2 research outputs found

    The Kati Module System: Modular Design for Delivering Character Focused Dialogue in Games

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    The Kati Module System is an interconnected set of programming modules intended to facilitate dynamic text authoring for interactive experiences (for example, games). It is a long-standing goal for interactive experiences to dynamically adapt their textual output based on the user or player\u27s choices and predilections, but to account for this vast possibility space requires an amount of authoring that is frequently untenable, especially for small studios. Advances in machine learning have produced incredible progress in the field of Natural Language Generation (NLG). Though this produces impressive surface level text, it does so without an internal representation that can be reasoned over previous game states, resulting in output with deep local coherence and low global coherence. Kati attempts to provide the best of both worlds by allowing authors to author configurable text snippets. Kati dynamically rearranges and chooses dialogue phrases based on game state, allowing for high degrees of authorial control, global coherence, and dynamic adaptability to player choice

    FlavourGame: design de personagens dramáticos para serious games

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    O incremento progressivo das doenças associadas à má alimentação é uma realidade e, no caso das crianças, fará com que coloque em risco o crescimento equilibrado destas. Deste modo, é cada vez mais uma opção influenciar as crianças a comer de forma divertida e que, ao mesmo tempo, retenham conhecimentos fundamentais para a sua vida, através dos jogos. A partir desta visão, o projeto FlavourGame caracteriza-se por ser um serious game com o intuito de promover e motivar a discussão em torno do tema da nutrição, mais concretamente nas escolhas alimentares das crianças. FlavourGame, é assim um projeto que interseta a área das artes, tecnologia, comunicação e saúde. Paralelamente à prototipagem e construção do jogo físico e digital, foram criadas as personagens e a narrativa associada a estas. No que diz respeito à questão de investigação, procurou-se responder à pergunta: Que tipo de caracterização requer o design de personagens para jogos narrativos? Posto isto, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico com o intuito de analisar a narrativa, dramatização e as personagens, bem como a sua conceção. Consequentemente, a criação de personagens é um dos tópicos analisados e posto em prática devido à sua importância no projeto. Assim sendo, foram criadas as personagens heroicas e as personagens com o papel de inimigos, bem como as narrativas associadas a cada personagem de modo a potenciar a canalização da narrativa no jogo. No que diz respeito à metodologia abordada, seguiu-se uma metodologia projetual e exploratória. Uma análise qualitativa será predominante neste estudo. A realização de testes iniciais e testes finais, através de entrevistas, foram fases fulcrais no decorrer do projeto, já que a opinião do público, ou seja, as crianças dos 10 aos 12 anos, é um fator a ter em consideração para a conceção e melhoria de cada personagem. Através do entusiasmo e do feedback dos participantes, pôde-se constatar que as várias sugestões são um meio fulcral para a melhoria continua das personagens do jogo e que estas foram ao encontro das expectativas das crianças.The progressive increase in diseases associated with poor nutrition is a reality and, in the case of children, will put their balanced growth at risk. Thus, it is increasingly an option to influence children to eat in a fun way and, at the same time, retain fundamental knowledge for their lives, through games. From this vision, the FlavourGame project is characterized as a serious game with the intention of promoting and motivating discussion around the theme of nutrition, more specifically in children's food choices. FlavourGame is thus a project that intersects the areas of arts, technology, communication, and health. In parallel with the prototyping and construction of the physical and digital game, the characters and the narrative associated with them were created. As far as the research question is concerned, we tried to answer the question: What kind of characterization does character design for narrative games require? Having said that, a literature survey was conducted to analyze the narrative, role-playing, and characters, as well as their design. Consequently, character creation is one of the topics analyzed and put into practice due to its importance in the project. Therefore, the heroic characters and the characters with the role of enemies were created, as well as the narratives associated with each character in order to enhance the channeling of the narrative in the game. As far as the methodology is concerned, a design and exploratory methodology was followed. A qualitative analysis will be predominant in this study. Initial tests and final tests, through interviews, were key stages in the course of the project, since the opinion of the audience, i.e. children aged 10 to 12, is a factor to be taken into consideration for the design and improvement of each character. Through the enthusiasm and feedback from the participants, it could be seen that the various suggestions are a key means for continuous improvement of the game characters and that they met the children's expectations.Mestrado em Comunicação Multimédi