5 research outputs found

    Measuring inefficiency of MSEs in the food processing sector

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    Sektor pengolahan makanan adalah sektor yang memberikan kontribusi konsisten terhadap produk domestik bruto (PDB) industri non-migas, serta sektor yang mampu menghadapi berbagai shock yang terjadi di perekonomian. Bentuk usaha di sektor makanan didominasi oleh UMKM yang menjalankan usaha masih dengan metode konvensional. Karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan pada berbagai pelaku UMKM untuk memiliki pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang efisiensi UMKM. Makalah ini menggunakan data sekunder dari hasil survei tingkat usaha oleh Dinas perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kota Magelang tahun 2019 dalam kerangka elemen random cross section sebanyak 948 usaha mikro dan 199 usaha kecil untuk mengestimasi faktor penentu inefisiensi UMKM di Indonesia yang dibagi dalam 2 kategori yaitu jenis usaha kecil dan usaha mikro. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan fungsi produksi menunjukkan bahwa modal dan tenaga kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan efisiensi. Selain itu, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyebab rendahnya efisiensi usaha kecil dan mikro adalah karakteristik gender dari pelaku usaha. Untuk usaha mikro, wilayah pemasaran menjadi penyebab inefisiensi, sedangkan lokasi usaha menjadi penyebab inefisiensi usaha kecil.The food processing sector is a sector that consistently contributes to gross domestic product (GDP) for the non-Oil and Gas industry and also a sector that can deal with various economic shocks. A business form in this industry is still dominated by Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs), which run the business traditionally. Therefore, this research is conducted for various MSE actors to understand their efficiency better. This paper uses secondary data from the results of a business-level survey by the Department of Industry and Trade, Magelang City in 2019 within a random cross-sectional framework of 948 micro-enterprises and 199 small-enterprises for the estimates of the inefficiency determinants of Indonesia MSEs which is divided into 2 categories, namely the type of small-enterprise and micro-enterprise. The results based on the cross-logarithmic production function show that capital and labor significantly impact improving efficiency. In addition, the research results show that the reason for the low efficiency of small enterprises is the gender characteristics of corporate actors. For micro-enterprises, the marketing area is the cause of inefficiency, while the location of the business is the cause of the inefficiency of small enterprises

    Evaluation of Global Innovation Index with Clustering Analysis

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    Hızla değişen teknoloji ve küreselleşme ile rekabetin giderek artması inovasyon çalışmalarının şirketler ve ülkeler açısından önemini arttırmaktadır. İşletmelerin ve/veya ülkelerin rekabet güçlerini belirleyebilmeleri, mevcut durum analizi yapabilmeleri ve yol haritası oluşturabilmeleri için inovasyonun ölçülebilmesi önem arz etmektedir. İnovasyona etki eden pek çok faktör olduğu gibi inovasyonunölçülmesi ile ilgili de değişik çalışmalar mevcuttur. Yılda bir yayınlanan Küresel İnovasyon Endeksi (KİE), inovasyonu etkileyen birçok göstergeyi kullanarak ülkelerin inovasyon seyirlerini ölçmektedir. Bu çalışmada, 2018 KİE Raporunda yer alan inovasyon girdi ve çıktı alt endeksi ana göstergelerinin her birine ait 3 alt başlıktaki göstergeler dikkate alınmış ve toplam 21 değişken kullanılarak, 126 ülkeye ait veriler kümeleme analizi ile incelenmiştir. Kümeleme analizi yöntemlerinden Ward’s Tekniği ve KOrtalamalar Yöntemi kullanılmıştır.Rapidly changing technology and the rapid increase in competition with globalization increases the importance of innovation efforts for companies and countries. It is important to measure innovation in order for companies and/or countries to determine their competitiveness, to analyze the current situation and to determine a road map for innovation. As there are many factors affecting innovation, there are various studies on measuring innovation. Annually published the Global Innovation Index (GII) measures the innovation of countries using many indicators that affect innovation. In this study, the three subheadings under each of the main indicators of innovation input and output subscale in the 2018 GII report were taken into consideration and the data of 126 countries were analyzed by clustering analysis. In this study, Ward’s Technique and K-Means method are used

    Technology Transition Performance of the U.S. Department of Defense Small Business Innovation Research Program

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    Acquisition Research Program Sponsored Report SeriesSponsored Acquisition Research & Technical ReportsSustainable public procurement plays an important role in addressing not only environmental but also economic and social issues through government acquisitions from technology-based small suppliers. In this context, the objective of this study is to better understand the holistic public procurement process by assessing the operational efficiency of technology-based small suppliers and associating the economic aspect of public procurement with the social aspect, such as women-owned businesses. To this end, we analyzed U.S. Department of Defense Small Busi-ness Innovation Research grantees by combining network data envelopment analysis with bootstrap truncated regression analysis. Drawing on the analysis results, we found that (1) there is heterogeneity in the performance of research and development, network building, and commercialization sub-processes, and (2) there is a positive relationship between the overall performance and women-owned small suppliers who excel particularly in network building. The former implies that small suppliers may have different expertise in the chain of public procurement; the latter suggests that woman entrepreneurs with a business network may be able to outperform their counterparts in the public procurement market.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Entrepreneurial Strategies to Mitigate the High Failure Rates of Small Retail Businesses

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    The high rate of business failures within the first 5 years negatively affects half of startup business owners. Small retail business owners who fail to develop innovative entrepreneurial strategies experience high failure rates within the first 5 years of operation. Grounded in self-determination theory, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore entrepreneurial strategies small retail business owners use to support long-term sustainability. Participants were five small retail business owners from Southern Illinois who successfully used entrepreneurial strategies to reduce high failure rates. Data were collected from semistructured interviews and internal documents relevant to reducing high failure rates and analyzed using Yin’s 5-step process. Three themes emerged: (a) entrepreneurial mindset, (b) social media strategy, and (c) innovation. A key recommendation is that small retail business owners have a positive mental attitude and take calculated risks. The implications for positive social change include the potential to increase employment opportunities and to improve the quality of life for residents in local communities