19 research outputs found

    Pràctica continuada i feedback automàtic en l'aprenentatge de matemàtiques en línia: un estudi des de la perspectiva de les analítiques d'aprenentatge

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    Aquesta tesi ha adoptat la perspectiva de les analítiques d'aprenentatge i s'ha centrat en dues assignatures de matemàtiques en línia de la UOC: Anàlisi matemàtica i Estadística. Hem observat que la qualificació a l'examen final està relacionada amb la realització de qüestionaris i la puntuació obtinguda. També hem comprovat que no presentar-se a l'examen final o no superar-lo és predictible a partir de les qualificacions obtingudes als primers qüestionaris del curs. Així, doncs, s'ha dissenyat i implementat una intervenció docent que permet als estudiants fer els qüestionaris que no havien fet en el termini previst. L'anàlisi d'aquesta intervenció ha permès determinar que ha augmentat la probabilitat de reduir el nombre d'estudiants que no es presenten a l'examen final, cosa que suposa reduir l'abandonament de l'assignatura. Aquesta tesi ens ha permès concloure que mantenir el compromís dels estudiants al llarg del curs mitjançant la realització de qüestionaris amb correcció i feedback automàtics en assignatures de matemàtiques en línia ajuda a l'assoliment dels objectius d'aprenentatge.This thesis adopts a learning analytics approach and focuses on two online mathematics courses at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC): Calculus and Statistics. Our findings suggest that final exam scores are related to taking quizzes, as well as to quiz scores. Specifically, we show that not taking or succeeding in the final exam can be predicted from students' scores on the first few quizzes of the academic year. A teaching intervention was designed and implemented to allow students to take any of the quizzes that they had not submitted before the original deadline. Analysing the effectiveness of this intervention, we have found that it improves students' chances of taking the final exam, and therefore reduces student drop-out in the Statistics course. This doctoral thesis has allowed us to conclude that, for online mathematics courses, being engaged throughout the course by taking quizzes with automatic correction and feedback helps students achieve their learning goals.Esta tesis ha adoptado la perspectiva de las analíticas de aprendizaje y se ha centrado en dos asignaturas de matemáticas en línea de la UOC: Análisis matemático y Estadística. Hemos observado que la calificación en el examen final está relacionada con la realización de cuestionarios y la puntuación obtenida. Asimismo, hemos comprobado que no presentarse al examen final o no superarlo es predecible a partir de las calificaciones obtenidas en los primeros cuestionarios del curso. Así, se ha diseñado e implementado una intervención docente que permite a los estudiantes hacer los cuestionarios que no habían realizado en el plazo previsto. El análisis de esta intervención ha permitido determinar que ha aumentado la probabilidad de reducir el número de estudiantes que no se presentan al examen final, hecho que supone reducir el abandono de la asignatura. Esta tesis nos ha permitido concluir que mantener el compromiso de los estudiantes a lo largo del curso mediante la realización de cuestionarios con corrección y feedback automáticos en asignaturas de matemáticas en línea ayuda a alcanzar los objetivos de aprendizaje

    Visão geral dos sistemas de avaliação automática on-line em matemática

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    Este artigo faz uma revisão sistemática da literatura que trata dos sistemas de avaliação em linha a partir de uma perspectiva instrumental. O contexto em que estes sistemas são implementados é analisado: país, nível educacional, disciplina matemática, e características dos sistemas. Juntos, são categorizados em três focos: estudantes, professores e artefatos. Os resultados mostram que existe uma grande variedade de sistemas e que o trabalho se concentra (i) no impacto nos estudantes: desempenho, variáveis socio-afectivas e formas de trabalho; e (ii) nos artefatos: atributos do artefato, características do artefato cujo utilizador é o professor e características das tarefas mediadas por estes sistemas

    The introduction of online mathematics assessment as an alternate assessment to facilitate mathematics learning of senior phase deaf and hard of hearing learners

