3 research outputs found

    Approches organisationnelles pour la conception de systèmes multi-agents dédiés à la gestion des connaissances; Application aux projets d'ingénierie et d'innovation Composition du jury

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    Approches organisationnelles pour la conception de systèmes multi-agents dédiés à la gestion des connaissances; Application aux projets d’ingénierie et d’innovatio

    Extending RDF in distributed knowledge-intensive applications

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    The resource description framework (RDF) has become a formal language tool to specify the semantics of distributed systems, such as web services nowadays. In fact, it can also be extended to describe entities and relationships within specific application environments to support knowledge sharing and ontology construction. This paper presents two case studies on a network management knowledge model and a distributed workflow system process ontology. With practical experiences, the authors suggest how RDF can be applied innovatively and effectively to reengineer data integration solutions in different novel knowledge-intensive areas, which, in the past, were built upon traditional modelling languages, such as XML