3 research outputs found

    Reflective Designs — An Overview

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    AbstractWe render runtime system adaptations by design-level concepts such that running systems can be adapted and examined at a higher level of abstraction. The overall idea is to express design decisions as applications of design operators to be carried out at runtime. Design operators can implement design patterns for use at runtime. Applications of design operators are made explicit as design elements in the running system such that they can be traced, reconfigured, and made undone.Our approach enables Reflective Designs: on one side, design operators employ reflection to perform runtime adaptations; on the other side, design elements provide an additional reflection protocol to examine and configure performed adaptations. Our approach helps understanding the development and the maintenance of the class of software systems that cannot tolerate downtime or frequent shutdown-revise-startup cycles.We have accumulated a class library for programming with Reflective Designs in Squeak/Smalltalk. This library employs reflection and dynamic aspect-oriented programming. We have also implemented tool support for navigating in a system that is adapted continuously at runtime.Note: This extended abstract summarises our full paper [Hirschfeld, R. and R. Lämmel, Reflective Designs, IEE Proceedings Software (2004), Special Issue on Reusable Software Libraries. To appear. Available at http://homepages.cwi.nl/~ralf/rd/]

    Static and dynamic structure in design patterns

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    technical reportDesign patterns are a valuable mechanism for emphasizing structure, capturing design expertise, and facilitating restructuring of software systems. Patterns are typically applied in the context of an object-oriented language and are implemented so that the pattern participants correspond to object instances that are created and connected at run-time. This paper describes a complementary realization of design patterns, in which the pattern participants are statically instantiated and connected components. Our approach separates the static parts of the software design from the dynamic parts of the system behavior. This separation makes the software design more amenable to analysis, enabling more effective and domain specific detection of system design errors, prediction of run-time behavior, and more effective optimization. This technique is applicable to imperative, functional, and object-oriented languages: we have extended C, Scheme, and Java with our component model. In this paper, we illustrate this approach in the context of the OSKit, a collection of operating system components written in C

    Expressing Structural Properties as Language Constructs?

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