436 research outputs found

    Mobile map client API : design and implementation for Android

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    The fast development of computational power of the mobile phone makes it a suitable platform for running map applications. Both public and field working professionals can benefit from easy access to a mobile map client application with features such as route planning, location based services and simple GIS operations. This master's thesis describes the mobile operating system (OS) Android from a geographic information aspect and relates it to other major mobile OS. Available map client application programming interfaces (API) are investigated. It is concluded that Android is a good platform choice for implementing mobile map applications. But there is need of a generic open source API for Android. Such an API is implemented, resulting in a good performing map client. Though it needs additional development to perform all features aimed for in the suggested API design.PopulÀrvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Dagens datorlika mobiltelefoner lÀmpar sig utmÀrkt för att visa olika typer av kartor. Det Àr inte svÄrt att hitta tillÀmpningar för bÄde privatpersoner och professionella anvÀndare med behov som att till exempel hitta lÀmpliga fÀrdvÀgar eller visa information om platsen man befinner sig pÄ. Det hÀr examensarbetet gÄr ut pÄ att undersöka hur geografisk data kan behandlas och visas som kartor pÄ Android-mobiler. MÄlet Àr att skapa ett generellt programmeringsverktyg som ska kunna anvÀndas för att snabbt och enkelt kunna utveckla specialiserade kartapplikationer för Android. Ett sÄdant verktyg kallas inom databranschen för API, vilket stÄr för Application Programming Interface. Ett API Àr ett grÀnssnitt som ger programmerare smidig tillgÄng till grundlÀggande funktioner i ett system eller en typ av applikation. I det hÀr fallet fÄr programmeraren tillgÄng till grundlÀggande kartfunktioner, som t.ex. kartdataladdning eller panorering och zoom, utan att behöva programmera hela logiken bakom dessa funktioner. IstÀllet kan programmeraren fokusera sitt arbete pÄ de delarna som gör just den kartapplikationen unik. Arbetet Àr uppdelat i en undersökande del för att klarlÀgga var utvecklingen av tekniken befinner sig idag och vilka liknande försök som gjorts tidigare och en mer praktisk utvecklingsdel med mÄlet att implementera ett API för kartapplikationer pÄ Android. I undersökningen jÀmförs Android med andra mobila plattformar, t.ex. Apples iPhone och Nokias Symbian. Det konstateras att Android stÄr sig bra i konkurens med de andra och lÀmpar sig vÀl för kartapplikationer men att det skulle behövas ett generellt kartverktyg som inte Àr sÄ hÄrt styrt som Google maps, som Àr det vanligaste kartverktyget för Android. För att tydliggöra vad API:et borde innehÄlla och klara av att utföra gjordes först en teoretisk modell av dess olika delar. De viktigaste delarna, t.ex. dataladdning och anvÀndargrÀnssnitt med kartbildsvisning, panorering och zoom, implementerades sedan för att kunna testköras och vidareutvecklas pÄ en Android-mobil. En demoapplikation utvecklades för att demonstrera anvÀndningen av API:et. Resultatet Àr ett verktyg för ett energibolags servicepersonal att ha med sig i fÀlt för att se deras fjÀrrvÀrmenÀts geografiska utstrÀckning och info om nÀtets olika delar, kopplingar och kunder.Scientific summary: The fast development of computational power of the mobile phone have made it a suitable platform for running map applications. Both public and field working professionals can benefit from easy access to a mobile map client application with features such as route planning, location based services and simple GIS operations. This master's thesis describes the mobile operating system (OS) Android from a geographic information aspect and relates it to other major mobile OS. A map client application programming interfaces (API) is implemented, resulting in a good performing map client. Though it needs additional development to perform all features aimed for in the suggested API design. The study is divided into a state-of-the-art investigation of available technology, and an effort to design and implement a map client API for Android. The investigation was made by referencing available scientific papers, technical articles and websites. Available OS's and API's are investigated. It is concluded that Android is a good platform choice for implementing mobile map applications. But there is need of a generic open source API for Android. Another objective of the study was to compare a map client running as a web application to the native client developed regarding performance. Unfortunately no suiting API for setting up the web application was found. Since then the OpenLayers community have made a great effort for running OpenLayers clients on mobile devices, which would have been an ideal choice for doing the comparison. The work on the API contains a theoretical model which is partly implemented. The aim of the model is to define the overall functionality, some specialized features and cohesive data structures. Then the base functionality, such as data loading, map drawing, panning and zooming, was implemented. The implementation was carried out in an iterative manner. Starting with complementing a basic, incomplete open source map API to gain understanding of mobile map API design and avoid re-inventing the wheel. Added was support for coordinate systems and projections other than WGS 84 Web Mercator (EPSG 4326), better Web Map Service (WMS) support, vector data loading and improved responsiveness when loading data. A demo application was put together in order to test performance on the hardware emulator integrated in the Android SDK and on a real device, Motorola Milestone running Android version 2.1. The scenario for the demo application is a district heating pipe system, an useful field application for a city energy company. The application shows a raster background map loaded from a tiled WMS with the pipe system as vector overlays loaded from a custom Keyhole Markup Language (KML) service. The vector data is click-able in order to show information about different parts of the pipe system

