5 research outputs found

    Assessment of the Building Situation Tool adoption among firefighters

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    Abstract. Technology and technical tools have become standard resources that first responders use in their work. Throughout an incident, technology serves to improve communications, planning, safety, situational awareness, and decision-making. Certain incidents require specialized tools to resolve the crisis, whether it is for the law enforcement, medical, or firefighter unit to manage. One under-utilized technology is building sensors, recording information on temperature, CO2, smoke, airflow, and movement in the building. While modern buildings include sensors to monitor for potential dangers, that information is not shared with the fire department beyond notification of a fire alert. Despite the considerable number of hardware and software solutions adopted, firefighters in Kainuu, Finland still rely on paper plans when examining indoor disasters. The Building Situation Tool (BUST) was developed to utilize the building sensors and visualize the building as a 3D model, to provide firefighters with a realtime overview of the site during emergencies. The purpose of this study is to investigate the technological competencies of firefighters, determine the usability and ease of use of BUST, and examine the factors that influence the adoption of BUST. The constructs of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), selfefficacy, and workplace learning are used. These three constructs provide insight into how the intention to use technology is modeled, how users perceive their knowledge and use of technology, and how the workplace influences learning and performance. A mixed-method approach was used in this study. The firefighter’s technology self-efficacy, perceived usefulness, and ease of were recorded through quantitative questionnaires. The firefighter’s experiences in using the technology and factors that influence adoption were recorded through a questionnaire and interview. The findings show a sufficient level of competency, that first-time users prefer guided instructions, clarity in the user interface, controls, and options to customize the user interface. The findings have practical implications for the future development of BUST and its adoption in the workflow of firefighters

    Revisión Bibliográfica sobre la efectividad de la realidad virtual inmersiva aplicada al entrenamiento policial

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    Introducción: Aunque el uso de la fuerza letal por parte de la policía, se utiliza en escasas ocasiones, cuando es preciso ejecutarla, el manejo del arma debe haber sido entrenado con plenas garantías. Sin embargo, se detectan errores relacionados con situaciones de sometimiento ante amenazas de alta peligrosidad y que obligan a los responsables de las distintas Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad españolas a modificar sus técnicas de entrenamiento con pistola, orientándolas por una parte a mejorar la capacidad de respuesta ante esos eventuales ataques y por otra a reducir las bajas entre sus efectivos. Esas técnicas de entrenamiento, empiezan a verse complementadas por la introducción de nuevos desarrollos tecnológicos muy novedosos, como el empleo de simuladores de realidad virtual inmersiva. Objetivos: El objetivo general pretendió elaborar una revisión bibliográfica sobre estudios que abordasen estas técnicas de entrenamiento policial con pistola. Método: Los estudios se identificaron a través de las Bases de Datos ProQuest, Web of Science y Scopus. La búsqueda se restringió a artículos en inglés y/o español publicados desde el 1 de enero de 2017 hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2021. Se consideraron artículos fidelidad psicológica, una mayor inversión y desarrollo en sus aplicaciones y más investigación, motivadas por la escasa literatura y estudios publicados hasta la fecha