4,178 research outputs found

    Putting energy back in control

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    A control system design technique using the principle of energy balancing was analyzed. Passivity-based control (PBC) techniques were used to analyze complex systems by decomposing them into simpler sub systems, which upon interconnection and total energy addition were helpful in determining the overall system behavior. An attempt to identify physical obstacles that hampered the use of PBC in applications other than mechanical systems was carried out. The technique was applicable to systems which were stabilized with passive controllers

    Resonant Electro-Optic Frequency Comb

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    High speed optical telecommunication is enabled by wavelength division multiplexing, whereby hundreds of individually stabilized lasers encode the information within a single mode optical fiber. In the seek for larger bandwidth the optical power sent into the fiber is limited by optical non-linearities within the fiber and energy consumption of the light sources starts to become a significant cost factor. Optical frequency combs have been suggested to remedy this problem by generating multiple laser lines within a monolithic device, their current stability and coherence lets them operate only in small parameter ranges. Here we show that a broadband frequency comb realized through the electro-optic effect within a high quality whispering gallery mode resonator can operate at low microwave and optical powers. Contrary to the usual third order Kerr non-linear optical frequency combs we rely on the second order non-linear effect which is much more efficient. Our result uses a fixed microwave signal which is mixed with an optical pump signal to generate a coherent frequency comb with a precisely determined carrier separation. The resonant enhancement enables us to operate with microwave powers three order magnitude smaller than in commercially available devices. We can expect the implementation into the next generation long distance telecommunication which relies on coherent emission and detection schemes to allow for operation with higher optical powers and at reduced cost

    Stable Unitary Integrators for the Numerical Implementation of Continuous Unitary Transformations

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    The technique of continuous unitary transformations has recently been used to provide physical insight into a diverse array of quantum mechanical systems. However, the question of how to best numerically implement the flow equations has received little attention. The most immediately apparent approach, using standard Runge-Kutta numerical integration algorithms, suffers from both severe inefficiency due to stiffness and the loss of unitarity. After reviewing the formalism of continuous unitary transformations and Wegner's original choice for the infinitesimal generator of the flow, we present a number of approaches to resolving these issues including a choice of generator which induces what we call the "uniform tangent decay flow" and three numerical integrators specifically designed to perform continuous unitary transformations efficiently while preserving the unitarity of flow. We conclude by applying one of the flow algorithms to a simple calculation that visually demonstrates the many-body localization transition.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, Comments welcom

    3D billiards: visualization of regular structures and trapping of chaotic trajectories

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    The dynamics in three-dimensional billiards leads, using a Poincar\'e section, to a four-dimensional map which is challenging to visualize. By means of the recently introduced 3D phase-space slices an intuitive representation of the organization of the mixed phase space with regular and chaotic dynamics is obtained. Of particular interest for applications are constraints to classical transport between different regions of phase space which manifest in the statistics of Poincar\'e recurrence times. For a 3D paraboloid billiard we observe a slow power-law decay caused by long-trapped trajectories which we analyze in phase space and in frequency space. Consistent with previous results for 4D maps we find that: (i) Trapping takes place close to regular structures outside the Arnold web. (ii) Trapping is not due to a generalized island-around-island hierarchy. (iii) The dynamics of sticky orbits is governed by resonance channels which extend far into the chaotic sea. We find clear signatures of partial transport barriers. Moreover, we visualize the geometry of stochastic layers in resonance channels explored by sticky orbits.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures. For videos of 3D phase-space slices and time-resolved animations see http://www.comp-phys.tu-dresden.de/supp

    Nanoelectromechanical coupling in fullerene peapods probed via resonant electrical transport experiments

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    Fullerene peapods, that is carbon nanotubes encapsulating fullerene molecules, can offer enhanced functionality with respect to empty nanotubes. However, the present incomplete understanding of how a nanotube is affected by entrapped fullerenes is an obstacle for peapods to reach their full potential in nanoscale electronic applications. Here, we investigate the effect of C60 fullerenes on electron transport via peapod quantum dots. Compared to empty nanotubes, we find an abnormal temperature dependence of Coulomb blockade oscillations, indicating the presence of a nanoelectromechanical coupling between electronic states of the nanotube and mechanical vibrations of the fullerenes. This provides a method to detect the C60 presence and to probe the interplay between electrical and mechanical excitations in peapods, which thus emerge as a new class of nanoelectromechanical systems.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Published in Nature Communications. Free online access to the published version until Sept 30th, 2010, see http://www.nature.com/ncomms/journal/v1/n4/abs/ncomms1034.htm

    Twenty years of distributed port-Hamiltonian systems:A literature review

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    The port-Hamiltonian (pH) theory for distributed parameter systems has developed greatly in the past two decades. The theory has been successfully extended from finite-dimensional to infinite-dimensional systems through a lot of research efforts. This article collects the different research studies carried out for distributed pH systems. We classify over a hundred and fifty studies based on different research focuses ranging from modeling, discretization, control and theoretical foundations. This literature review highlights the wide applicability of the pH systems theory to complex systems with multi-physical domains using the same tools and language. We also supplement this article with a bibliographical database including all papers reviewed in this paper classified in their respective groups

    Defective transport properties of three-terminal carbon nanotube junctions

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    We investigate the transport properties of three terminal carbon based nanojunctions within the scattering matrix approach. The stability of such junctions is subordinated to the presence of nonhexagonal arrangements in the molecular network. Such "defective" arrangements do influence the resulting quantum transport observables, as a consequence of the possibility of acting as pinning centers of the correspondent wavefunction. By investigating a fairly wide class of junctions we have found regular mutual dependencies between such localized states at the carbon network and a strikingly behavior of the conductance. In particular, we have shown that Fano resonances emerge as a natural result of the interference between defective states and the extended continuum background. As a consequence, the currents through the junctions hitting these resonant states might experience variations on a relevant scale with current modulations of up to 75%.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Energy Shaping of Underactuated Systems via Interconnection and Damping Assignment Passivity-Based Control with Applications to Planar Biped Robots

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    The sought goal of this thesis is to show that total energy shaping is an effective and versatile tool to control underactuated mechanical systems. The performance of several approaches, rooted in the port-Hamiltonian formalism, are analyzed while tackling distinct control problems: i) equilibrium stabilization; ii) gait generation; iii) gait robustication. Firstly, a constructive solution to deal with interconnection and damping assignment passivity-based control (IDA-PBC) for underactuated two-degree-of-freedom mechanical systems is proposed. This strategy does not involve the resolution of any partial differential equation, since explicit solutions are given, while no singularities depending on generalized momenta are introduced by the controller. The methodology is applied to the stabilization of a translational oscillator with a rotational actuator system, as well as, to the gait generation for an underactuated compass-like biped robot (CBR). Then, the problem of gait generation is addressed using dissipative forces in the controller. In this sense, three distinct controllers are presented, namely simultaneous interconnection and damping assignment passivity-based control with dissipative forces, energy pumping-and-damping passivity-based control (EPD-PBC), and energy pumping-or-damping control. Finally, EPD-PBC is used to increase the robustness of the gait exhibited by the CBR over uncertainties on the initial conditions. The passivity of the system is exploited, as well as, its hybrid nature (using the hybrid zero dynamics method) to carry out the stability analysis. Besides, such an approach is applied to new gaits that are generated using IDA-PBC. Numerical case studies, comparisons, and critical discussions evaluate the performance of the proposed approaches
