20 research outputs found

    Extending promela and spin for real time

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    Exploring model-based development for the verification of real-time Java code

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    Many safety- and security-critical systems are real-time systems and, as a result, tools and techniques for verifying real-time systems are extremely important. Simulation and testing such systems can be exceedingly time-consuming and these techniques provide only probabilistic measures of correctness. There are a number of model-checking tools for real-time systems. However, they provide formal verification for models, not programs. To increase the confidence in real-time programs written in real-time Java, this paper takes a modelling approach to the design of such programs. First, models can be mechanically verified, to check whether they satisfy particular properties, by using current real-time model-checking tools. Then, programs are derived from the model by following a systematic approach. To illustrate the approach we use a nontrivial example: a gear controller

    Model Checking Control Communication of a FACTS Device

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    This paper concerns the design and verification of a realtime communication protocol for sensor data collection and processing between an embedded computer and a DSP. In such systems, a certain amount of data loss without recovery may be tolerated. The key issue is to define and verify the correctness in the presence of these lost data frames under real-time constraints. This paper describes a temporal verification that if the end processes do not detect that too many frames are lost, defined by comparison of error counters against given threshold values, then there will be a bounded delay between transmission of data frames and reception of control frames. This verification and others presented herein were performed with the model checkers SPIN and RT-SPIN

    Verifying Noninterference in a Cyber-Physical System the Advanced Electric Power Grid

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    The advanced electric power grid is a complex real-time system having both cyber and physical components. While each component may function correctly, independently, their composition may yield incorrectness due to interference. One specific type of interference is in the frequency domain, essentially, violations of the Nyquist rate. The challenge is to encode these signal processing problem characteristics into a form that can be model checked. To verify the correctness of the cyber-physical composition using model-checking techniques requires that a model be constructed that can represent frequency interference. In this paper, RT-PROMELA was used to construct the model, which was checked in RT-SPIN. In order to reduce the state explosion problem, the model was decomposed into multiple sub-models, each with a smaller state space that can be checked individually, and then the proofs checked for noninterference. Cooperation among multiple clock variables due to their lack of notion of urgency and their asynchronous interactions, are also addressed

    Exhaustive testing of safety critical Java

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    With traditional testing, the test case has no control over non-deterministic scheduling decisions, and thus errors dependent on scheduling are only found by pure chance. Java Path Finder (JPF) is a specialized Java virtual machine that can systematically explore execution paths for all possible schedulings, and thus catch these errors. Unfortunately, execution-based model checkers, including JPF, cannot be easily adapted to support real-time programs. We propose a scheduling algorithm for JPF which allows testing of Safety Critical Java (SCJ) applications with periodic event handlers at SCJ levels 0 and 1 (without aperiodic event handlers). The algorithm requires that deadlines are not missed and that there is an execution time model that can give best- and worst-case execution time estimates for a given program path and specific program inputs. Our implementation, named R SJ, allows to search for scheduling dependent memory access errors, certain invalid argument errors, priority ceiling emulation protocol violations, and failed assertions in application code in SCJ programs for levels 0 and 1. It uses the execution time model of the Java Optimized Processor (JOP). We test our tool wit

    A Decidable Timeout based Extension of Propositional Linear Temporal Logic

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    We develop a timeout based extension of propositional linear temporal logic (which we call TLTL) to specify timing properties of timeout based models of real time systems. TLTL formulas explicitly refer to a running global clock together with static timing variables as well as a dynamic variable abstracting the timeout behavior. We extend LTL with the capability to express timeout constraints. From the expressiveness view point, TLTL is not comparable with important known clock based real-time logics including TPTL, XCTL, and MTL, i.e., TLTL can specify certain properties, which cannot be specified in these logics (also vice-versa). We define a corresponding timeout tableau for satisfiability checking of the TLTL formulas. Also a model checking algorithm over timeout Kripke structure is presented. Further we prove that the validity checking for such an extended logic remains PSPACE-complete even in the presence of timeout constraints and infinite state models. Under discrete time semantics, with bounded timeout increments, the model-checking problem that if a TLTL-formula holds in a timeout Kripke structure is also PSPACE complete. We further prove that when TLTL is interpreted over discrete time, it can be embedded in the monadic second order logic with time, and when TLTL is interpreted over dense time without the condition of non-zenoness, the resulting logic becomes Σ11\Sigma_1^1-complete

    Model checking control communication of a FACTS device

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    This thesis concerns the design and verification of a real-time communication protocol for sensor data collection and processing between an embedded computer and a DSP. In such systems, a certain amount of data loss without recovery may be tolerated. The key issue is to design and verify the correctness in the presence of these lost data frames under real-time constraints. This thesis describes a temporal verification that if the end processes do not detect that too many frames are lost, defined by comparison of error counters against given threshold values, then there will be a bounded delay between transmission of data frames and reception of control frames. This verification and others presented herein were performed with the model checkers SPIN and RT-SPIN --Abstract, page iii