2 research outputs found

    Online learning of personalised human activity recognition models from user-provided annotations

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    PhD ThesisIn Human Activity Recognition (HAR), supervised and semi-supervised training are important tools for devising parametric activity models. For the best modelling performance, large amounts of annotated personalised sample data are typically required. Annotating often represents the bottleneck in the overall modelling process as it usually involves retrospective analysis of experimental ground truth, like video footage. These approaches typically neglect that prospective users of HAR systems are themselves key sources of ground truth for their own activities. This research therefore involves the users of HAR monitors in the annotation process. The process relies solely on users' short term memory and engages with them to parsimoniously provide annotations for their own activities as they unfold. E ects of user input are optimised by using Online Active Learning (OAL) to identify the most critical annotations which are expected to lead to highly optimal HAR model performance gains. Personalised HAR models are trained from user-provided annotations as part of the evaluation, focusing mainly on objective model accuracy. The OAL approach is contrasted with Random Selection (RS) { a naive method which makes uninformed annotation requests. A range of simulation-based annotation scenarios demonstrate that using OAL brings bene ts in terms of HAR model performance over RS. Additionally, a mobile application is implemented and deployed in a naturalistic context to collect annotations from a panel of human participants. The deployment is proof that the method can truly run in online mode and it also shows that considerable HAR model performance gains can be registered even under realistic conditions. The ndings from this research point to the conclusion that online learning from userprovided annotations is a valid solution to the problem of constructing personalised HAR models

    Learning in mobile context-aware applications

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    This thesis explores and proposes solutions to the challenges in deploying context-aware systems that make decisions or take actions based on the predictions of a machine learner over long periods of time. In particular, this work focuses on mobile context-aware applications which are intrinsically personal, requiring a specific solution for each individual that takes into account user preferences and changes in user behaviour as time passes. While there is an abundance of research on mobile context-aware applications which employ machine learning, most does not address the three core challenges required to be deployable over indefinite periods of time. Namely, (1) user-friendly and longitudinal collection and labelling of data, (2) measuring a user’s experienced performance and (3) adaptation to changes in a user’s behaviour, also known as concept drift. This thesis addresses these challenges by introducing (1) an infer-and-confirm data collection strategy which passively collects data and infers data labels using the user’s natural response to target events, (2) a weighted accuracy measure Aw as the objective function for underlying machine learners in mobile context-aware applications and (3) two training instance selection algorithms, Training Grid and Training Clusters which only forget data points in areas of the data space where newer evidence is available, moving away from the traditional time window based techniques. We also propose a new way of measuring concept drift indicating which type of concept drift adaption strategy is likely to be beneficial for any given dataset. This thesis also shows the extent to which the requirements posed by the use of machine learning in deployable mobile context-aware applications influences its overall design by evaluating a mobile context-aware application prototype called RingLearn, which was developed to mitigate disruptive incoming calls. Finally, we benchmark our training instance selection algorithms over 8 data corpuses including the RingLearn corpus collected over 16 weeks and the Device Analyzer corpus which logs several years of smartphone usage for a large set of users. Results show that our algorithms perform at least as well as state-of-the-art solutions and many times significantly better with performance delta ranging from -0.2% to +11.3% compared to the best existing solutions over our experiments.Open Acces