659 research outputs found

    Algebraic Independence and Blackbox Identity Testing

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    Algebraic independence is an advanced notion in commutative algebra that generalizes independence of linear polynomials to higher degree. Polynomials {f_1, ..., f_m} \subset \F[x_1, ..., x_n] are called algebraically independent if there is no non-zero polynomial F such that F(f_1, ..., f_m) = 0. The transcendence degree, trdeg{f_1, ..., f_m}, is the maximal number r of algebraically independent polynomials in the set. In this paper we design blackbox and efficient linear maps \phi that reduce the number of variables from n to r but maintain trdeg{\phi(f_i)}_i = r, assuming f_i's sparse and small r. We apply these fundamental maps to solve several cases of blackbox identity testing: (1) Given a polynomial-degree circuit C and sparse polynomials f_1, ..., f_m with trdeg r, we can test blackbox D := C(f_1, ..., f_m) for zeroness in poly(size(D))^r time. (2) Define a spsp_\delta(k,s,n) circuit C to be of the form \sum_{i=1}^k \prod_{j=1}^s f_{i,j}, where f_{i,j} are sparse n-variate polynomials of degree at most \delta. For k = 2 we give a poly(sn\delta)^{\delta^2} time blackbox identity test. (3) For a general depth-4 circuit we define a notion of rank. Assuming there is a rank bound R for minimal simple spsp_\delta(k,s,n) identities, we give a poly(snR\delta)^{Rk\delta^2} time blackbox identity test for spsp_\delta(k,s,n) circuits. This partially generalizes the state of the art of depth-3 to depth-4 circuits. The notion of trdeg works best with large or zero characteristic, but we also give versions of our results for arbitrary fields.Comment: 32 pages, preliminary versio

    On the power of homogeneous depth 4 arithmetic circuits

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    We prove exponential lower bounds on the size of homogeneous depth 4 arithmetic circuits computing an explicit polynomial in VPVP. Our results hold for the {\it Iterated Matrix Multiplication} polynomial - in particular we show that any homogeneous depth 4 circuit computing the (1,1)(1,1) entry in the product of nn generic matrices of dimension nO(1)n^{O(1)} must have size nΩ(n)n^{\Omega(\sqrt{n})}. Our results strengthen previous works in two significant ways. Our lower bounds hold for a polynomial in VPVP. Prior to our work, Kayal et al [KLSS14] proved an exponential lower bound for homogeneous depth 4 circuits (over fields of characteristic zero) computing a poly in VNPVNP. The best known lower bounds for a depth 4 homogeneous circuit computing a poly in VPVP was the bound of nΩ(log⁥n)n^{\Omega(\log n)} by [LSS, KLSS14].Our exponential lower bounds also give the first exponential separation between general arithmetic circuits and homogeneous depth 4 arithmetic circuits. In particular they imply that the depth reduction results of Koiran [Koi12] and Tavenas [Tav13] are tight even for reductions to general homogeneous depth 4 circuits (without the restriction of bounded bottom fanin). Our lower bound holds over all fields. The lower bound of [KLSS14] worked only over fields of characteristic zero. Prior to our work, the best lower bound for homogeneous depth 4 circuits over fields of positive characteristic was nΩ(log⁥n)n^{\Omega(\log n)} [LSS, KLSS14]

    Arithmetic circuits: the chasm at depth four gets wider

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    In their paper on the "chasm at depth four", Agrawal and Vinay have shown that polynomials in m variables of degree O(m) which admit arithmetic circuits of size 2^o(m) also admit arithmetic circuits of depth four and size 2^o(m). This theorem shows that for problems such as arithmetic circuit lower bounds or black-box derandomization of identity testing, the case of depth four circuits is in a certain sense the general case. In this paper we show that smaller depth four circuits can be obtained if we start from polynomial size arithmetic circuits. For instance, we show that if the permanent of n*n matrices has circuits of size polynomial in n, then it also has depth 4 circuits of size n^O(sqrt(n)*log(n)). Our depth four circuits use integer constants of polynomial size. These results have potential applications to lower bounds and deterministic identity testing, in particular for sums of products of sparse univariate polynomials. We also give an application to boolean circuit complexity, and a simple (but suboptimal) reduction to polylogarithmic depth for arithmetic circuits of polynomial size and polynomially bounded degree

    On the Symmetries of and Equivalence Test for Design Polynomials

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    In a Nisan-Wigderson design polynomial (in short, a design polynomial), every pair of monomials share a few common variables. A useful example of such a polynomial, introduced in [Neeraj Kayal et al., 2014], is the following: NW_{d,k}({x}) = sum_{h in F_d[z], deg(h) <= k}{ prod_{i=0}^{d-1}{x_{i, h(i)}}}, where d is a prime, F_d is the finite field with d elements, and k << d. The degree of the gcd of every pair of monomials in NW_{d,k} is at most k. For concreteness, we fix k = ceil[sqrt{d}]. The family of polynomials NW := {NW_{d,k} : d is a prime} and close variants of it have been used as hard explicit polynomial families in several recent arithmetic circuit lower bound proofs. But, unlike the permanent, very little is known about the various structural and algorithmic/complexity aspects of NW beyond the fact that NW in VNP. Is NW_{d,k} characterized by its symmetries? Is it circuit-testable, i.e., given a circuit C can we check efficiently if C computes NW_{d,k}? What is the complexity of equivalence test for NW, i.e., given black-box access to a f in F[{x}], can we check efficiently if there exists an invertible linear transformation A such that f = NW_{d,k}(A * {x})? Characterization of polynomials by their symmetries plays a central role in the geometric complexity theory program. Here, we answer the first two questions and partially answer the third. We show that NW_{d,k} is characterized by its group of symmetries over C, but not over R. We also show that NW_{d,k} is characterized by circuit identities which implies that NW_{d,k} is circuit-testable in randomized polynomial time. As another application of this characterization, we obtain the "flip theorem" for NW. We give an efficient equivalence test for NW in the case where the transformation A is a block-diagonal permutation-scaling matrix. The design of this algorithm is facilitated by an almost complete understanding of the group of symmetries of NW_{d,k}: We show that if A is in the group of symmetries of NW_{d,k} then A = D * P, where D and P are diagonal and permutation matrices respectively. This is proved by completely characterizing the Lie algebra of NW_{d,k}, and using an interplay between the Hessian of NW_{d,k} and the evaluation dimension
