8 research outputs found

    [Collected during February to May 2014]

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    This study examined e-books utilisations and students' academic achievement in universities in Lagos State: implication for educational planners. With the use of descriptive survey research methodologies, this study was driven by three research questions and three null hypotheses. All six of Lagos State's traditional universities make up the study's population. Three institutions were chosen using a straightforward random sampling method. Additionally, 150 final-year students from each of the studied institutions were chosen using a practical selection approach, resulting in 450 respondents from the three universities chosen for the study. A well-structured questionnaire titled "E-Book Utilisation and Students' Academic Achievement in Universities" was used to gather data (IEBSAAU). The test-retest reliability approach was used to validate the instrument, and it was determined to be reliable with a reliability coefficient of 0.79. The statistical technique Chi-Square was used to gather data. The findings showed significant relationship in the use of electronic books with X2 = (4, N = 450) = 246.462, P =.000; a significant relationship between computer literacy with  X2 = (4,  N = 450) = 206.431 , P =.000; a significant relationship between students ‘perception on the use of electronic books for academic progress with  X2 = (4,  N = 450) = 262.109 , P =.000 and student academic achievement. It is recommended that: E-book library should be set up and maintained in every university of study to boost interest and enlightens students and teachers on the importance of e-books to teaching and learning


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    Electronic reading is a process of digitalizing not only the content and reading devices but also the publication and distribution of books. With the development of e-books, more attention has been paid to use of e-books in education. Through online communities and innovative learning models, digital content providers can offer plenty of resources to help learners at all levels and promote the effectiveness of their self-regulated learning. The objective of this study is to build a cloud-based learning platform that integrates designs of electronic picture books and the social functions of Facebook. Students of multimedia design can upload their works to this platform and learn from each other through idea sharing and discussion. This platform is expected to help students create works with better quality and more creativity. Besides, this study also investigates the learning behavior and use intentions of students on this platform based on “Social Interaction Theory” and “Uses and Gratifications Theory”. This study attempts to capture students’ needs and how they are related to their learning outcomes. Results of this study contribute to the development of cloud-based learning and can be a reference for design of learning materials and improvement of teaching models

    Guide des bonnes pratiques relatives à la mise en valeur des e-books: le cas des bibliothèques scientifiques à travers l'exemple de la Bibliothèque Universitaire de Médecine au CHUV

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    Ce mandat a été réalisé pour la Bibliothèque Universitaire de Médecine au CHUV de Lausanne. Confrontée au développement de sa collection d’e-books, la direction de la BIUM s’est posée la question de la valorisation de ces nouveaux services pour les usagers. Ce mandat a pour objectif de déterminer des pratiques de gestion pertinentes et de mettre en place des outils de valorisation adaptés, afin d’assurer la pérennité de la collection. Ce travail s’articule autour de deux axes. Le premier pose un cadre théorique et conceptuel aux processus de gestion et aux démarches de valorisation des collections électroniques. Il se découpe lui-même en trois étapes, la première définit la méthodologie adoptée et les objectifs du mandat. L’objet à valoriser est ensuite analysé et chacun des éléments impactant sur les pratiques de gestion explicité (typologie des e-books, formats commerciaux, mesures techniques de protection, fournisseurs, modèles commerciaux). Sur la base de l’ensemble de ces caractéristiques, une carte heuristique a été élaborée. La dernière étape vise à définir les éléments clés du processus marketing et à déterminer quels outils et techniques peuvent être utilisés pour valoriser les e-books, elle se conclut elle aussi par une carte heuristique permettant une vue d’ensemble du processus marketing. Le deuxième axe amène des éléments plus pratiques. Il se décompose en trois parties. La première contient l’analyse de l’existant impliquant une étude des statistiques d’utilisation, l’élaboration d’un tableau de synthèse sur la composition de la collection et la définition des canaux de communication. Elle introduit ainsi la deuxième étape qui traite de la valorisation de la collection. Grâce aux informations récoltées auprès des professionnels et dans la littérature scientifique, des pistes d’amélioration en termes de pratiques de gestion et d’utilisation des canaux de communication sont suggérées. La démarche marketing se concrétise finalement sous la forme d’un calendrier de valorisation des e-books, apportant de nouveaux outils applicables à la BIUM et en bibliothèques scientifiques. Le mémoire se termine par la présentation de potentiels futurs outils de valorisation des collections électroniques, pour le moment en phase de développement. Ce mandat témoigne de la complexité de l’implémentation d’une collection d’e-books en bibliothèques scientifiques du point de vue de leur gestion et de leur valorisation

