2 research outputs found

    Recent Guidelines in Bronchial Asthma Management in Children: Review Article

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    Background: A common childhood and adolescent illness, asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition marked by episodes of wheezing, dyspnea, tightness in the chest, and coughing. A mix of genetic and environmental factors is likely to be responsible for its occurrence. A short-acting beta-2 agonist (such as salbutamol) breathed into the lungs is mainly used to treat acute symptoms. Inhaling corticosteroids and avoiding triggers like allergens and irritants can help prevent symptoms. Objective: to determine the recent treatment modalities in bronchial asthma management in children. Conclusion: many scientific advances have improved our understanding of asthma and ability to manage and control it effectively. However, recommendations for asthma care need to be adapted to local conditions, resources and services

    Respiratory Self-Care:Identifying Current Challenges and Future Potentials for Digital Technology to Support People with Chronic Respiratory Conditions

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    Chronic respiratory conditions (CRCs) are life-long diseases affecting millions of people worldwide. They have a huge impact on individuals’ everyday lives, resulting in a number of physical and emotional challenges. Self-management interventions for CRCs are thought to provide empowerment and improve quality of life. However, despite the number of people living with CRCs, most self-management tools in previous HCI work have been designed without the insight of those affected by the conditions. In this paper, we contribute to the literature by investigating the experiences and everyday challenges faced by those with CRCs, through the involvement of 156 participants via interviews and an anonymous survey. Our findings reveal the self-care challenges of CRCs and the reactive management approaches taken by participants. We conclude by providing a set of design implications that support the design of future self-management tools for CRCs