63 research outputs found

    Hardware Attacks and Mitigation Techniques

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    Today, electronic devices have been widely deployed in our daily lives, basic infrastructure such as financial and communication systems, and military systems. Over the past decade, there have been a growing number of threats against them, posing great danger on these systems. Hardware-based countermeasures offer a low-performance overhead for building secure systems. In this work, we investigate what hardware-based attacks are possible against modern computers and electronic devices. We then explore several design and verification techniques to enhance hardware security with primary focus on two areas: hardware Trojans and side-channel attacks. Hardware Trojans are malicious modifications to the original integrated circuits (ICs). Due to the trend of outsourcing designs to foundries overseas, the threat of hardware Trojans is increasing. Researchers have proposed numerous detection methods, which either take place at test-time or monitor the IC for unexpected behavior at run-time. Most of these methods require the possession of a Trojan-free IC, which is hard to obtain. In this work, we propose an innovative way to detect Trojans using reverse-engineering. Our method eliminates the need for a Trojan-free IC. In addition, it avoids the costly and error-prone steps in the reverse-engineering process and achieves significantly good detection accuracy. We also notice that in the current literature, very little effort has been made to design-time strategies that help to make test-time or run-time detection of Trojans easier. To address this issue, we develop techniques that can improve the sensitivity of designs to test-time detection approaches. Experiments show that using our method, we could detect a lot more Trojans with very small power/area overhead and no timing violations. Side-channel attack (SCA) is another form of hardware attack in which the adversary measures some side-channel information such as power, temperature, timing, etc. and deduces some critical information about the underlying system. We first investigate countermeasures for timing SCAs on cache. These attacks have been demonstrated to be able to successfully break many widely-used modern ciphers. Existing hardware countermeasures usually have heavy performance overhead. We innovatively apply 3D integration techniques to solve the problem. We investigate the implication of 3D integration on timing SCAs on cache and propose several countermeasures that utilize 3D integration techniques. Experimental results show that our countermeasures increase system security significantly while still achieving some performance gain over a 2D baseline system. We also investigate the security of Oblivious RAM (ORAM), which is a newly proposed hardware primitive to hide memory access patterns. We demonstrate both through simulations and on FPGA board that timing SCAs can break many ORAM protocols. Some general guidelines in secure ORAM implementations are also provided. We hope that our findings will motivate a new line of research in making ORAMs more secure

    Efficient Oblivious Data Structures for Database Services on the Cloud

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    Database-as-a-service (DBaaS) allows the client to store and manage structured data on the cloud remotely. Despite its merits, DBaaS also brings significant privacy issues. Existing encryption techniques (e.g., SQL-aware encryption) can mitigate privacy concerns, but they still leak information through access patterns, which are vulnerable to statistical inference attacks. Oblivious Random Access Machine (ORAM) can seal such leakages; however, the recent studies showed significant challenges on the integration of ORAM into databases. That is, the direct usage of ORAM on databases is not only costly but also permits very limited query functionalities. In this paper, we propose new oblivious data structures called Oblivious Matrix Structure (OMAT) and Oblivious Tree Structure (OTREE), which allow tree-based ORAM to be integrated into database systems in a more efficient manner with diverse query functionalities supported. OMAT provides special ORAM packaging strategies for table structures, which not only offers a significantly better performance but also enables a broad range of query types that may not be efficient in existing frameworks. On the other hand, OTREE allows oblivious conditional queries to be performed on tree-indexed databases more efficiently than existing techniques. We implemented our proposed techniques and evaluated their performance on a real cloud database with various metrics, compared with state-of-the-art counterparts

