image cannot be comprehensively understood, which restricts the performance of captioning. In this paper, in order to exploit the complementary information from multiple encoders, we propose a novel Recurrent Fusion Network (RFNet) for tackling image captioning. The fusion process in our model can exploit the interactions among the outputs of the image encoders and then generate new compact yet informative representations for the decoder. Experiments on the MSCOCO dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed RFNet, which sets a new state-of-the-art for image captioning.Comment: ECCV-1
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