4 research outputs found


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    University Hotel yang merupakan milik UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta dituntut untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanannya, mengingat tingginya persaingan perhotelan di Yogyakarta. Pelayanan yang berkualitas akan memberikan kepuasan kepada pelanggan. Kepuasan pelanggan sangat bergantung pada karyawan. Karena karyawan memiliki kontribusi paling besar dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada pelanggan. Maka kepuasan karyawan merupakan kunci utama dalam mendapatkan kepuasan dari pelanggan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan karyawan dan prioritas kualitas layanan internal University Hotel berdasarkan metode Internal Service Quality (INTQUAL) dan Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL). Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan menggunakan metode INTQUAL diketahui bahwa tingkat kepuasan karyawan terhadap pelayanan yang diberikan oleh University Hotel belum memenuhi harapan karyawan. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan menggunakan metode DEMATEL, atribut yang termasuk dalam Kuadran I atau bersifat mempengaruhi variabel kualitas yang lain adalah P10. Sedangkan atribut yang termasuk Kuadran II atau cenderung bersifat dipengaruhi oleh atribut yang lain adalah P2 dan P19. Kuadaran III atau variabel cenderung dipengaruhi oleh variabel kualitas yang lain namun tidak secara langsung yaitu P9 dan P15. Kuadran IV atau variabel tidak mempengaruhi ataupun tidak dipengaruhi variabel yang lain yaitu P7 dan P21. Sedangkan, untuk urutan prioritas perbaikan atribut kualitas layanan internal adalah P10, P19, P2, P7, P15, P21, dan P9

    Critical Risk Factors in Construction Projects: A Dematel-Based Model

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    Construction projects are defenceless to more risks compared to the other industries due to their nature and complexities. These risks can lead to performance reductions, increased costs, scheduling delays, and even project failure. It is noted that the success of the project depends on identifying the most common risk factors and mitigate them effectively. Numerous studies have discussed the significance of investigating the critical risks in the construction projects but the complex causal relationships among the risk factors and their relative significance with respect to each other remain unexplored. The purpose of this paper is to identify the critical risk factors and investigate the interrelationship among the risk factors in the construction projects. Detailed literature review has been conducted and ten risk factors were identified. Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) is employed in the study to prioritize the risks and then analyse the causal relationship among the factors. Based on the interview data from thirteen experts, the results show design risks are the critical risk factors. The findings in this study can provide structural visualization of complex causal relationships among risk factors and also allow construction experts to prioritize the resource allocation to achieve project objectives. Keywords: Construction Industry; Critical Risks; Decision Making Trial & Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL)

    Assessing green supply chain practices in the Ghanaian mining industry: a framework and evaluation

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    Production and consumption in our industrial systems typically begin in the extractive, mining, industries. Typically these activities begin in emerging economies, such as Ghana. It is also clear that supply chain activities in mining operations may have severe environmental and social problems with serious economic consequences. Greening the supply chain of mining operations are an important avenue that can provide beneficial consequences. Developing, evaluating, assessing, and selecting essential green supply chain management (GSCM) practices are a goal for successful GSCM implementation. These practices may have interrelated and complex relationships. Understanding them and their relative importance is an initial step for achieving the assessment goals for successful GSCM implementation in the mining industry. This study adopts a proposed comprehensive and integrative GSCM major practices and sub-practices (framework); determines the relative relationships and influences within this GSCM framework, and identifies the perceived impact of the GSCM framework on organizational sustainable performance (economic, environmental, and social – triple bottom-line) pertinent to the mining industry, in the emerging economy nation of Ghana. An integrated methodology identifying and limiting interdependencies within GSCM factors will be utilized. The methodology uses fuzzy-DEMATEL and analytical network process (ANP) for the evaluation. Multiple field studies within Ghana's mining industry are used to illustrate the applicability of the proposed methodology. The results can provide valuable clues and guidelines to decision-makers and analysts inside and outside the mining industry, for improving corporate sustainable production and consumption. Future research and practical implications are also introduced in the paper