1,168 research outputs found

    Linear transformation distance for bichromatic matchings

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    Let P=B∪RP=B\cup R be a set of 2n2n points in general position, where BB is a set of nn blue points and RR a set of nn red points. A \emph{BRBR-matching} is a plane geometric perfect matching on PP such that each edge has one red endpoint and one blue endpoint. Two BRBR-matchings are compatible if their union is also plane. The \emph{transformation graph of BRBR-matchings} contains one node for each BRBR-matching and an edge joining two such nodes if and only if the corresponding two BRBR-matchings are compatible. In SoCG 2013 it has been shown by Aloupis, Barba, Langerman, and Souvaine that this transformation graph is always connected, but its diameter remained an open question. In this paper we provide an alternative proof for the connectivity of the transformation graph and prove an upper bound of 2n2n for its diameter, which is asymptotically tight

    Dimers, Tilings and Trees

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    Generalizing results of Temperley, Brooks, Smith, Stone and Tutte and others we describe a natural equivalence between three planar objects: weighted bipartite planar graphs; planar Markov chains; and tilings with convex polygons. This equivalence provides a measure-preserving bijection between dimer coverings of a weighted bipartite planar graph and spanning trees on the corresponding Markov chain. The tilings correspond to harmonic functions on the Markov chain and to ``discrete analytic functions'' on the bipartite graph. The equivalence is extended to infinite periodic graphs, and we classify the resulting ``almost periodic'' tilings and harmonic functions.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    Kasteleyn cokernels

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    We consider Kasteleyn and Kasteleyn-Percus matrices, which arise in enumerating matchings of planar graphs, up to matrix operations on their rows and columns. If such a matrix is defined over a principal ideal domain, this is equivalent to considering its Smith normal form or its cokernel. Many variations of the enumeration methods result in equivalent matrices. In particular, Gessel-Viennot matrices are equivalent to Kasteleyn-Percus matrices. We apply these ideas to plane partitions and related planar of tilings. We list a number of conjectures, supported by experiments in Maple, about the forms of matrices associated to enumerations of plane partitions and other lozenge tilings of planar regions and their symmetry classes. We focus on the case where the enumerations are round or qq-round, and we conjecture that cokernels remain round or qq-round for related ``impossible enumerations'' in which there are no tilings. Our conjectures provide a new view of the topic of enumerating symmetry classes of plane partitions and their generalizations. In particular we conjecture that a qq-specialization of a Jacobi-Trudi matrix has a Smith normal form. If so it could be an interesting structure associated to the corresponding irreducible representation of \SL(n,\C). Finally we find, with proof, the normal form of the matrix that appears in the enumeration of domino tilings of an Aztec diamond.Comment: 14 pages, 19 in-line figures. Very minor copy correction

    Trees and Matchings

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    In this article, Temperley's bijection between spanning trees of the square grid on the one hand, and perfect matchings (also known as dimer coverings) of the square grid on the other, is extended to the setting of general planar directed (and undirected) graphs, where edges carry nonnegative weights that induce a weighting on the set of spanning trees. We show that the weighted, directed spanning trees (often called arborescences) of any planar graph G can be put into a one-to-one weight-preserving correspondence with the perfect matchings of a related planar graph H. One special case of this result is a bijection between perfect matchings of the hexagonal honeycomb lattice and directed spanning trees of a triangular lattice. Another special case gives a correspondence between perfect matchings of the ``square-octagon'' lattice and directed weighted spanning trees on a directed weighted version of the cartesian lattice. In conjunction with results of Kenyon, our main theorem allows us to compute the measures of all cylinder events for random spanning trees on any (directed, weighted) planar graph. Conversely, in cases where the perfect matching model arises from a tree model, Wilson's algorithm allows us to quickly generate random samples of perfect matchings.Comment: 32 pages, 19 figures (minor revisions from version 1
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