6,958 research outputs found

    Expressive Search on Encrypted Data

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    Different from the traditional public key encryption, search-able public key encryption allows a data owner to encrypt his data under a user’s public key in such a way that the user can generate search token keys using her secret key and then query an encryption storage server. On receiving such a search token key, the server filters all or related stored encryptions and returns matched ones as response. Searchable pubic key encryption has many promising applications. Unfortunately, existing schemes either only support simple query predicates, such as equality queries and conjunctive queries, or have a superpolynomial blowup in ciphertext size and search token key size

    Authorized keyword search over outsourced encrypted data in cloud environment

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    For better data availability and accessibility while ensuring data secrecy, end-users often tend to outsource their data to the cloud servers in an encrypted form. However, this brings a major challenge to perform the search for some keywords over encrypted content without disclosing any information to unintended entities. This paper proposes a novel expressive authorized keyword search scheme relying on the concept of ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption. The originality of the proposed scheme is multifold. First, it supports the generic and convenient multi-owner and multi-user scenario, where the encrypted data are outsourced by several data owners and searchable by multiple users. Second, the formal security analysis proves that the proposed scheme is semantically secure against chosen keyword and outsider's keyword guessing attacks. Third, an interactive protocol is introduced which avoids the need of any secure channels between users and service provider. Fourth, due to the concept of bilinear-map accumulator, the system can efficiently revoke users and/or their attributes, and authenticate them prior to launching any expensive search operations. Fifth, conjunctive keyword search is provided thus enabling to search for multiple keywords simultaneously, with minimal cost. Sixth, the performance analysis shows that the proposed scheme outperforms closely-related works

    Range Search over Encrypted Multi-Attribute Data

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    This work addresses expressive queries over encrypted data by presenting the first systematic study of multi-attribute range search on a symmetrically encrypted database outsourced to an honest-but-curious server. Prior work includes a thorough analysis of single-attribute range search schemes (e.g. Demertzis et al. 2016) and a proposed high-level approach for multi-attribute schemes (De Capitani di Vimercati et al. 2021). We first introduce a flexible framework for building secure range search schemes over multiple attributes (dimensions) by adapting a broad class of geometric search data structures to operate on encrypted data. Our framework encompasses widely used data structures such as multi-dimensional range trees and quadtrees, and has strong security properties that we formally prove. We then develop six concrete highly parallelizable range search schemes within our framework that offer a sliding scale of efficiency and security tradeoffs to suit the needs of the application. We evaluate our schemes with a formal complexity and security analysis, a prototype implementation, and an experimental evaluation on real-world datasets

    Improving Efficiency, Expressiveness and Security of Searchable Encryption

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    A large part of our personal data, ranging from medical and financial records to our social activity, is stored online in cloud servers. Frequent data breaches threaten to expose these data to malicious third parties, often with catastrophic consequences (estimated to several billion of US dollars annually). In this thesis, we use, extend and improve Searchable Encryption (SE) in order to build the next generation encrypted databases/systems that will prevent such undesirable situations. Our goal is to build systems that are both practical and provably secure, while allowing expressive search and computation on encrypted data. Towards this goal, we have proposed new SE schemes that achieve the following: (i) have better search/computation time, (ii) allow expressive queries such as range, join, group-by, as well as dynamic query workloads, and (iii) provide new adjustable security-efficiency trade-offs---leading to robust and efficient schemes even against very powerful adversaries

    Expressive and Secure Searchable Encryption in the Public Key Setting (Full Version)

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    Searchable encryption allows an untrusted server to search on encrypted data without knowing the underlying data contents. Traditional searchable encryption schemes focus only on single keyword or conjunctive keyword search. Several solutions have been recently proposed to design more expressive search criteria, but most of them are in the setting of symmetric key encryption. In this paper, based on the composite-order groups, we present an expressive and secure asymmetric searchable encryption (ESASE) scheme, which is the first that simultaneously supports conjunctive, disjunctive and negation search operations. We analyze the efficiency of ESASE and prove it is secure under the standard model. In addition, we show that how ESASE could be extended to support the range search and the multi-user setting

    Equivalence-based Security for Querying Encrypted Databases: Theory and Application to Privacy Policy Audits

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    Motivated by the problem of simultaneously preserving confidentiality and usability of data outsourced to third-party clouds, we present two different database encryption schemes that largely hide data but reveal enough information to support a wide-range of relational queries. We provide a security definition for database encryption that captures confidentiality based on a notion of equivalence of databases from the adversary's perspective. As a specific application, we adapt an existing algorithm for finding violations of privacy policies to run on logs encrypted under our schemes and observe low to moderate overheads.Comment: CCS 2015 paper technical report, in progres
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