23 research outputs found

    Consumer PHIM Going Beyond Paper and Computer Anxiety

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    Personal health information management (PHIM) refers to an individual’s use of various tools (i.e., email, paper, sticky notes, calendars, health portals) to manage their healthcare information (Jones 2008). With advances in technology, it becomes even more imperative that the healthcare community understand the factors that may influence consumers’ intentions to use various PHIM tools to manage his/her healthcare information. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and constructs from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and the Computer Anxiety Rating Scale (CARS) guide this investigation into how consumers might use patient health portals to manage their healthcare information

    Decision Factors for the Adoption of E-Finance and other E-Commerce Systems

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    The development of e-commerce relies upon customer usage intentions, and IS researchers have examined usage intentions toward various online e-commerce systems. However, these systems have been studied in prior works independently rather than comprehensively. In order to pursue better measures for predicting and explaining B2C e-finance and some other major e-commerce adoptions for customers, we conducted a comparison analysis across different online systems to advance the understanding of the adoption factors and their linkage to customer behavior. Refining from Perceived Risk Theory and existing studies, specific risk facets, customer characteristics and system characteristics were operationalized and integrated within the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) resulting in a proposed e-finance and other e-commerce system adoption model

    The Effect of Behavioural Beliefs on Smart Home Technology Adoption

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    This cross-sectional study examines the factors affecting smart home technology use in private spaces. Specifically, the role of hedonic and utilitarian beliefs has been examined in the formation of smart technology use behaviour. In addition, this study is aimed at a better understanding of the outcome of smart technology use in terms of individuals’ satisfaction, the perception of their well-being and perceived value. A sample of 422 smart home technology users participated in this research by completing an online survey. Structural equational modelling was used to analyse the relationship of the constructs employed with smart home technology use. This exploratory study found a strong effect of the use of smart home technology on subjective wellbeing, satisfaction and perceived value. The findings of this paper contribute to our understanding of smart technology acceptance by highlighting the importance of behavioural beliefs. In addition, they provide empirical evidence of the outcome of the use of smart home products

    Developing a Framework Explaining Continuous Participation in Digitally Engaged Communities

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    Digitally engaged communities are virtual communities in the sense that they exist in a cyberspace connecting different people with shared interests. They provide real-world communities a place to come together using the Internet. The eventual success of digitally engaged communities cannot thrive without continuous users’ involvement and participation. Therefore, interests have been rising in studying the behaviour of continuous participation, and examining what influences the continuation of use of these communities. In this paper, we propose a framework explaining human behaviour and intentions of why would users continue or discontinue participating in digitally engaged communities and what sort of behaviours they might undertake. This framework is grounded on the decomposed theory of planned behaviour and consequently develops three main taxonomies along with their interrelationships: (1) the social influences affecting members’ attitudes, (2) the intentional value elements offered by the community, and (3) the behavioural roles played by members. Implications of the developed framework for theory and practice have been explained demonstrating its value and efficacy on helping decision and policy makers, service providers, users and developers in pertaining a successful operation of a community where value elements are offered, exchanged and met at the same time

    DTPB as a Better Voluntary Tax Compliance Predictor - A Comparison Study

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    Tax administrators have been trying to maximise its voluntary tax compliance rate where e-filing system has been the preferable compliance tool by taxpayers in submitting their income tax return forms. Despite the effort to provide better services to taxpayers, the heterogeneous taxpayers in Malaysia face difficulties in extracting information and tax knowledge that would require assistance or advice from other sources, like their peers and mass media, while some may have financial difficulties. This comparative study proposes to utilise the multidimensional model of Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour (DTPB) that incorporates general tax knowledge, mass media referent, and ability to pay as addition to the original DTPB model. The findings showed that general tax filing knowledge, mass media referent, and ability to pay have significant influence on intention to comply with tax laws. However, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, compatibility, and self-efficacy were found to be not significant when the DTPB model was adopted. Nevertheless, it is advantageous to use the DTPB model that provides predictiveness and explanation toward understanding voluntary tax compliance behaviour. This model is useful as a guide for improving voluntary tax compliance rates while promoting the advantages of using e-filing system as the preferable tool for compliance


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    Considerando a importância da TI nas organizações, a participação dessa área é indispensável em processos de fusões e aquisições. No entanto, nem sempre a área de TI participa dessas decisões, e muitas organizações têm dificuldades no momento de integrar novas empresas à sua infraestrutura de TI. O objetivo da pesquisa é desenvolver um protocolo de análise que contribua para a avaliação de aspectos de TI em empresas que estão em processo de fusão/aquisição. Um estudo de caso em uma indústria multinacional brasileira constitui o método de pesquisa utilizado. Uma proposta inicial do protocolo de análise foi desenvolvida com base no referencial teórico e aprimorada com entrevistas com 10 executivos e pelo acompanhamento (observação e análise de documentos) de dois processos de fusão/aquisição. O protocolo está dividido em duas fases. A pré-avaliação envolve o mapeamento das atividades de avaliação, o entendimento da empresa a ser avaliada e o planejamento detalhado dos próximos passos, envolvendo a preparação dos instrumentos de análise. A avaliação envolve 27 aspectos agrupados em Estratégia de TI, RH, Processos e Tecnologia. Para apoiar a consolidação dos dados e a elaboração do relatório, criou-se um roteiro abordando aspectos de infraestrutura, RH, outsourcing, projetos, aplicações críticas, automação industrial, contrato de licenças, contratos de manutenção, orçamento de investimentos e governança de TI. Por sugestão dos entrevistados, itens como governança, gestão da mudança, formação e capacitação de equipes, uso de melhores práticas e metodologia de projetos foram incluídos de forma transversal, no intuito de zelar pela atualização e correta utilização do protocolo.Palavras-chave: Fusões. Aquisições. Tecnologia da Informação. Protocolo de avaliação

