13 research outputs found

    Exploring Research through Design in Animal-Computer Interaction

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    This paper explores Research through Design (RtD) as a potential methodology for developing new interactive experiences for animals. We present an example study from an on-going project and examine whether RtD offers an appropriate framework for developing knowledge in the context of Animal-Computer Interaction, as well as considering how best to document such work. We discuss the design journey we undertook to develop interactive systems for captive elephants and the extent to which RtD has enabled us to explore concept development and documentation of research. As a result of our explorations, we propose that particular aspects of RtD can help ACI researchers gain fresh perspectives on the design of technology-enabled devices for non-human animals. We argue that these methods of working can support the investigation of particular and complex situations where no idiomatic interactions yet exist, where collaborative practice is desirable and where the designed objects themselves offer a conceptual window for future research and development

    Designing with the more-than-human:Temporalities of thinking with care

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    This one-day workshop brings together HCI researchers, designers, and practitioners to engage with more-than-human temporalities in the context of designing with care. We invite participants to experiment and think with more-than-human time experiences as a starting point to integrate emergent methodologies and practices for more-than-human discourses in design. By using living and once-living media (e.g., fungi, plant and insect specimens, biodesigned artefacts) as starting points for investigating more-than-human temporalities, participants will discuss how a pluralistic temporal approach can offer to the discourse of designing-with nonhuman entities, and how this aligns with emerging HCI research trajectories and concerns

    Designing technologies for playful interspecies communication

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    This one-day workshop examines how we might use technologies to support design for playful interspecies communication and considers some of the potential implications. Here we explore aspects of playful technology and reflect on what opportunities computers can provide for facilitating communication between species. The workshop's focal activity will be the co-creation of some theoretical systems designed for specific multi-species scenarios. Through our activities, we aim to pave the way for designing technology that promotes interspecies communication, drawing input not only from ACI practitioners but also from those of the broader HCI and animal science community, who may be stakeholders in facilitating, expanding, and/or redefining playful technology

    More than human aesthetics: interactive enrichment for elephants

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    Species-specific aesthetics is an important consideration for interaction designers working with animals. The paper explores the concept of species-specific aesthetics with particular reference to elephants. Applying existing aesthetic dimensions and design principles to the challenge of designing interactive enrichment for them, we show how the insights gained can inform more than human centered design in different settings. We offer a multi-faceted, multi-sensory lens for examining an animal-centred aesthetic experience of technology

    P for Politics D for Dialogue: Reflections on Participatory Design with Children and Animals

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    Participatory Design strives to open up the decision-making process and empower all those who may be affected by design. This is opposed to Design as a non-participatory process, in which the power to make decisions is vested in the hands of one group to the possible detriment of others. In this paper we interrogate the nature, possibilities and limitations of Participatory Design through the perspective of Child Computer Interaction (CCI) and Animal Computer Interaction (ACI). Due to the cognitive and communication characteristics, and to the social and legal status of their participants, researchers in these communities have to contend with and challenge existing notions of participation and design. Thus, their theories and practices provide a lens through which the nature and goals of Participatory Design can be examined with a view to facilitating the development of more inclusive participatory models and practices

    Developing for non-human users:Reflecting on practical implications in the ubiquitous computing era

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    Advances in modern technology, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and ubiquitous computing, open up new exciting opportunities for technology for animals. This is evidenced by the explosion of products and gadgets available for pets, digital enrichment for captive animals in zoos, sensor based smart farming, etc. At the same time, the emerging discipline of Animal-Computer Interaction (ACI) marks a new era in the design and development of animal technologies, promoting a more animal-centric approach, considering the needs of the animal in the development process. In this article, we reflect on the ways in which ideas of animal-centric development may impact the development of technology for animals in practice. We start by looking at the process of development for and with animals, and propose a development model facilitating the principles of Agility, Welfare of Animals, and eXperts’ involvement (AWAX) within the development lifecycle. While promoting the animal-centric approach, it is important to acknowledge that an animal usually uses technology through humans and in a particular environment. We further extend the AWAX model to include considerations of the human in the loop and the environment, and discuss some practical implications of this view, including aspects such as security and privacy

    Interspecies information systems

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    This article introduces a new class of socio-technical systems, interspecies information systems (IIS) by describing several examples of these systems emerging through the use of commercially available data-driven animal-centered technology. When animal-centered technology, such as pet wearables, cow health monitoring, or even wildlife drones captures animal data and inform humans of actions to take towards animals, interspecies information systems emerge. I discuss the importance of understanding them as information systems rather than isolated technology or technology-mediated interactions, and propose a conceptual model capturing the key components and information flow of a general interspecies information system. I conclude by proposing multiple practical challenges that are faced in the successful design, engineering and use of any IIS where animal data informs human actions

    Exploring The Use Of AI Technology To Help Owners Remotely Accompany And Care For Their Cats

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    There are many domesticated cats in Canada. Caregivers need to provide domesticated cats with a safe space and daily games that simulate hunting because of cats’ hunting nature, and they should also be mindful of the amount of exercise and food they eat to prevent obesity. However, many carers are too busy with their lives, resulting in them not being able to provide an ideal life for their cats. This thesis project will use the Research through Design (RtD) approach to explore how to employ COCO object detection model, Arduino, and Internet of Things (IoT) to design for the domestic cat's needs when people aren't at home. The research project iterated on four prototypes: 1) a safe space for cats - the Cat Castle. 2) a smart cat teaser to mimic the hunting game, which uses COCO object detection and Arduino. 3) An auto feeder to encourage cats to exercise more. 4) Integration of the above three prototypes to form an early-stage smart and cat-friendly environment. Finally, the prototype is designed to meet some of the cat's needs and it can also accompany the cat when the carer is not at home. This study can provide some exploratory experience in the animal-computer interaction (ACI) field of research on related topics