21 research outputs found

    Une heuristique basée sur l'historique des conflits pour les problèmes de satisfaction de contraintes

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    National audienceL’heuristique de choix de variables est une brique importante pour les algorithmes de résolution du problème de satisfaction de contraintes (CSP). Elle a une influence souvent considérable sur l’efficacité de la recherche et permet, d’une certaine manière, d’exploiter la structure des instances. Dans cet article, nous proposons l’heuristique CHS (pour Conflict-History Search) qui est une heuristique dynamique et adaptative pour la résolution d’instances CSP. Elle repose sur les échecs rencontrés durant la recherche et considère leur temporalité tout au long de la résolution. Une technique d’apprentissage par renforcement est exploitée pour estimer l’évolution de la difficulté des contraintes durant la recherche. Les expérimentations réalisées sur des instances au format XCSP3 permettent de montrer que l’intégration de CHS au sein d’un solveur basé sur l’algorithme MAC s’avère pertinente, conduisant notamment à des résultats meilleurs que ceux obtenusavec des heuristiques de l’état de l’art comme dom/wdeg et ABS

    Conflict History Based Branching Heuristic for CSP Solving

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    International audienceAn important feature in designing algorithms to solve Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP) is the definition of a branching heuristic to explore efficiently the search space and exploit the problem structure. We propose Conflict-History Search (CHS), a new dynamic and adaptive branching heuristic for CSP solving. It is based on the search history by considering the temporality of search failures. To achieve that, we use the exponential recency weighted average to estimate the evolution of the hardness of constraints throughout the search. The experimental evaluation on XCSP3 instances shows that integrating CHS to solvers based on MAC obtains competitive results and can improve those obtained through other heuristics of the state of the art

    Conflict History based Search for Constraint Satisfaction Problem

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    A SAT+CAS Approach to Finding Good Matrices: New Examples and Counterexamples

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    We enumerate all circulant good matrices with odd orders divisible by 3 up to order 70. As a consequence of this we find a previously overlooked set of good matrices of order 27 and a new set of good matrices of order 57. We also find that circulant good matrices do not exist in the orders 51, 63, and 69, thereby finding three new counterexamples to the conjecture that such matrices exist in all odd orders. Additionally, we prove a new relationship between the entries of good matrices and exploit this relationship in our enumeration algorithm. Our method applies the SAT+CAS paradigm of combining computer algebra functionality with modern SAT solvers to efficiently search large spaces which are specified by both algebraic and logical constraints

    An Iterative Path-Breaking Approach with Mutation and Restart Strategies for the MAX-SAT Problem

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    Although Path-Relinking is an effective local search method for many combinatorial optimization problems, its application is not straightforward in solving the MAX-SAT, an optimization variant of the satisfiability problem (SAT) that has many real-world applications and has gained more and more attention in academy and industry. Indeed, it was not used in any recent competitive MAX-SAT algorithms in our knowledge. In this paper, we propose a new local search algorithm called IPBMR for the MAX-SAT, that remedies the drawbacks of the Path-Relinking method by using a careful combination of three components: a new strategy named Path-Breaking to avoid unpromising regions of the search space when generating trajectories between two elite solutions; a weak and a strong mutation strategies, together with restarts, to diversify the search; and stochastic path generating steps to avoid premature local optimum solutions. We then present experimental results to show that IPBMR outperforms two of the best state-of-the-art MAX-SAT solvers, and an empirical investigation to identify and explain the effect of the three components in IPBMR

    A SAT-based Resolution of Lam's Problem

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    In 1989, computer searches by Lam, Thiel, and Swiercz experimentally resolved Lam's problem from projective geometry\unicode{x2014}the long-standing problem of determining if a projective plane of order ten exists. Both the original search and an independent verification in 2011 discovered no such projective plane. However, these searches were each performed using highly specialized custom-written code and did not produce nonexistence certificates. In this paper, we resolve Lam's problem by translating the problem into Boolean logic and use satisfiability (SAT) solvers to produce nonexistence certificates that can be verified by a third party. Our work uncovered consistency issues in both previous searches\unicode{x2014}highlighting the difficulty of relying on special-purpose search code for nonexistence results.Comment: To appear at the Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligenc

    Exponential Recency Weighted Average Branching Heuristic for SAT Solvers

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    Modern conflict-driven clause-learning SAT solvers routinely solve large real-world instances with millions of clauses and variables in them. Their success crucially depends on effective branching heuristics. In this paper, we propose a new branching heuristic inspired by the exponential recency weighted average algorithm used to solve the bandit problem. The branching heuristic, we call CHB, learns online which variables to branch on by leveraging the feedback received from conflict analysis. We evaluated CHB on 1200 instances from the SAT Competition 2013 and 2014 instances, and showed that CHB solves significantly more instances than VSIDS, currently the most effective branching heuristic in widespread use. More precisely, we implemented CHB as part of the MiniSat and Glucose solvers, and performed an apple-to-apple comparison with their VSIDS-based variants. CHB-based MiniSat (resp. CHB-based Glucose) solved approximately 16.1% (resp. 5.6%) more instances than their VSIDS-based variants. Additionally, CHB-based solvers are much more efficient at constructing first preimage attacks on step-reduced SHA-1 and MD5 cryptographic hash functions, than their VSIDS-based counterparts. To the best of our knowledge, CHB is the first branching heuristic to solve significantly more instances than VSIDS on a large, diverse benchmark of real-world instances