    Evaluating the task-technology fit of e-readers in the South African secondary school environment

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    The purpose of this research was to evaluate the task-technology fit of e-book readers in the South African secondary school environment. Many information system performance models put a large focus on the user’s intention to use the system. For educational e-book reader evaluations this is different, as learners are not always given a choice between e-books and printed books. A case study of the EduReader, a popular South African e-reader used in secondary schools, was presented to highlight the current technology characteristics of this e-reader. Learners who use the e-book reader in South African schools were interviewed. The interview data and the case study were used to identify the task requirements of secondary school learners and the technology characteristics of the EduReader e-reader. Task requirements were identified from interview transcripts using process and descriptive coding across the data set. The resulting model shows a set of the technology characteristics of the EduReader e-reader and the task requirements of its users, identifying the gaps in the e-book reader’s technology characteristics. A model was presented that shows the fit between task requirements and technology characteristics as a precursor of e-book utilisation in South African secondary schools. This model can be reused by researchers in a generic fashion to determine the task-technology fit of other e-book readers in South African secondary schools. As a practical contribution this dissertation presented a set of task-technology fit guidelines in the form of 30 true/false statements that e-book developers/designers can apply when developing an e-book reader for the South African secondary educational sector. The guidelines are categorised per task requirement identified in this dissertation and developers can exclude sections which are not applicable to the application they develop.Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2018.TM2019InformaticsMComUnrestricte

