22 research outputs found

    On the Linear Extension Complexity of Regular n-gons

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    In this paper, we propose new lower and upper bounds on the linear extension complexity of regular nn-gons. Our bounds are based on the equivalence between the computation of (i) an extended formulation of size rr of a polytope PP, and (ii) a rank-rr nonnegative factorization of a slack matrix of the polytope PP. The lower bound is based on an improved bound for the rectangle covering number (also known as the boolean rank) of the slack matrix of the nn-gons. The upper bound is a slight improvement of the result of Fiorini, Rothvoss and Tiwary [Extended Formulations for Polygons, Discrete Comput. Geom. 48(3), pp. 658-668, 2012]. The difference with their result is twofold: (i) our proof uses a purely algebraic argument while Fiorini et al. used a geometric argument, and (ii) we improve the base case allowing us to reduce their upper bound 2log2(n)2 \left\lceil \log_2(n) \right\rceil by one when 2k1<n2k1+2k22^{k-1} < n \leq 2^{k-1}+2^{k-2} for some integer kk. We conjecture that this new upper bound is tight, which is suggested by numerical experiments for small nn. Moreover, this improved upper bound allows us to close the gap with the best known lower bound for certain regular nn-gons (namely, 9n139 \leq n \leq 13 and 21n2421 \leq n \leq 24) hence allowing for the first time to determine their extension complexity.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures. New contribution: improved lower bound for the boolean rank of the slack matrices of n-gon

    Small Extended Formulations for Cyclic Polytopes

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    We provide an extended formulation of size O(log n)^{\lfloor d/2 \rfloor} for the cyclic polytope with dimension d and n vertices (i,i^2,\ldots,i^d), i in [n]. First, we find an extended formulation of size log(n) for d= 2. Then, we use this as base case to construct small-rank nonnegative factorizations of the slack matrices of higher-dimensional cyclic polytopes, by iterated tensor products. Through Yannakakis's factorization theorem, these factorizations yield small-size extended formulations for cyclic polytopes of dimension d>2

    An upper bound for nonnegative rank

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    We provide a nontrivial upper bound for the nonnegative rank of rank-three matrices, which allows us to prove that [6(n+1)/7] linear inequalities suffice to describe a convex n-gon up to a linear projection

    On the existence of 0/1 polytopes with high semidefinite extension complexity

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    In Rothvo\ss{} it was shown that there exists a 0/1 polytope (a polytope whose vertices are in \{0,1\}^{n}) such that any higher-dimensional polytope projecting to it must have 2^{\Omega(n)} facets, i.e., its linear extension complexity is exponential. The question whether there exists a 0/1 polytope with high PSD extension complexity was left open. We answer this question in the affirmative by showing that there is a 0/1 polytope such that any spectrahedron projecting to it must be the intersection of a semidefinite cone of dimension~2^{\Omega(n)} and an affine space. Our proof relies on a new technique to rescale semidefinite factorizations

    The matching polytope does not admit fully-polynomial size relaxation schemes

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    The groundbreaking work of Rothvo{\ss} [arxiv:1311.2369] established that every linear program expressing the matching polytope has an exponential number of inequalities (formally, the matching polytope has exponential extension complexity). We generalize this result by deriving strong bounds on the polyhedral inapproximability of the matching polytope: for fixed 0<ε<10 < \varepsilon < 1, every polyhedral (1+ε/n)(1 + \varepsilon / n)-approximation requires an exponential number of inequalities, where nn is the number of vertices. This is sharp given the well-known ρ\rho-approximation of size O((nρ/(ρ1)))O(\binom{n}{\rho/(\rho-1)}) provided by the odd-sets of size up to ρ/(ρ1)\rho/(\rho-1). Thus matching is the first problem in PP, whose natural linear encoding does not admit a fully polynomial-size relaxation scheme (the polyhedral equivalent of an FPTAS), which provides a sharp separation from the polynomial-size relaxation scheme obtained e.g., via constant-sized odd-sets mentioned above. Our approach reuses ideas from Rothvo{\ss} [arxiv:1311.2369], however the main lower bounding technique is different. While the original proof is based on the hyperplane separation bound (also called the rectangle corruption bound), we employ the information-theoretic notion of common information as introduced in Braun and Pokutta [http://eccc.hpi-web.de/report/2013/056/], which allows to analyze perturbations of slack matrices. It turns out that the high extension complexity for the matching polytope stem from the same source of hardness as for the correlation polytope: a direct sum structure.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    Polytopes of Minimum Positive Semidefinite Rank

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    The positive semidefinite (psd) rank of a polytope is the smallest kk for which the cone of k×kk \times k real symmetric psd matrices admits an affine slice that projects onto the polytope. In this paper we show that the psd rank of a polytope is at least the dimension of the polytope plus one, and we characterize those polytopes whose psd rank equals this lower bound. We give several classes of polytopes that achieve the minimum possible psd rank including a complete characterization in dimensions two and three

    Algorithms for Positive Semidefinite Factorization

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    This paper considers the problem of positive semidefinite factorization (PSD factorization), a generalization of exact nonnegative matrix factorization. Given an mm-by-nn nonnegative matrix XX and an integer kk, the PSD factorization problem consists in finding, if possible, symmetric kk-by-kk positive semidefinite matrices {A1,...,Am}\{A^1,...,A^m\} and {B1,...,Bn}\{B^1,...,B^n\} such that Xi,j=trace(AiBj)X_{i,j}=\text{trace}(A^iB^j) for i=1,...,mi=1,...,m, and j=1,...nj=1,...n. PSD factorization is NP-hard. In this work, we introduce several local optimization schemes to tackle this problem: a fast projected gradient method and two algorithms based on the coordinate descent framework. The main application of PSD factorization is the computation of semidefinite extensions, that is, the representations of polyhedrons as projections of spectrahedra, for which the matrix to be factorized is the slack matrix of the polyhedron. We compare the performance of our algorithms on this class of problems. In particular, we compute the PSD extensions of size k=1+log2(n)k=1+ \lceil \log_2(n) \rceil for the regular nn-gons when n=5n=5, 88 and 1010. We also show how to generalize our algorithms to compute the square root rank (which is the size of the factors in a PSD factorization where all factor matrices AiA^i and BjB^j have rank one) and completely PSD factorizations (which is the special case where the input matrix is symmetric and equality Ai=BiA^i=B^i is required for all ii).Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, 3 table