7,692 research outputs found

    A Semantic Social Recommender System Using Ontologies Based Approach For Tunisian Tourism

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    Tunisia is well placed in terms of medical tourism and has highly qualified and specialized medical and surgical teams. Integrating social networks in Tunisian medical tourism recommender systems can result in much more accurate recommendations. That is to say, information, interests, and recommendations retrieved from social networks can improve the prediction accuracy. This paper aims to improve traditional recommender systems by incorporating information in social network; including user preferences and influences from social friends. Accordingly, a user interest ontology is developed to make personalized recommendations out of such information. In this paper, we present a semantic social recommender system employing a user interest ontology and a Tunisian Medical Tourism ontology. Our system can improve the quality of recommendation for Tunisian tourism domain. Finally, our social recommendation algorithm is implemented in order to be used in a Tunisia tourism Website to assist users interested in visiting Tunisia for medical purposes

    Harnessing heterogeneous social networks for better recommendations: A grey relational analysis approach

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    Most of the extant studies in social recommender system are based on explicit social relationships, while the potential of implicit relationships in the heterogeneous social networks remains largely unexplored. This study proposes a new approach to designing a recommender system by employing grey relational analysis on the heterogeneous social networks. It starts with the establishment of heterogeneous social networks through the user-item bipartite graph, user social network graph and user-attribute bipartite graph; and then uses grey relational analysis to identify implicit social relationships, which are then incorporated into the matrix factorization model. Five experiments were conducted to test the performance of our approach against four state-of-the-art baseline methods. The results show that compared with the baseline methods, our approach can effectively alleviate the sparsity problem, because the heterogeneous social network provides richer information. In addition, the grey relational analysis method has the advantage of low requirements for data size and efficiently relieves the cold start problem. Furthermore, our approach saves processing time, thus increases recommendation efficiency. Overall, the proposed approach can effectively improve the accuracy of rating prediction in social recommendations and provide accurate and efficient recommendation service for users

    Reciprocal Recommendation System for Online Dating

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    Online dating sites have become popular platforms for people to look for potential romantic partners. Different from traditional user-item recommendations where the goal is to match items (e.g., books, videos, etc) with a user's interests, a recommendation system for online dating aims to match people who are mutually interested in and likely to communicate with each other. We introduce similarity measures that capture the unique features and characteristics of the online dating network, for example, the interest similarity between two users if they send messages to same users, and attractiveness similarity if they receive messages from same users. A reciprocal score that measures the compatibility between a user and each potential dating candidate is computed and the recommendation list is generated to include users with top scores. The performance of our proposed recommendation system is evaluated on a real-world dataset from a major online dating site in China. The results show that our recommendation algorithms significantly outperform previously proposed approaches, and the collaborative filtering-based algorithms achieve much better performance than content-based algorithms in both precision and recall. Our results also reveal interesting behavioral difference between male and female users when it comes to looking for potential dates. In particular, males tend to be focused on their own interest and oblivious towards their attractiveness to potential dates, while females are more conscientious to their own attractiveness to the other side of the line
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