14,735 research outputs found

    3nj Morphogenesis and Semiclassical Disentangling

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    Recoupling coefficients (3nj symbols) are unitary transformations between binary coupled eigenstates of N=(n+1) mutually commuting SU(2) angular momentum operators. They have been used in a variety of applications in spectroscopy, quantum chemistry and nuclear physics and quite recently also in quantum gravity and quantum computing. These coefficients, naturally associated to cubic Yutsis graphs, share a number of intriguing combinatorial, algebraic, and analytical features that make them fashinating objects to be studied on their own. In this paper we develop a bottom--up, systematic procedure for the generation of 3nj from 3(n-1)j diagrams by resorting to diagrammatical and algebraic methods. We provide also a novel approach to the problem of classifying various regimes of semiclassical expansions of 3nj coefficients (asymptotic disentangling of 3nj diagrams) for n > 2 by means of combinatorial, analytical and numerical tools

    Normal Factor Graphs and Holographic Transformations

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    This paper stands at the intersection of two distinct lines of research. One line is "holographic algorithms," a powerful approach introduced by Valiant for solving various counting problems in computer science; the other is "normal factor graphs," an elegant framework proposed by Forney for representing codes defined on graphs. We introduce the notion of holographic transformations for normal factor graphs, and establish a very general theorem, called the generalized Holant theorem, which relates a normal factor graph to its holographic transformation. We show that the generalized Holant theorem on the one hand underlies the principle of holographic algorithms, and on the other hand reduces to a general duality theorem for normal factor graphs, a special case of which was first proved by Forney. In the course of our development, we formalize a new semantics for normal factor graphs, which highlights various linear algebraic properties that potentially enable the use of normal factor graphs as a linear algebraic tool.Comment: To appear IEEE Trans. Inform. Theor

    Graph Kernels

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    We present a unified framework to study graph kernels, special cases of which include the random walk (Gärtner et al., 2003; Borgwardt et al., 2005) and marginalized (Kashima et al., 2003, 2004; MahÊ et al., 2004) graph kernels. Through reduction to a Sylvester equation we improve the time complexity of kernel computation between unlabeled graphs with n vertices from O(n^6) to O(n^3). We find a spectral decomposition approach even more efficient when computing entire kernel matrices. For labeled graphs we develop conjugate gradient and fixed-point methods that take O(dn^3) time per iteration, where d is the size of the label set. By extending the necessary linear algebra to Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces (RKHS) we obtain the same result for d-dimensional edge kernels, and O(n^4) in the infinite-dimensional case; on sparse graphs these algorithms only take O(n^2) time per iteration in all cases. Experiments on graphs from bioinformatics and other application domains show that these techniques can speed up computation of the kernel by an order of magnitude or more. We also show that certain rational kernels (Cortes et al., 2002, 2003, 2004) when specialized to graphs reduce to our random walk graph kernel. Finally, we relate our framework to R-convolution kernels (Haussler, 1999) and provide a kernel that is close to the optimal assignment kernel of FrÜhlich et al. (2006) yet provably positive semi-definite

    Variational approximations for stochastic dynamics on graphs

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    We investigate different mean-field-like approximations for stochastic dynamics on graphs, within the framework of a cluster-variational approach. In analogy with its equilibrium counterpart, this approach allows one to give a unified view of various (previously known) approximation schemes, and suggests quite a systematic way to improve the level of accuracy. We compare the different approximations with Monte Carlo simulations on a reversible (susceptible-infected-susceptible) discrete-time epidemic-spreading model on random graphs.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures. Minor revisions. IOP-style

    Exact Inference Techniques for the Analysis of Bayesian Attack Graphs

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    Attack graphs are a powerful tool for security risk assessment by analysing network vulnerabilities and the paths attackers can use to compromise network resources. The uncertainty about the attacker's behaviour makes Bayesian networks suitable to model attack graphs to perform static and dynamic analysis. Previous approaches have focused on the formalization of attack graphs into a Bayesian model rather than proposing mechanisms for their analysis. In this paper we propose to use efficient algorithms to make exact inference in Bayesian attack graphs, enabling the static and dynamic network risk assessments. To support the validity of our approach we have performed an extensive experimental evaluation on synthetic Bayesian attack graphs with different topologies, showing the computational advantages in terms of time and memory use of the proposed techniques when compared to existing approaches.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figure

    Relating Covariant and Canonical Approaches to Triangulated Models of Quantum Gravity

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    In this paper explore the relation between covariant and canonical approaches to quantum gravity and BFBF theory. We will focus on the dynamical triangulation and spin-foam models, which have in common that they can be defined in terms of sums over space-time triangulations. Our aim is to show how we can recover these covariant models from a canonical framework by providing two regularisations of the projector onto the kernel of the Hamiltonian constraint. This link is important for the understanding of the dynamics of quantum gravity. In particular, we will see how in the simplest dynamical triangulations model we can recover the Hamiltonian constraint via our definition of the projector. Our discussion of spin-foam models will show how the elementary spin-network moves in loop quantum gravity, which were originally assumed to describe the Hamiltonian constraint action, are in fact related to the time-evolution generated by the constraint. We also show that the Immirzi parameter is important for the understanding of a continuum limit of the theory.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figure
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