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    Thesis (DEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2017ENGLISH ABSTRACT : The difficulties Deaf and H/H learners experience during paper and pencil mathematics assessments as a result of reading, interpretation and language obstacles result in their poor performance in school mathematics. Although assessment accommodation and alternate assessments are prescribed by state policies to eliminate these barriers written tests present, it is limited to read aloud and signed instructions. The primary objective of this study was to determine whether Online Mathematics Assessment (OMA) as an alternate assessment for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Learners in the Senior Phase can eliminate obstacles written mathematics tests present. To achieve this goal; it was necessary to investigate the critical characteristics of OMA specifically those that might provide teachers with insights into the cognitive functions of Deaf and H/H learners. Also, such an OMA should possess specific attributes to mediate the learning processes of these students and to eliminate the obstacles paper and pencil assessments present. The OMA were designed making use of the quiz module in Moodle as well as WIRIS and GeoGebra plugins. These test items were based on the function concept and constructed in line with CAPS (2011). The particular learning theories which had the capacity to promote mediation and knowledge construction i.e. Mediated Learning Experience and Socio-Constructivism were utilized within this study. Moreover, this study adopted a qualitative approach to research and used the different cycles of a Participatory Action Research. The empirical data accumulated during this research study included a variety of data collection techniques. The methods employed consisted of interviews, journal entries, student files and field notes. These text units were transcribed and analyzed making use of a qualitative data analysis software called MAXQDA. Through an in-depth analysis of the text units, three main categories surfaced which included Characteristics of OMA, Mediating the learning process and Potential pitfalls. The findings suggest that OMA has the potential to provide teachers with insights into the cognitive functions and dysfunctions of Deaf and H/H learners, and the mediational attributes can enhance these students’ understanding of the function concept.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Lees, interpretasie en taal probleme wat Dowe en Hardhorende leerders ondervind met geskrewe wiskunde assessering word as ‘n direkte rede beskou hoekom hierdie leerders swak doen in wiskunde. Alhoewel assessering akkommodasie en alternatiewe assessering voorgeskryf word deur regeringsbeleide word dit beperk tot hardop lees en Gebaretaal te gebruik om vrae te verduidelik. Die hoof doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel of aanlyn wiskunde assessering gebruik kan word as ‘n alternatiewe assessering vir Dowe en Hardhorende leerders in die Senior fase. Ten einde hierdie doel te bereik was dit noodsaaklik om die kritiese eienskappe van aanlyn wiskunde assessering te ondersoek, spesifiek daardie wat onderwysers meer insae sal verskaf aangaande die kognitiewe funksies van Dowe en Hardhorende leerders. Tesame moet hierdie aanlyn wiskunde assessering ook die bemiddeling van onderrig en leer prosesse van Dowe en Hardhorende leerders kan bewerkstellig en sodoende die obstruksies wat geskrewe wiskunde assessering bied uit die weg ruim. Hierdie aanlyn wiskunde assessering was ontwerp deur gebruik te maak van die toets module in Moodle sowel as die WIRIS en GeoGebra toevoegings. Hierdie toetse was gebasseer op die funksie begrip wat in lyn is met die KABV (2011). Die spesifieke leerteorieë wat die vermoeë het om bemiddeling en kennis konstruksie te bevorder, o.a. Bemiddel Leerervaring en Sosio-Konstruktivisme is gebruik in hierdie studie. Verder het hierdie studie ‘n kwalitatiewe benadering van navorsing gevolg en spesifiek die siklusse van Deelnemnede Aksienavorsing gebruik. Empiriese data is ingewin deur die gebruik van verskillende data versamelings tegnieke o.a. persoonlike onderhoude, joernaal inskrywings, student leers en veldnotas. Hierdie teks eenhede is getranskribreer en geanaliseer deur gebruik te maak van ‘n kwalitatiewe data ontledigs sagteware genooem MAXQDA. Deur ‘n in diepte analiese van die teks eenhede het drie kategorieë opgeduik o.a. Eienskappe van aanlyn wiskunde assessring, Bemiddeling van die leerproses en Moontlike slaggate. Die bevindinge stel voor dat aanlyn wiskunde assessering oor die vermoeë beskik om onderwyser insigte te verskaf oor die kognitiewe funksies en disfunksies van Dowe en Hardhorende leerders en die bemiddelings kenmerke wat dit oor beskik kan hierdie leerders se begrip van die funksie konsep verbeter

    Challenges for engineering students working with authentic complex problems

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    Engineers are important participants in solving societal, environmental and technical problems. However, due to an increasing complexity in relation to these problems new interdisciplinary competences are needed in engineering. Instead of students working with monodisciplinary problems, a situation where students work with authentic complex problems in interdisciplinary teams together with a company may scaffold development of new competences. The question is: What are the challenges for students structuring the work on authentic interdisciplinary problems? This study explores a three-day event where 7 students from Aalborg University (AAU) from four different faculties and one student from University College North Denmark (UCN), (6th-10th semester), worked in two groups at a large Danish company, solving authentic complex problems. The event was structured as a Hackathon where the students for three days worked with problem identification, problem analysis and finalizing with a pitch competition presenting their findings. During the event the students had workshops to support the work and they had the opportunity to use employees from the company as facilitators. It was an extracurricular activity during the summer holiday season. The methodology used for data collection was qualitative both in terms of observations and participants’ reflection reports. The students were observed during the whole event. Findings from this part of a larger study indicated, that students experience inability to transfer and transform project competences from their previous disciplinary experiences to an interdisciplinary setting

    The Increasing Necessity of Skills Diversity in Team Teaching

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    Exploring the practical use of a collaborative robot for academic purposes

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    This article presents a set of experiences related to the setup and exploration of potential educational uses of a collaborative robot (cobot). The basic principles that have guided the work carried out have been three. First and foremost, study of all the functionalities offered by the robot and exploration of its potential academic uses both in subjects focused on industrial robotics and in subjects of related disciplines (automation, communications, computer vision). Second, achieve the total integration of the cobot at the laboratory, seeking not only independent uses of it but also seeking for applications (laboratory practices) in which the cobot interacts with some of the other devices already existing at the laboratory (other industrial robots and a flexible manufacturing system). Third, reuse of some available components and minimization of the number and associated cost of required new components. The experiences, carried out following a project-based learning methodology under the framework of bachelor and master subjects and thesis, have focused on the integration of mechanical, electronic and programming aspects in new design solutions (end effector, cooperative workspace, artificial vision system integration) and case studies (advanced task programming, cybersecure communication, remote access). These experiences have consolidated the students' acquisition of skills in the transition to professional life by having the close collaboration of the university faculty with the experts of the robotics company.Postprint (published version