    Data access pattern protection in cloud storage

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    Cloud-based storage service has been popular nowadays. Due to the convenience and unprecedent cost-effectiveness, more and more individuals and organizations have utilized cloud storage servers to host their data. However, because of security and privacy concerns, not all data can be outsourced without reservation. The concerns are rooted from the users\u27 loss of data control from their hands to the cloud servers\u27 premise and the infeasibility for them to fully trust the cloud servers. The cloud servers can be compromised by hackers, and they themselves may not be fully trustable. As found by Islam et. al.~\cite{Islam12}, data encryption alone is not sufficient. The server is still able to infer private information from the user\u27s {\em access pattern}. Furthermore, it is possible for an attacker to use the access pattern information to construct the data query and infer the plaintext of the data. Therefore, Oblivious RAMs (ORAM) have been proposed to allow a user to access the exported data while preserving user\u27s data access pattern. In recent years, interests in ORAM research have increased, and many ORAM constructions have been proposed to improve the performance in terms of the communication cost between the user and the server, the storage costs at the server and the user, and the computational costs at the server and the user. However, the practicality of the existing ORAM constructions is still questionable: Firstly, in spite of the improvement in performance, the existing ORAM constructions still require either large bandwidth consumption or storage capacity. %in practice. Secondly, these ORAM constructions all assume a single user mode, which has limited the application to more general, multiple user scenarios. In this dissertation, we aim to address the above limitations by proposing four new ORAM constructions: S-ORAM, which adopts piece-wise shuffling and segment-based query techniques to improve the performance of data shuffling and query through factoring block size into design; KT-ORAM, which organizes the server storage as a kk-ary tree with each node acting as a fully-functional PIR storage, and adopts a novel delayed eviction technique to optimize the eviction process; GP-ORAM, a general partition-based ORAM that can adapt the number of partitions to the available user-side storage and can outsource the index table to the server to reduce local storage consumption; and MU-ORAM, which can deal with stealthy privacy attack in the application scenarios where multiple users share a data set outsourced to a remote storage server and meanwhile want to protect each individual\u27s data access pattern from being revealed to one another. We have rigorously quantified and proved the security strengths of these constructions and demonstrated their performance efficiency through detailed analysis

    Architecture for performing secure computation on encrypted data

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 97-101).This thesis considers encrypted computation where the user specifies encrypted inputs to an untrusted batch program controlled by an untrusted server. In batch computation, all data that the program might need is known at program start time. Encrypted computation on untrusted batch programs can be realized through fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) techniques, but FHE's current overheads limit its applicability. Secure processors (e.g., Aegis), coprocessors (e.g., TPM) or hardware extensions (e.g., TXT) typically require trust in the entire processor, the host operating system and the program that computes on the inputs. In this thesis, we design a secure processor architecture, called Ascend, that guarantees privacy of data given untrusted batch programs. The key idea in Ascend to guarantee privacy is parameterizable, obfuscated program execution. From the perspective of the Ascend chip's input/output and power pins, an untrusted server cannot learn anything about private user data regardless of the program run. Ascend uses Oblivious RAM (ORAM) techniques to hide memory access patterns and differential-power analysis (DPA) resistance techniques to hide data-dependent power draw. For each of the input/output and power channels, an Ascend chip exposes a set of public knobs that fully specify the observable behavior of the chip given any batch program and any input to that batch program. These knobs (e.g., specifying strict intervals for when external memory should be accessed) are controlled by the server and can be tuned, based on the server's apriori knowledge of the program, to trade-off performance and power without impacting security. Experimental results when running Ascend on SPEC benchmarks show an average 3.6x /6.6x and 5.2x /4.7x performance/power overhead-when hiding memory access pattern and power draw-using two schemes that capture the server's apriori knowledge in different ways. Furthermore-when hiding memory access pattern only-performance/power overheads drop to only 2.6x/2.2x. These surprising results mean that it is viable to only trust hardware and not software in some security-conscious applications.by Christopher W. Fletcher.S.M

    Near Data Processing for Efficient and Trusted Systems

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    We live in a world which constantly produces data at a rate which only increases with time. Conventional processor architectures fail to process this abundant data in an efficient manner as they expend significant energy in instruction processing and moving data over deep memory hierarchies. Furthermore, to process large amounts of data in a cost effective manner, there is increased demand for remote computation. While cloud service providers have come up with innovative solutions to cater to this increased demand, the security concerns users feel for their data remains a strong impediment to their wide scale adoption. An exciting technique in our repertoire to deal with these challenges is near-data processing. Near-data processing (NDP) is a data-centric paradigm which moves computation to where data resides. This dissertation exploits NDP to both process the data deluge we face efficiently and design low-overhead secure hardware designs. To this end, we first propose Compute Caches, a novel NDP technique. Simple augmentations to underlying SRAM design enable caches to perform commonly used operations. In-place computation in caches not only avoids excessive data movement over memory hierarchy, but also significantly reduces instruction processing energy as independent sub-units inside caches perform computation in parallel. Compute Caches significantly improve the performance and reduce energy expended for a suite of data intensive applications. Second, this dissertation identifies security advantages of NDP. While memory bus side channel has received much attention, a low-overhead hardware design which defends against it remains elusive. We observe that smart memory, memory with compute capability, can dramatically simplify this problem. To exploit this observation, we propose InvisiMem which uses the logic layer in the smart memory to implement cryptographic primitives, which aid in addressing memory bus side channel efficiently. Our solutions obviate the need for expensive constructs like Oblivious RAM (ORAM) and Merkle trees, and have one to two orders of magnitude lower overheads for performance, space, energy, and memory bandwidth, compared to prior solutions. This dissertation also addresses a related vulnerability of page fault side channel in which the Operating System (OS) induces page faults to learn application's address trace and deduces application secrets from it. To tackle it, we propose Sanctuary which obfuscates page fault channel while allowing the OS to manage memory as a resource. To do so, we design a novel construct, Oblivious Page Management (OPAM) which is derived from ORAM but is customized for page management context. We employ near-memory page moves to reduce OPAM overhead and also propose a novel memory partition to reduce OPAM transactions required. For a suite of cloud applications which process sensitive data we show that page fault channel can be tackled at reasonable overheads.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144139/1/shaizeen_1.pd

