10 research outputs found

    New Trends in 3D Cadastre Research:A Literature Survey

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    Utilizing building information modelling in the tax assessment process of apartment buildings

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    The increasing demand for vertical residential development, particularly in urban areas, contributes to regional income growth through the collection of building taxes. In Indonesia, the vertical building is one of the non-standard objects applying an individual tax building assessment based on the building component cost list (BCCL) table in determining the value of the payable tax. However, the existing assessment system still cannot show the actual value of the building due to its limitations. Consequently, the building tax assessment process is ineffective and inefficient regarding assessment time and value accuracy. The increasing demand for vertical residential development, particularly in urban areas, contributes to regional income growth through the collection of building taxes. In Indonesia, the vertical building is one of the non-standard objects applying an individual tax building assessment based on the building component cost list (BCCL) table in determining the value of the payable tax. However, the existing assessment system still cannot show the actual value of the building due to its limitations. Consequently, the building tax assessment process is ineffective and inefficient regarding assessment time and value accuracy. This study investigates the utilization of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the assessment process of building taxation, considering a high-rise apartment building in Indonesia as the case study. The findings show that compared to the existing system, the final building value used as the basis in the tax assessment can be generated more accurately, involving a detailed calculation of dimensions and variations of building materials. It can be concluded that BIM’s capability to recognize building objects, extract quantity, and calculate automatically can help improve the objectivity of the assessment results and time efficiency in the tax assessment process

    Data interoperability of building information modeling and geographic information system in construction industry

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    Application of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in construction industry has been applied for many years back. This because BIM can provide a better advantage in construction industry in term of controlling and managing construction project during their life cycle. The advantages that can be provide by BIM is focusing on the indoor planning tasks. But, when the construction project involves, besides indoor planning, outdoor planning also is important part that need to be look up. To cover the outdoor planning in construction project, Geographic Information System (GIS) need to be applied. GIS can overcome this problem because GIS mainly for outdoor planning by using their spatial analysis. GIS can offer a high degree of geospatial information and can provide the detailed geometrical and semantic information of building to assisted across improve automation. Towards produce the improved preparation in construction project, BIM and GIS should be integrated. To integrate both domains, the data interoperability between them need to be investigate because they used different data standard. This study focusses on solving the data interoperability through the data integration between BIM and GIS to solve the problem of data mismatch and data missing during data translation process. Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) was used as a data standard to perform the data integration between BIM and GIS. The outcomes from this study show that when the data interoperability applied between BIM and GIS, the problem above can be solved, and the data dimension and their coordinate system also can be control

    Sustainability assessment in the authorisation process of urban transformation: the meta-design of a GeoBIM platform

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    The assessment criteria and indicators used in the authorisation processes of building or urban projects can play a key role in achieving the goals introduced by the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Yet, on the one hand, the evaluation of project proposals and the granting of building permits still rely to a large extent on the subjective judgement of public technicians, severely limiting the incentive for the development of virtuous practices and innovative procedures; on the other hand, the measurement of the SDGs on a local basis presents strong operational gaps and criticalities, struggling to clearly orientate urban transformation processes. In the paper, these problematic issues represent the starting point to discuss the possibilities that the development of a GeoBIM platform could open to spatialise, measure and automate authorisation processes by integrating local regulations and sustainability indicators of global significance. The methodological and technical implications of the proposal are explored both through a reconstruction of the disciplinary literature on the subject and through the detailed description of some recent experimental tools. In particular, by questioning how to operationalize the integration of local assessment methods and global indicators through a GeoBIM platform, the paper raises broader questions on the relationship between measurement, policies and planning practices. In particular, the revision of priority criteria according to the 2030 Agenda goals is read in the text as a useful opportunity to rethink a number of administrative tools and practices. Indeed, the development of a GeoBIM platform to support building permit applications could not only make the assessment of compliance with local regulations more efficient and automated but also allow for the measurement of project impacts against indicators aimed at the local declination of the sustainability goals defined by the 2030 Agenda