    The Dark Side(-Channel) of Mobile Devices: A Survey on Network Traffic Analysis

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    In recent years, mobile devices (e.g., smartphones and tablets) have met an increasing commercial success and have become a fundamental element of the everyday life for billions of people all around the world. Mobile devices are used not only for traditional communication activities (e.g., voice calls and messages) but also for more advanced tasks made possible by an enormous amount of multi-purpose applications (e.g., finance, gaming, and shopping). As a result, those devices generate a significant network traffic (a consistent part of the overall Internet traffic). For this reason, the research community has been investigating security and privacy issues that are related to the network traffic generated by mobile devices, which could be analyzed to obtain information useful for a variety of goals (ranging from device security and network optimization, to fine-grained user profiling). In this paper, we review the works that contributed to the state of the art of network traffic analysis targeting mobile devices. In particular, we present a systematic classification of the works in the literature according to three criteria: (i) the goal of the analysis; (ii) the point where the network traffic is captured; and (iii) the targeted mobile platforms. In this survey, we consider points of capturing such as Wi-Fi Access Points, software simulation, and inside real mobile devices or emulators. For the surveyed works, we review and compare analysis techniques, validation methods, and achieved results. We also discuss possible countermeasures, challenges and possible directions for future research on mobile traffic analysis and other emerging domains (e.g., Internet of Things). We believe our survey will be a reference work for researchers and practitioners in this research field.Comment: 55 page

    Interactive Android Application as an Assistant to care for Cat’s Health

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    Cats or domesticated cats have been one of the common pets among Malaysians. It is often called as housecats or simply the cats when there is no need to distinguish it from other felids and felines. Although cats had been ranked as one of the most popular pets among Malaysians besides other domesticated pets, not every individual especially the cat owners will be able to grow a healthy cat. Most of them will wait for their cats to become ill before they think about their health care. In other words, this is a wasteful and dangerous way to ensure a good health for the cats. According to the results of surveys that had been conducted, almost every of the respondents especially those who have and own cats did agreed that financial constraints would be one of the main factors that resist an individual from bringing the cats to the veterinary clinics or hospitals to have health examination and receive the necessary treatments. With the desire to fulfill the tight schedule in everyday’s life, it is impossible for an individual who have null knowledge on cats’ health to glance through the books or the internet in searching for information on how to grow a healthy cat. As a result, with the objective to provide a portable assistant with information and guidance on cats’ health, an interactive Android application will be developed to assist every individual especially cat owners to grow up a healthy cat. This application will eventually cover up every aspects of cats’ health like cats’ diseases diagnosis, information on diseases that will affect the cats, list and steps of first-aids that should be given based on different cases, and basic procedures to give medicine to the cats. Together with this application, since it will be linked to Global Positioning System (GPS), every cat owners can easily identify the locations of veterinary clinics. Interactive Android Application as an Assistant to care for Cat’s Health will be developed based on System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). All of the requirements will be gathered through different methods like distribution of questionnaires to the individuals especially cat owners as well as experts’ interviews

    A Peer-to-Peer Network Framework Utilising the Public Mobile Telephone Network

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    P2P (Peer-to-Peer) technologies are well established and have now become accepted as a mainstream networking approach. However, the explosion of participating users has not been replicated within the mobile networking domain. Until recently the lack of suitable hardware and wireless network infrastructure to support P2P activities was perceived as contributing to the problem. This has changed with ready availability of handsets having ample processing resources utilising an almost ubiquitous mobile telephone network. Coupled with this has been a proliferation of software applications written for the more capable `smartphone' handsets. P2P systems have not naturally integrated and evolved into the mobile telephone ecosystem in a way that `client-server' operating techniques have. However as the number of clients for a particular mobile application increase, providing the `server side' data storage infrastructure becomes more onerous. P2P systems offer mobile telephone applications a way to circumvent this data storage issue by dispersing it across a network of the participating users handsets. The main goal of this work was to produce a P2P Application Framework that supports developers in creating mobile telephone applications that use distributed storage. Effort was assigned to determining appropriate design requirements for a mobile handset based P2P system. Some of these requirements are related to the limitations of the host hardware, such as power consumption. Others relate to the network upon which the handsets operate, such as connectivity. The thesis reviews current P2P technologies to assess which was viable to form the technology foundations for the framework. The aim was not to re-invent a P2P system design, rather to adopt an existing one for mobile operation. Built upon the foundations of a prototype application, the P2P framework resulting from modifications and enhancements grants access via a simple API (Applications Programmer Interface) to a subset of Nokia `smartphone' devices. Unhindered operation across all mobile telephone networks is possible through a proprietary application implementing NAT (Network Address Translation) traversal techniques. Recognising that handsets operate with limited resources, further optimisation of the P2P framework was also investigated. Energy consumption was a parameter chosen for further examination because of its impact on handset participation time. This work has proven that operating applications in conjunction with a P2P data storage framework, connected via the mobile telephone network, is technically feasible. It also shows that opportunity remains for further research to realise the full potential of this data storage technique

    Pocket Library: Mobile Application for Personal Book Loan Management

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    Library can be considered as the backbone of any educational institution. This is so since it is the place which provides pool of resources for supporting knowledge acquirement at such institutions. Nowadays, most libraries not only house printed books but also bank of computers to assist patrons getting hold of online materials. At the same time, libraries also provide a conducive place for people to meet, interact and discuss in the pursuit of knowledge. Among the services often provided by a library is book loan. Careful management of book loan is crucial in order to maintain the inventory of a library. Book loan management can be seen from the perspectives of two types of users: librarians and patrons. While book loan management‟s procedures and application systems for the librarians have been well documented and developed, the same cannot be said for the usage of the patrons

    Generalized Platform for Creating of Testing Games

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    The thesis is an extension and a generalization of a previous theses done by Antonio Carro and Eduard MartĂ­nez. The goal of this work is to create a virtual platform where the teachers will be able to define different structures for the tests,create tests and follow the students progress. This virtual platform will have an architecture of server-client allowing the platform independence and the future development of mobile clients also the possible integration of other e-learning platforms in the market. The main programming languages will be PHP, Javascriptii, CSS for the Internet platform and web services