    Towards Efficient Secure Memory Systems with Oblivious RAM

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    When multiple users and applications share the resources on cloud servers, information may be leaked through hidden channels related to the memory. Encryption can help to protect data privacy. However, the physical address on the memory bus cannot be encrypted if there is no computation power on memory DIMM. The attacker may observe clear-text physical address access frequency and infer sensitive information in the program. To completely protect the system from address access pattern leakage, we need to use Oblivious RAM, which obfuscates the physical address by remapping it after each access. However, the ORAM access is still costly regarding bandwidth. In this dissertation, I focus on discussing and designing efficient and scalable secure memory systems with ORAM. Firstly, I studied the co-run interference between different applications on the modern computer servers. We found out that how to allocate shared resources between secure applications and other normal applications will determine the overall system performance. I proposed Cooperative-ORAM protocol, which achieves the goal of better resource allocation, utilization and same security guarantee as original ORAM design. Our design delivers an average of 20% overall performance improvement over the baseline Path ORAM design while providing a flexible resource tuning between different kinds of applications. In the next part, I address the problems when the application number further scales on the same server. The co-run interference and memory traffic will be more intense when we scale the number of applications on the server. Meanwhile, more applications mean that the demand for memory capacity is also increasing. I proposed the design of D-ORAM, which delegate the ORAM based secure engine on Buffer-on-Board(BoB), which is in between of the last level cache and main memory, to enable high-level privacy protection and low execution interference on cloud servers. By pushing the ORAM engine off-chip, most of the ORAM accesses will not need to be sent back to the processor side, which removes the excessive data movement overhead. Our evaluation shows that D-ORAM improves normal applications performance by 22.5% on average

    Cache-Oblivious and Data-Oblivious Sorting and Applications

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    Although external-memory sorting has been a classical algorithms abstraction and has been heavily studied in the literature, perhaps somewhat surprisingly, when data-obliviousness is a requirement, even very rudimentary questions remain open. Prior to our work, it is not even known how to construct a comparison-based, external-memory oblivious sorting algorithm that is optimal in IO-cost. We make a significant step forward in our understanding of external-memory, oblivious sorting algorithms. Not only do we construct a comparison-based, external-memory oblivious sorting algorithm that is optimal in IO-cost, our algorithm is also cache-agnostic in that the algorithm need not know the storage hierarchy\u27s internal parameters such as the cache and cache-line sizes. Our result immediately implies a cache-agnostic ORAM construction whose asymptotical IO-cost matches the best known cache-aware scheme. Last but not the least, we propose and adopt a new and stronger security notion for external-memory, oblivious algorithms and argue that this new notion is desirable for resisting possible cache-timing attacks. Thus our work also lays a foundation for the study of oblivious algorithms in the cache-agnostic model