    Efficiency of electronic textbooks in Biology classes in grammar schools

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    За потребе израде ове докторске дисертације најпре је направљен  интерактивни електронски уџбеник биологије за IV разред гимназије природно-математичког смера, а затим је анализирана ефикасност његове примене у односу на  традиционалну наставу. Педагошко истраживање је спроведено на узорку од 167 ученика (85 ученика у експерименталној и 82 ученика у контролној групи). Ученици Е групе су садржаје из наставне теме Основи молекуларне биологије у IV разреду гимназије реализовали применом интерактивног електронског уџбеника, индивидуалним обликом рада, док су ученици К група исте садржаје обрадила традиционалним наставним методама и фронталним обликом рада док су код куће учили из штампаног уџбеника. Експериментална и контролна  група су уједначене на почетку истраживања на основу успеха ученика из биологије на крају III. разреда гимназије и на основу резултата иницијалног теста. Након реализације наведене наставне теме ученици обе групе су радили финални тест, а након 75 дана ретест. Такође су спроведене анкете за ученике Е групе и професоре биологије који раде у гимназији о о примени електронског уџбеника у настави биологије. Након тога су статистички обрађени и  aнализирани резултати тестова и анкета. Ученици Е групе су остварили бољи успех на финалном тесту и ретесту од ученика К групе. Разлике у њиховом постигнућу на финалном тесту и ретесту (у корист Е групе) су статистички значајне како на појединачним когнитивним нивоима (познавање чињеница, разумевање појмова и примена знања), тако и на тестовима у целини. Резултати финалног теста су потврдили већу ефикасност наставе биологије уз примену електронског уџбеника у односу на традиционалну наставу. Резултати ретеста су потврдили већу трајност (квалитет) знања из биологије усвојеног применом електронског уџбеника у односу на знање стечено традиционалним метода рада. Веће постигнуће ученика Е групе на финалном тесту и ретесту у односу на ученике К групе је резултат примене електронског уџбеника и индивидуалног облика рада у настави биологије. Ученици Е групе и професори биологије који раде у гимназији су изнели  позитивне ставове о примени електронског уџбеника у настави биологије. То показује да они прихватају увођење иновативних модела рада у наставу. Веће постигнуће ученика Е групе на финалном тесту и ретесту у односу на ученике К групе као и позитивни ставови ученика и професора о примени електронског уџбеника у настави биологије у гимназији препоручују израду и коришћење електронских уџбеника урађених према важећим наставним програмима у настави биологије и других предмета.Za potrebe izrade ove doktorske disertacije najpre je napravljen  interaktivni elektronski udžbenik biologije za IV razred gimnazije prirodno-matematičkog smera, a zatim je analizirana efikasnost njegove primene u odnosu na  tradicionalnu nastavu. Pedagoško istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 167 učenika (85 učenika u eksperimentalnoj i 82 učenika u kontrolnoj grupi). Učenici E grupe su sadržaje iz nastavne teme Osnovi molekularne biologije u IV razredu gimnazije realizovali primenom interaktivnog elektronskog udžbenika, individualnim oblikom rada, dok su učenici K grupa iste sadržaje obradila tradicionalnim nastavnim metodama i frontalnim oblikom rada dok su kod kuće učili iz štampanog udžbenika. Eksperimentalna i kontrolna  grupa su ujednačene na početku istraživanja na osnovu uspeha učenika iz biologije na kraju III. razreda gimnazije i na osnovu rezultata inicijalnog testa. Nakon realizacije navedene nastavne teme učenici obe grupe su radili finalni test, a nakon 75 dana retest. Takođe su sprovedene ankete za učenike E grupe i profesore biologije koji rade u gimnaziji o o primeni elektronskog udžbenika u nastavi biologije. Nakon toga su statistički obrađeni i  analizirani rezultati testova i anketa. Učenici E grupe su ostvarili bolji uspeh na finalnom testu i retestu od učenika K grupe. Razlike u njihovom postignuću na finalnom testu i retestu (u korist E grupe) su statistički značajne kako na pojedinačnim kognitivnim nivoima (poznavanje činjenica, razumevanje pojmova i primena znanja), tako i na testovima u celini. Rezultati finalnog testa su potvrdili veću efikasnost nastave biologije uz primenu elektronskog udžbenika u odnosu na tradicionalnu nastavu. Rezultati retesta su potvrdili veću trajnost (kvalitet) znanja iz biologije usvojenog primenom elektronskog udžbenika u odnosu na znanje stečeno tradicionalnim metoda rada. Veće postignuće učenika E grupe na finalnom testu i retestu u odnosu na učenike K grupe je rezultat primene elektronskog udžbenika i individualnog oblika rada u nastavi biologije. Učenici E grupe i profesori biologije koji rade u gimnaziji su izneli  pozitivne stavove o primeni elektronskog udžbenika u nastavi biologije. To pokazuje da oni prihvataju uvođenje inovativnih modela rada u nastavu. Veće postignuće učenika E grupe na finalnom testu i retestu u odnosu na učenike K grupe kao i pozitivni stavovi učenika i profesora o primeni elektronskog udžbenika u nastavi biologije u gimnaziji preporučuju izradu i korišćenje elektronskih udžbenika urađenih prema važećim nastavnim programima u nastavi biologije i drugih predmeta.For the use of the issue of this doctoral thesis was first developed an interactive electronic textbook for biology IV discharge gymnasium of the science stream, and  then analyzed the efficiency of its use in relation to traditional teaching. Pedagogical  research was conducted on a sample of 167 students (85 students in the experimental and 82 students in the control group). Students E groups are the content of teaching topics Fundamentals of molecular biology in the fourth grade of  high school r ealized by using an interactive electronic textbooks, individual form of work, while students K group of the same content processed by traditional teaching  methods and frontal form of work while at home learning from printed textbooks. Experimental and control groups were matched at baseline based on the success of students in biology at the end of III. year of high school, and based on the results of the initial test. Аfter the realization of that teaching topics the students of both groups were doing the final test, a retest after 75 days. They also conducted a survey of students E group and biology professors who work in the gymnasium of the implementation of electronic textbooks in teaching biology. After that, statistically  processed and analyzed the results of tests and surveys.  Students E group have achieved better results in the final test and retest students K group. The differences in their attainment of the final test and retest (in favor of group E) were statistically si gnificant both at the individual level cognitive (knowledge of facts, understanding the concepts and application of knowledge), and the tests as a whole. Results of the final test confirmed the greater efficiency of teaching biology with the use of electronic textbooks in comparison to traditional teaching. Retest results have confirmed high durability (quality) knowledge of biology adopted using the electronic textbook in relation to the knowledge gained by traditional methods. Higher student achi evement E group at the final test and retest compared to students in K group is a  result of implementation of electronic textbooks and individual forms of work in teaching biology. E group students and professors of biology who work in high school  are expressed  positive views on the implementation of electronic textbooks in teaching biology. This  shows that they accept the introduction of innovative models of work in the  classroom. Higher student achievement E group at the final test and retest compared  to students in K group and positive attitudes of students and teachers on the  implementation of electronic textbooks in teaching biology in high school suggests the design and use of electronic textbooks performed according to the current curriculum in teaching biology and other subjects

    Information literacy self-efficacy in the use of electronic information resources by library and information science postgraduate students in South South Nigeria.