    BIM-based space management system for operation and maintenance phase in educational office buildings

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    Lists and floor plans have been widely adopted as space management tools for educational office buildings. However, the two-dimensional floor plans fail to present the indoor complexity, which hinders users from intuitively observing the indoor equipment arrangements and adapting to the indoor environment within a short time. Meanwhile, insufficient research has been conducted on space management tools regarding building indoor navigation. A Building Information Modeling Space Management (BIMSM) system was proposed in this study based on BIM. This system is comprised of two components, i.e. indoor space allocation management and indoor path navigation. The real-time space usage can be queried and user demands may be matched with available space by applying the Space Usage Analysis (SUA) theory. After the establishment of indoor maps, an improved A* algorithm is used to provide smooth navigation paths, and the visualization of such paths can be provided in mobile terminals. The BIMSM system was applied in an office building in a university in Shanghai, China. In this case study, the overall user satisfaction reached 91.6% by greatly reducing space arrangement failures. The time indoor navigation took outperformed that based on the traditional A* algorithm, with the search efficiency increasing 5.28%. First published online 17 December 201

    Opportunities and challenges for GeoBIM in Europe: developing a building permits use-case to raise awareness and examine technical interoperability challenges

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    The integration of geoinformation with BIM (GeoBIM) is critical to underpin solutions to many city-related challenges. However, to achieve an effective integration it is necessary to consider not only data and technical options but also current practice and users’ needs. This paper describes work carried out within the EuroSDR-GeoBIM project to address this challenge. After investigating potential uses for GeoBIM and existing challenges, we address a planning permits for buildings use case, to help bridging the gap between theory and practice. The resultshighlights a high-level harmonised workflow envisaging the use of GeoBIM information for automating the planning permits process

    3D Cadastres Best Practices, Chapter 5: Visualization and New Opportunities

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    This paper proposes a discussion on opportunities offered by 3D visualization to improve the understanding and the analysis of cadastre data. It first introduce the rationale of having 3D visualization functionalities in the context of cadastre applications. Second the publication outline some basic concepts in 3D visualization. This section specially addresses the visualization pipeline as a driven classification schema to understand the steps leading to 3D visualization. In this section is also presented a brief review of current 3D standards and technologies. Next is proposed a summary of progress made in the last years in 3D cadastral visualization. For instance, user’s requirement, data and semiotics, and platforms are highlighted as main actions performed in the development of 3D cadastre visualization. This review could be perceived as an attempt to structure and emphasise the best practices in the domain of 3D cadastre visualization and as an inventory of issues that still need to be tackled. Finally, by providing a review on advances and trends in 3D visualization, the paper initiates a discussion and a critical analysis on the benefit of applying these new developments to cadastre domain. This final section discusses about enhancing 3D techniques as dynamic transparency and cutaway, 3D generalization, 3D visibility model, 3D annotation, 3D data and web platform, augmented reality, immersive virtual environment, 3D gaming, interaction techniques and time

    Extending a BIM-based data model to support 3D digital management of complex ownership spaces

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    Currently, 2D-based analogue building subdivision plans are used to represent the spatial extent of private, public and communal property ownership rights. These plans are recognized as posing a range of challenges in terms of communicating the spatial complexity of ownership spaces within multi-storey buildings. In response to these challenges, three-dimensional (3D) digital data environments are being investigated as a potential approach for managing complex, vertically stratified ownership arrangements. The argument presented in this article is that Building Information Modelling (BIM) can be adopted for 3D digital management of data related to complex ownership spaces. BIM provides a common and 3D digital data sharing space, underpinning a reliable basis for facilitating collaboration and decision-making over the lifecycle of buildings. However, ownership attributes and the spatial structure of ownership arrangements inside buildings are yet to be accommodated within the BIM data environment. In this article, we present a range of required data elements for managing complex ownership spaces, which have been elicited by investigating current practices pertaining to subdivision of ownership spaces within multi-storey buildings in Melbourne, Australia. An open data model in the BIM domain is extended with these data elements and a prototype model for a real multi-storey building is implemented to demonstrate the viability of the extended data model for 3D digital management and visualization of data related to complex ownership arrangements