    The impact of economic crisis on high-impact entrepreneurship : evidence from Brazil

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    High-impact entrepreneurship (HIE) as a type of entrepreneurship is an essential driver of economic growth. However, HIE is sensitive to the economic climate. Therefore, this study analyzes how the crisis impacts the different determinants of HIE and, in turn, HIE itself. Brazil’s 2014 economic crisis serves as a case. I conducted a quantitative analysis using logistic regression, with data from the Adult Population Survey provided by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). I created two samples to compare the determinants’ effects on HIE in the period before and during a crisis. My findings indicate that only some determinants have an increased effect on HIE during the crisis period. The results vary among the two periods and different dimensions of HIE. Entrepreneurs with higher education-levels, or who are driven into entrepreneurship by economic necessity are more likely to be innovative during the crisis. Entrepreneurs that fear failure are less likely to have strong growth-intentions during the crisis. Wealthier entrepreneurs seem to be generally more likely to engage in HIE. Having a good network and using new technologies seem to be the strongest determinants of HIE in the crisis period. To mitigate the effects of a crisis on HIE, public and private entities may provide educational programs focusing on innovation and should create networking platforms for entrepreneurs. The different levels of innovativeness of entrepreneurs with different entrepreneurial motives should be considered when designing initiatives.O empreendedorismo de alto impacto (HIE) como um tipo de empreendedorismo é um motor essencial do crescimento económico. O HIE é sensível ao clima económico. Portanto, este estudo analisa como a crise impacta os diferentes determinantes do HIE e, por sua vez, o próprio HIE. A crise económica do Brasil em 2014 serve como um caso. Realizei uma análise quantitativa por meio de regressão logística, com dados da Adult Population Survey fornecida pelo Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Criei duas amostras para comparar os efeitos dos determinantes no HIE no período antes e durante a crise. Minhas descobertas indicam que apenas alguns determinantes têm um efeito maior no HIE durante o período de crise. Os resultados variam entre os dois períodos e diferentes dimensões do HIE. Os empreendedores com níveis de educação mais elevados ou que são impelidos ao empreendedorismo por necessidade económica têm maior probabilidade de inovar durante a crise. Os empreendedores mais ricos parecem ter maior probabilidade de se envolver em HIE. Porém, os que temem o fracasso tem menos probabilidade.Ter uma boa rede de empreendedores e utilizar novas tecnologias parecem ser determinantes fortes do HIE. Para mitigar os efeitos de uma crise no HIE, entidades públicas e privadas podem oferecer programas educacionais com foco na inovação e devem criar plataformas de networking para empreendedores. Os diferentes níveis de capacidade de inovação dos empreendedores com diferentes motivações empreendedoras devem ser considerados na concepção das iniciativas

    Determinants of consumer intentions to redeem mobile coupons

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    The main objective of this research is to discover determinants of consumer intentions to redeem coupons which are sent to mobile phones (mobile coupons) by using the adoption models which exploit cognitive and social theories of decision making. Mobile marketing communication has been used greatly but the lack of understanding the consumer has made it unattractive in both companies’ and consumers’ point of view. The study aims to fill this gap especially in the mobile coupon field by trying to find out the validated model and determinants which influence on the consumer. To wider the perspective this research investigates whether there are differences between the consumers who have already used mobile coupons and consumers who have never used them. The practical aim of this study is to provide consumer behavior recommendations about the mobile coupons to small and medium sized companies as well as future entrepreneurs. The purpose of data collection was to find the same kind of profile of respondents which other mobile coupon researchers have used. In this way, comparison with the previous analyses could be made in the Finnish context. The three previous studies (Hsu et al., 2006; Dickinger and Kleijnen, 2008; Jayasingh and Eze, 2010) focused on the general profile of mobile service users who are primarily young and well-educated people (A.T. Kearney, 2011). The questionnaire was sent to 250 persons in Facebook and 190 responses were received. The research model and formulated hypotheses were tested using the structural equation modeling to determine whether relationships exist between the determinants. In addition, analysis of variance was used to explain the statistical differences between the consumers who have used mobile coupons and consumers who have not used them. The results of research highlight the importance of understanding the consumer. The results showed that the subjective norm, perceived control and attitude explained directly 81 per cent of the intention to redeem mobile coupons. The attitude with its indirect determinants accounted for 67 percent of the redeeming intention. Among the indirect determinants, the economic benefit was the most significant and hereafter came the non-economic benefit and entertainment. The redemption effort was the only determinant in the research model which was not significant. Furthermore, the differences between the consumers who have already used mobile coupons and consumers who have never used them were explored. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences in all determinants despite one. This determinant was the perceived control. The study also showed that the previously used group thought overall more positively about the mobile coupons than never used group