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    The wide adoption of cloud computing has established integrity and confidentiality of data in memory as a first order design concern in modern computing systems. Data integrity is ensured by Merkle Tree (MT) memory authentication. However, in the context of emerging non-volatile memories (NVMs), the MT memory authentication related increase in cell writes and memory accesses impose significant energy, lifetime, and performance overheads. This dissertation presents ASSURE, an Authentication Scheme for SecURE (ASSURE) energy efficient NVMs. ASSURE integrates (i) smart message authentication codes with (ii) multi-root MTs to decrease MT reads and writes, while also reducing the number of cell writes on each MT write. Whereas data confidentiality is effectively ensured by encryption, the memory access patterns can be exploited as a side-channel to obtain confidential data. Oblivious RAM (ORAM) is a secure cryptographic construct that effectively thwarts access-pattern-based attacks. However, in Path ORAM (state-of-the-art efficient ORAM for main memories) and its variants, each last-level cache miss (read or write) is transformed to a sequence of memory reads and writes (collectively termed read phase and write phase, respectively), increasing the number of memory writes due to data re-encryption, increasing effective latency of the memory accesses, and degrading system performance. This dissertation efficiently addresses the challenges of both read and write phase operations during an ORAM access. First, it presents ReadPRO (Read Promotion), which is an efficient ORAM scheduler that leverages runtime identification of read accesses to effectively prioritize the service of critical-path-bound read access read phase operations, while preserving all data dependencies. Second, it presents LEO (Low overhead Encryption ORAM) that reduces cell writes by opportunistically decreasing the number of block encryptions, while preserving the security guarantees of the baseline Path ORAM. This dissertation therefore addresses the core chal- lenges of read/write energy and latency, endurance, and system performance for integration of essential security primitives in emerging memory architectures. Future research directions will focus on (i) exploring efficient solutions for ORAM read phase optimization and secure ORAM resizing, (ii) investigating the security challenges of emerging processing-in-memory architectures, and (iii) investigating the interplay of security primitives with reliability enhancing architectures

    Onion Ring ORAM: Efficient Constant Bandwidth Oblivious RAM from (Leveled) TFHE

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    Oblivious RAM (ORAM) is a cryptographic primitive that allows a client to hide access pattern to its data encrypted and stored at a remote server. Traditionally, ORAM algorithms assume the server acts purely as a storage device. Under this assumption, ORAM has at least log(N)\log(N) bandwidth blowup for NN data entries. After three decades of improvements, ORAM algorithms have reached the optimal logarithmic bandwidth blowup. Nonetheless, in many practical use-cases, a constant bandwidth overhead is desirable. To this purpose, Devadas et al. (TCC 2016) formalized the server computation model for ORAM and proposed Onion ORAMwhich relies on homomorphic computation to achieve constant worst-case bandwidth blowup. This line of work is generally believed to be purely theoretical, due to the large overheads of homomorphic computation. In this paper, we present Onion Ring ORAM, the first efficient constant bandwidth ORAM scheme in the single server model, based on the Onion ORAM construction and the leveled version of the TFHE scheme by Chillotti et al.. We propose a series of improvements, most notably including a more efficient homomorphic permutation protocol. We implement Onion Ring ORAM and show that it can outperform state-of-the-art logarithmic-bandwidth ORAM like Path ORAMs and Ring ORAM when the network throughput is limited. Under one setting, our construction reduces monetary cost per access by 40\% and end-to-end latency by 35\% over Ring ORAM

    Efficient Data-Oblivious Computation

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    The rapid increase in the amount of data stored by cloud servers has resulted in growing privacy concerns for users. First, although keeping data encrypted at all times is an attractive approach to privacy, encryption may preclude mining and learning useful patterns from data. Second, companies are unable to distribute proprietary programs to other parties without risking the loss of their private code when those programs are reverse engineered. A challenge underlying both those problems is that how data is accessed — even when that data is encrypted — can leak secret information. Oblivious RAM is a well studied cryptographic primitive that can be used to solve the underlying challenge of hiding data-access patterns. In this dissertation, we improve Oblivious RAMs and oblivious algorithms asymptotically. We then show how to apply our novel oblivious algorithms to build systems that enable privacy-preserving computation on encrypted data and program obfuscation. Specifically, the first part of this dissertation shows two efficient Oblivious RAM algorithms: 1) The first algorithm achieves sub-logarithmic bandwidth blowup while only incurring an inexpensive XOR computation for performing Private Information Retrieval operations, and 2) The second algorithm is the first perfectly-secure Oblivious Parallel RAM with O(log3N)O(\log^3 N ) bandwidth blowup, O((logm+loglogN)logN)O((\log m + \log \log N)\log N) depth blowup, and O(1)O(1) space blowup when the PRAM has mm CPUs and stores NN blocks of data. The second part of this dissertation describes two systems — HOP and GraphSC — that address the problem of computing on private data and the distribution of proprietary programs. HOP is a system that achieves simulation-secure obfuscation of RAM programs assuming secure hardware. It is the first prototype implementation of a provably secure virtual black-box (VBB) obfuscation scheme in any model under any assumptions. GraphSC is a system that allows cloud servers to run a class of data-mining and machine-learning algorithms over users’ data without learning anything about that data. GraphSC brings efficient, parallel secure computation to programmers by allowing them to express computation tasks using the GraphLab abstraction. It is backed by the first non-trivial parallel oblivious algorithms that outperform generic Oblivious RAMs