    Diretrizes para gestão de espaços de imóveis da administração pública : uma aplicação de BIM e facility management

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    Orientador(a): Prof. Dr. Sergio ScheerDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil. Defesa : Curitiba, 29/03/2022Inclui referências: p. 123-131Resumo: A gestão do patrimônio imobiliário público no Brasil apresenta relevância para a sociedade devido ao princípio de economicidade requerido para a administração pública. Nesse contexto, se inserem os imóveis próprios e locados destinados ao uso pela administração pública federal, autárquica e fundacional, de modo que a despesa com locações em 2021 foi aproximadamente 1 bilhão de reais. Diante da necessidade de promover ações que gerem eficiência no gasto do dinheiro público, o uso de tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TIC) se inserem como centro de mudanças para gestão de governos. A Modelagem da Informação da Construção (BIM) é apresentada como uma das principais alternativas para melhorar o desempenho da indústria de Arquitetura, Engenharia e Construção e Operação (AECO) de modo que, uma das utilizações possíveis é a sua aplicação em Facility Management (FM), denominado BIM-FM. Esta pesquisa enfoca um segmento de FM, a gestão de espaços, e tem como objetivo promover melhorias quanto ao uso e ocupação de espaços de edifícios que alocam repartições da administração pública federal por meio do desenvolvimento de diretrizes para aplicação de BIM-FM. Em razão do caráter prescritivo, o método escolhido para a condução da pesquisa foi a Design Science Research (DSR). A construção teórica realizada por meio de uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura (RSL) e um diagnóstico com servidores públicos envolvidos em processos de gestão e operação de imóveis da União, fundamentaram o desenvolvimento do artefato, as diretrizes, resultante da aplicação de verificação automática de regras e requisitos em um modelo BIM-FM de um edifício público federal. Desenvolveu-se uma programação para a análise quanto a classificação da ocupação do edifício em padrão ideal, espaço ofertante e espaço demandante, em acordo com os requisitos estabelecidos pelos normativos da administração pública. Foi possível concluir que a aplicação de BIM-FM promove melhorias quanto a gestão de espaços, especificamente ao uso e ocupação de edifícios. As diretrizes foram validadas por meio do desenvolvimento de um cenário de uma reforma. Entende-se que ao utilizá-la é possível reproduzir as análises propostas em outros edifícios, tanto públicos como privados.Abstract: The management of public real estate assets in Brazil is relevant to society due to the principle of economy required for public administration. In this context, is included real estate owned and leased for use by the federal and foundational public administration, in such a way that the expense with leases in 2021 was approximately 1 billion reais. Given the need to promote actions that generate efficiency in the spending of public money, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) is inserted as a center of change for government management. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is presented as one of the main alternatives to improve the performance of the Architecture, Engineering and Construction and Operation (AECO) industry and one of the possible uses is its application in Facility Management (FM), called BIM-FM. This research focuses on a segment of FM, space management, and aims to promote improvements in the use and occupancy of spaces in buildings that house federal public administration offices through the development of guidelines for the application of BIM-FM. Due to its prescriptive nature, the method chosen was Design Science, so that the steps of Design Science Research (DSR) were incorporated. The theoretical construction carried out through a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) and a Diagnosis with public employees involved in the management and operation processes of federal real estate founded the development of the artifact, the guidelines, resulting from the application of Ruled-based Code Checking in a BIM-FM model of a federal public building. A script was developed for the analysis regarding the classification of the building's occupancy into ideal standard, supplying space, and demanding space, in accordance with the requirements established by the public administration regulations. It was possible to conclude that the application of BIM-FM promotes improvements in space management, specifically the use and occupancy of buildings. The guidelines were validated through the development of a renovation scenario. It is understood that by using it is possible to reproduce the proposed analyses in other buildings, both public and private