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    Doctor of Philosophy in Information Studies. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2018.This study was carried out to investigate information literacy self-efficacy (ILSE) in the use of Electronic Information Resources (EIRs) by Library and Information Science Postgraduate Students in South-South, Nigeria. Three universities accredited by the National University Commission to offer postgraduate programmes in Library and Information Science in South-South, Nigeria were studied. The universities are: Delta State University, Abraka; University of Uyo, Uyo and University of Calabar, Calabar.The objectives of this study were guided by the five research questions:What information literacy skills do postgraduate students have to use electronic information resources? What is the relationship between postgraduate students’ information literacy self-efficacy and their use of electronic information resources? What are students’ usage patterns of electronic information resources? What are the barriers related to information literacy that hinder postgraduate students from using electronic information resources? How can information literacy self-efficacy be enhanced amongst library and information science postgraduate students? The study was informed by post-positivism research paradigm and applied Kuhlthau (2004)Information Search Process (ISP) model anchored on social constructivism approach.The mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative approach) were employed. The population for the study consisted of 115 postgraduate students admitted for the 2016/2017 academic year and 3 subject librarians at the three universities. A survey questionnaire was used to solicit quantitative data from the postgraduate students, while an interview was used to solicit qualitative data from the subject librarians. Quantitative and qualitative data collected were analysed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) and thematic content analysis (TCA) respectively. The SPSS was specifically used to generate frequency counts, percentage and descriptive statistics.The study adhered to the ethical standards of the University of KwaZulu-Natal. The findings revealed that the use of EIRs is determined by the competency in information literacy. Findings further showed that tool literacy, critical literacy, social-structural literacy, emerging technology literacy and publishing literacy determine postgraduate students’ use of EIRs. The study further revealed that there is a strong relationship between information literacy self-efficacy skills and the use EIRs as information literacy self-efficacy skills have impacted on postgraduate students’ usage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) components, especially those related to the use of EIRs such as the use of a computer and its software and applications. The usage patterns of EIRs were determined through the frequency and purpose of using EIRs. Findings indicated that e-journals, e-books, e-newspapers and e-reference sources were the most frequently used EIRs by the postgraduate students. Results also indicated that EIRs were used for different academic purposes. The study provides new insight into barriers faced by postgraduate students while using EIRs. Details of the findings revealed that postgraduate students were faced with information literacy related barriers such as information overload, difficulties in downloading, credibility of information and a lack of adequate knowledge of Information Technology (IT).Furthermore, the study revealed that a number of strategies such as the introduction of IL related courses, adequate orientation to the library and its resources, mastery experience (the use of personal past experience to a particular task), sharing experiences relating to information literacy, strategic training on information literacy self-efficacy and constructive feedback could be employed to enhance postgraduate ILSE skills. The study concludes that the intricacy of the electronic atmosphere requires that postgraduate students possess ILSE skills to effectively and efficiently use EIRs. Therefore, the study recommends among others that universities introduce programmes such as IL certificate programmes, workshops, seminars and others that would increase information literacy of postgraduate students. Moreover, it is recommended that the Nigerian Library Association (NLA) should be involved in advocacy for IL as well as lobby for the incorporation of IL in the curriculum to promote information literacy skills. This study has implications for policy, practice and theory as policy makers and university management can apply a set of recommendations from this research study to formulate policies that would be beneficial for the enhancement of ILSE skills among undergraduate and postgraduate students. Similarly, the current study contributes to the body of knowledge from the perspective of postgraduate students’ ILSE skills in using EIRs. Furthermore, the strength of the ISP model adopted for this study was re-affirmed as its constructs adequately addressed the entire research questions formulated for this study