53 research outputs found

    Coherent Soft Imitation Learning

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    Imitation learning methods seek to learn from an expert either through behavioral cloning (BC) of the policy or inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) of the reward. Such methods enable agents to learn complex tasks from humans that are difficult to capture with hand-designed reward functions. Choosing BC or IRL for imitation depends on the quality and state-action coverage of the demonstrations, as well as additional access to the Markov decision process. Hybrid strategies that combine BC and IRL are not common, as initial policy optimization against inaccurate rewards diminishes the benefit of pretraining the policy with BC. This work derives an imitation method that captures the strengths of both BC and IRL. In the entropy-regularized ('soft') reinforcement learning setting, we show that the behaviour-cloned policy can be used as both a shaped reward and a critic hypothesis space by inverting the regularized policy update. This coherency facilities fine-tuning cloned policies using the reward estimate and additional interactions with the environment. This approach conveniently achieves imitation learning through initial behaviour cloning, followed by refinement via RL with online or offline data sources. The simplicity of the approach enables graceful scaling to high-dimensional and vision-based tasks, with stable learning and minimal hyperparameter tuning, in contrast to adversarial approaches.Comment: 51 pages, 47 figures. DeepMind internship repor

    Environment and task modeling of long-term-autonomous service robots

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    Utilizing service robots in real-world tasks can significantly improve efficiency, productivity, and safety in various fields such as healthcare, hospitality, and transportation. However, integrating these robots into complex, human-populated environments for continuous use is a significant challenge. A key potential for addressing this challenge lies in long-term modeling capabilities to navigate, understand, and proactively exploit these environments for increased safety and better task performance. For example, robots may use this long-term knowledge of human activity to avoid crowded spaces when navigating or improve their human-centric services. This thesis proposes comprehensive approaches to improve the mapping, localization, and task fulfillment capabilities of service robots by leveraging multi-modal sensor information and (long- term) environment modeling. Learned environmental dynamics are actively exploited to improve the task performance of service robots. As a first contribution, a new long-term-autonomous service robot is presented, designed for both inside and outside buildings. The multi-modal sensor information provided by the robot forms the basis for subsequent methods to model human-centric environments and human activity. It is shown that utilizing multi-modal data for localization and mapping improves long-term robustness and map quality. This especially applies to environments of varying types, i.e., mixed indoor and outdoor or small-scale and large-scale areas. Another essential contribution is a regression model for spatio-temporal prediction of human activity. The model is based on long-term observations of humans by a mobile robot. It is demonstrated that the proposed model can effectively represent the distribution of detected people resulting from moving robots and enables proactive navigation planning. Such model predictions are then used to adapt the robot’s behavior by synthesizing a modular task control model. A reactive executive system based on behavior trees is introduced, which actively triggers recovery behaviors in the event of faults to improve the long-term autonomy. By explicitly addressing failures of robot software components and more advanced problems, it is shown that errors can be solved and potential human helpers can be found efficiently

    Bayesian Optimisation for Planning And Reinforcement Learning

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    This thesis addresses the problem of achieving efficient non-myopic decision making by explicitly balancing exploration and exploitation. Decision making, both in planning and reinforcement learning (RL), enables agents or robots to complete tasks by acting on their environments. Complexity arises when completing objectives requires sacrificing short-term performance in order to achieve better long-term performance. Decision making algorithms with this characteristic are known as non-myopic, and require long sequences of actions to be evaluated, thereby greatly increasing the search space size. Optimal behaviours need balance two key quantities: exploration and exploitation. Exploitation takes advantage of previously acquired information or high performing solutions, whereas exploration focuses on acquiring more informative data. The balance between these quantities is crucial in both RL and planning. This thesis brings the following contributions: Firstly, a reward function trading off exploration and exploitation of gradients for sequential planning is proposed. It is based on Bayesian optimisation (BO) and is combined to a non-myopic planner to achieve efficient spatial monitoring. Secondly, the algorithm is extended to continuous actions spaces, called continuous belief tree search (CBTS), and uses BO to dynamically sample actions within a tree search, balancing high-performing actions and novelty. Finally, the framework is extended to RL, for which a multi-objective methodology for explicit exploration and exploitation balance is proposed. The two objectives are modelled explicitly and balanced at a policy level, as in BO. This allows for online exploration strategies, as well as a data-efficient model-free RL algorithm achieving exploration by minimising the uncertainty of Q-values (EMU-Q). The proposed algorithms are evaluated on different simulated and real-world robotics problems, displaying superior performance in terms of sample efficiency and exploration

    A Tutorial on Sparse Gaussian Processes and Variational Inference

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    Gaussian processes (GPs) provide a framework for Bayesian inference that can offer principled uncertainty estimates for a large range of problems. For example, if we consider regression problems with Gaussian likelihoods, a GP model enjoys a posterior in closed form. However, identifying the posterior GP scales cubically with the number of training examples and requires to store all examples in memory. In order to overcome these obstacles, sparse GPs have been proposed that approximate the true posterior GP with pseudo-training examples. Importantly, the number of pseudo-training examples is user-defined and enables control over computational and memory complexity. In the general case, sparse GPs do not enjoy closed-form solutions and one has to resort to approximate inference. In this context, a convenient choice for approximate inference is variational inference (VI), where the problem of Bayesian inference is cast as an optimization problem -- namely, to maximize a lower bound of the log marginal likelihood. This paves the way for a powerful and versatile framework, where pseudo-training examples are treated as optimization arguments of the approximate posterior that are jointly identified together with hyperparameters of the generative model (i.e. prior and likelihood). The framework can naturally handle a wide scope of supervised learning problems, ranging from regression with heteroscedastic and non-Gaussian likelihoods to classification problems with discrete labels, but also multilabel problems. The purpose of this tutorial is to provide access to the basic matter for readers without prior knowledge in both GPs and VI. A proper exposition to the subject enables also access to more recent advances (like importance-weighted VI as well as interdomain, multioutput and deep GPs) that can serve as an inspiration for new research ideas

    A survey of uncertainty in deep neural networks

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    Over the last decade, neural networks have reached almost every field of science and become a crucial part of various real world applications. Due to the increasing spread, confidence in neural network predictions has become more and more important. However, basic neural networks do not deliver certainty estimates or suffer from over- or under-confidence, i.e. are badly calibrated. To overcome this, many researchers have been working on understanding and quantifying uncertainty in a neural network's prediction. As a result, different types and sources of uncertainty have been identified and various approaches to measure and quantify uncertainty in neural networks have been proposed. This work gives a comprehensive overview of uncertainty estimation in neural networks, reviews recent advances in the field, highlights current challenges, and identifies potential research opportunities. It is intended to give anyone interested in uncertainty estimation in neural networks a broad overview and introduction, without presupposing prior knowledge in this field. For that, a comprehensive introduction to the most crucial sources of uncertainty is given and their separation into reducible model uncertainty and irreducible data uncertainty is presented. The modeling of these uncertainties based on deterministic neural networks, Bayesian neural networks (BNNs), ensemble of neural networks, and test-time data augmentation approaches is introduced and different branches of these fields as well as the latest developments are discussed. For a practical application, we discuss different measures of uncertainty, approaches for calibrating neural networks, and give an overview of existing baselines and available implementations. Different examples from the wide spectrum of challenges in the fields of medical image analysis, robotics, and earth observation give an idea of the needs and challenges regarding uncertainties in the practical applications of neural networks. Additionally, the practical limitations of uncertainty quantification methods in neural networks for mission- and safety-critical real world applications are discussed and an outlook on the next steps towards a broader usage of such methods is given
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