5,773 research outputs found

    Throughput Optimal On-Line Algorithms for Advanced Resource Reservation in Ultra High-Speed Networks

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    Advanced channel reservation is emerging as an important feature of ultra high-speed networks requiring the transfer of large files. Applications include scientific data transfers and database backup. In this paper, we present two new, on-line algorithms for advanced reservation, called BatchAll and BatchLim, that are guaranteed to achieve optimal throughput performance, based on multi-commodity flow arguments. Both algorithms are shown to have polynomial-time complexity and provable bounds on the maximum delay for 1+epsilon bandwidth augmented networks. The BatchLim algorithm returns the completion time of a connection immediately as a request is placed, but at the expense of a slightly looser competitive ratio than that of BatchAll. We also present a simple approach that limits the number of parallel paths used by the algorithms while provably bounding the maximum reduction factor in the transmission throughput. We show that, although the number of different paths can be exponentially large, the actual number of paths needed to approximate the flow is quite small and proportional to the number of edges in the network. Simulations for a number of topologies show that, in practice, 3 to 5 parallel paths are sufficient to achieve close to optimal performance. The performance of the competitive algorithms are also compared to a greedy benchmark, both through analysis and simulation.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Exponential penalty function control of loss networks

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    We introduce penalty-function-based admission control policies to approximately maximize the expected reward rate in a loss network. These control policies are easy to implement and perform well both in the transient period as well as in steady state. A major advantage of the penalty approach is that it avoids solving the associated dynamic program. However, a disadvantage of this approach is that it requires the capacity requested by individual requests to be sufficiently small compared to total available capacity. We first solve a related deterministic linear program (LP) and then translate an optimal solution of the LP into an admission control policy for the loss network via an exponential penalty function. We show that the penalty policy is a target-tracking policy--it performs well because the optimal solution of the LP is a good target. We demonstrate that the penalty approach can be extended to track arbitrarily defined target sets. Results from preliminary simulation studies are included.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/105051604000000936 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Channel Fragmentation in Dynamic Spectrum Access Systems - a Theoretical Study

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    Dynamic Spectrum Access systems exploit temporarily available spectrum (`white spaces') and can spread transmissions over a number of non-contiguous sub-channels. Such methods are highly beneficial in terms of spectrum utilization. However, excessive fragmentation degrades performance and hence off-sets the benefits. Thus, there is a need to study these processes so as to determine how to ensure acceptable levels of fragmentation. Hence, we present experimental and analytical results derived from a mathematical model. We model a system operating at capacity serving requests for bandwidth by assigning a collection of gaps (sub-channels) with no limitations on the fragment size. Our main theoretical result shows that even if fragments can be arbitrarily small, the system does not degrade with time. Namely, the average total number of fragments remains bounded. Within the very difficult class of dynamic fragmentation models (including models of storage fragmentation), this result appears to be the first of its kind. Extensive experimental results describe behavior, at times unexpected, of fragmentation under different algorithms. Our model also applies to dynamic linked-list storage allocation, and provides a novel analysis in that domain. We prove that, interestingly, the 50% rule of the classical (non-fragmented) allocation model carries over to our model. Overall, the paper provides insights into the potential behavior of practical fragmentation algorithms

    4. generációs mobil rendszerek kutatása = Research on 4-th Generation Mobile Systems

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    A 3G mobil rendszerek szabványosítása a végéhez közeledik, legalábbis a meghatározó képességek tekintetében. Ezért létfontosságú azon technikák, eljárások vizsgálata, melyek a következő, 4G rendszerekben meghatározó szerepet töltenek majd be. Több ilyen kutatási irányvonal is létezik, ezek közül projektünkben a fontosabbakra koncentráltunk. A következőben felsoroljuk a kutatott területeket, és röviden összegezzük az elért eredményeket. Szórt spektrumú rendszerek Kifejlesztettünk egy új, rádiós interfészen alkalmazható hívásengedélyezési eljárást. Szimulációs vizsgálatokkal támasztottuk alá a megoldás hatékonyságát. A projektben kutatóként résztvevő Jeney Gábor sikeresen megvédte Ph.D. disszertációját neurális hálózatokra épülő többfelhasználós detekciós technikák témában. Az elért eredmények Imre Sándor MTA doktori disszertációjába is beépültek. IP alkalmazása mobil rendszerekben Továbbfejlesztettük, teszteltük és általánosítottuk a projekt keretében megalkotott új, gyűrű alapú topológiára épülő, a jelenleginél nagyobb megbízhatóságú IP alapú hozzáférési koncepciót. A témakörben Szalay Máté Ph.D. disszertációja már a nyilvános védésig jutott. Kvantum-informatikai módszerek alkalmazása 3G/4G detekcióra Új, kvantum-informatikai elvekre épülő többfelhasználós detekciós eljárást dolgoztunk ki. Ehhez új kvantum alapú algoritmusokat is kifejlesztettünk. Az eredményeket nemzetközi folyóiratok mellett egy saját könyvben is publikáltuk. | The project consists of three main research directions. Spread spectrum systems: we developed a new call admission control method for 3G air interfaces. Project member Gabor Jeney obtained the Ph.D. degree and project leader Sandor Imre submitted his DSc theses from this area. Application of IP in mobile systems: A ring-based reliable IP mobility mobile access concept and corresponding protocols have been developed. Project member Máté Szalay submitted his Ph.D. theses from this field. Quantum computing based solutions in 3G/4G detection: Quantum computing based multiuser detection algorithm was developed. Based on the results on this field a book was published at Wiley entitled: 'Quantum Computing and Communications - an engineering approach'

    Multiplexing regulated traffic streams: design and performance

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    The main network solutions for supporting QoS rely on traf- fic policing (conditioning, shaping). In particular, for IP networks the IETF has developed Intserv (individual flows regulated) and Diffserv (only ag- gregates regulated). The regulator proposed could be based on the (dual) leaky-bucket mechanism. This explains the interest in network element per- formance (loss, delay) for leaky-bucket regulated traffic. This paper describes a novel approach to the above problem. Explicitly using the correlation structure of the sources’ traffic, we derive approxi- mations for both small and large buffers. Importantly, for small (large) buffers the short-term (long-term) correlations are dominant. The large buffer result decomposes the traffic stream in a stream of constant rate and a periodic impulse stream, allowing direct application of the Brownian bridge approximation. Combining the small and large buffer results by a concave majorization, we propose a simple, fast and accurate technique to statistically multiplex homogeneous regulated sources. To address heterogeneous inputs, we present similarly efficient tech- niques to evaluate the performance of multiple classes of traffic, each with distinct characteristics and QoS requirements. These techniques, applica- ble under more general conditions, are based on optimal resource (band- width and buffer) partitioning. They can also be directly applied to set GPS (Generalized Processor Sharing) weights and buffer thresholds in a shared resource system