31 research outputs found

    Polynomial Linear Programming with Gaussian Belief Propagation

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    Interior-point methods are state-of-the-art algorithms for solving linear programming (LP) problems with polynomial complexity. Specifically, the Karmarkar algorithm typically solves LP problems in time O(n^{3.5}), where nn is the number of unknown variables. Karmarkar's celebrated algorithm is known to be an instance of the log-barrier method using the Newton iteration. The main computational overhead of this method is in inverting the Hessian matrix of the Newton iteration. In this contribution, we propose the application of the Gaussian belief propagation (GaBP) algorithm as part of an efficient and distributed LP solver that exploits the sparse and symmetric structure of the Hessian matrix and avoids the need for direct matrix inversion. This approach shifts the computation from realm of linear algebra to that of probabilistic inference on graphical models, thus applying GaBP as an efficient inference engine. Our construction is general and can be used for any interior-point algorithm which uses the Newton method, including non-linear program solvers.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, appeared in the 46th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Allerton House, Illinois, Sept. 200

    Convergence of the Exponentiated Gradient Method with Armijo Line Search

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    Consider the problem of minimizing a convex differentiable function on the probability simplex, spectrahedron, or set of quantum density matrices. We prove that the exponentiated gradient method with Armjo line search always converges to the optimum, if the sequence of the iterates possesses a strictly positive limit point (element-wise for the vector case, and with respect to the Lowner partial ordering for the matrix case). To the best our knowledge, this is the first convergence result for a mirror descent-type method that only requires differentiability. The proof exploits self-concordant likeness of the log-partition function, which is of independent interest.Comment: 18 page

    Stochastic Optimization of PCA with Capped MSG

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    We study PCA as a stochastic optimization problem and propose a novel stochastic approximation algorithm which we refer to as "Matrix Stochastic Gradient" (MSG), as well as a practical variant, Capped MSG. We study the method both theoretically and empirically

    Asynchronous Parallel Block-Coordinate Frank-Wolfe

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    Abstract We develop mini-batched parallel Frank-Wolfe (conditional gradient) methods for smooth convex optimization subject to block-separable constraints. Our work includes the basic (batch) Frank-Wolfe algorithm as well as the recently proposed Block-Coordinate Frank-Wolfe (BCFW) method [18] as special cases. Our algorithm permits asynchronous updates within the minibatch, and is robust to stragglers and faulty worker threads. Our analysis reveals how the potential speedups over BCFW depend on the minibatch size and how one can provably obtain large problem dependent speedups. We present several experiments to indicate empirical behavior of our methods, obtaining significant speedups over competing state-of-the-art (and synchronous) methods on structural SVMs

    Stochastic Frank-Wolfe Methods for Nonconvex Optimization

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    We study Frank-Wolfe methods for nonconvex stochastic and finite-sum optimization problems. Frank-Wolfe methods (in the convex case) have gained tremendous recent interest in machine learning and optimization communities due to their projection-free property and their ability to exploit structured constraints. However, our understanding of these algorithms in the nonconvex setting is fairly limited. In this paper, we propose nonconvex stochastic Frank-Wolfe methods and analyze their convergence properties. For objective functions that decompose into a finite-sum, we leverage ideas from variance reduction techniques for convex optimization to obtain new variance reduced nonconvex Frank-Wolfe methods that have provably faster convergence than the classical Frank-Wolfe method. Finally, we show that the faster convergence rates of our variance reduced methods also translate into improved convergence rates for the stochastic setting

    A Multi-Plane Block-Coordinate Frank-Wolfe Algorithm for Training Structural SVMs with a Costly max-Oracle

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    Structural support vector machines (SSVMs) are amongst the best performing models for structured computer vision tasks, such as semantic image segmentation or human pose estimation. Training SSVMs, however, is computationally costly, because it requires repeated calls to a structured prediction subroutine (called \emph{max-oracle}), which has to solve an optimization problem itself, e.g. a graph cut. In this work, we introduce a new algorithm for SSVM training that is more efficient than earlier techniques when the max-oracle is computationally expensive, as it is frequently the case in computer vision tasks. The main idea is to (i) combine the recent stochastic Block-Coordinate Frank-Wolfe algorithm with efficient hyperplane caching, and (ii) use an automatic selection rule for deciding whether to call the exact max-oracle or to rely on an approximate one based on the cached hyperplanes. We show experimentally that this strategy leads to faster convergence to the optimum with respect to the number of requires oracle calls, and that this translates into faster convergence with respect to the total runtime when the max-oracle is slow compared to the other steps of the algorithm. A publicly available C++ implementation is provided at http://pub.ist.ac.at/~vnk/papers/SVM.html