14 research outputs found

    Exploring Norms in Agile Software Teams

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    The majority of software developers work in teams and are thus influenced by team norms. Norms are shared expectations of how to behave and regulate the interaction between team members. Our aim of this study is to gain more knowledge about team norms in software teams and to increase the understanding of how norms influence teamwork in agile software development projects. We conducted a study of norms in four agile teams located in Norway and Malaysia. The analysis of 22 interviews revealed that we could extract a varied set of both injunctive and descriptive norms. Our results suggest that team norms have an important role in enabling team performance.acceptedVersio

    Autonomous agile teams: Challenges and future directions for research

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    According to the principles articulated in the agile manifesto, motivated and empowered software developers relying on technical excellence and simple designs, create business value by delivering working software to users at regular short intervals. These principles have spawned many practices. At the core of these practices is the idea of autonomous, self-managing, or self-organizing teams whose members work at a pace that sustains their creativity and productivity. This article summarizes the main challenges faced when implementing autonomous teams and the topics and research questions that future research should address

    Psychological Safety and Norm Clarity in Software Engineering Teams

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    In the software engineering industry today, companies primarily conduct their work in teams. To increase organizational productivity, it is thus crucial to know the factors that affect team effectiveness. Two team-related concepts that have gained prominence lately are psychological safety and team norms. Still, few studies exist that explore these in a software engineering context. Therefore, with the aim of extending the knowledge of these concepts, we examined if psychological safety and team norm clarity associate positively with software developers' self-assessed team performance and job satisfaction, two important elements of effectiveness. We collected industry survey data from practitioners (N = 217) in 38 development teams working for five different organizations. The result of multiple linear regression analyses indicates that both psychological safety and team norm clarity predict team members' self-assessed performance and job satisfaction. The findings also suggest that clarity of norms is a stronger (30\% and 71\% stronger, respectively) predictor than psychological safety. This research highlights the need to examine, in more detail, the relationship between social norms and software development. The findings of this study could serve as an empirical baseline for such, future work.Comment: Submitted to CHASE'201

    Effective communication in globally distributed Scrum teams

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    Trends in information systems development include the use of globally distributed teams and agile methodologies such as Scrum. Globally distributed (GD) software development challenges team communication. Before we can evaluate effective communication in GD teams using Scrum, we need to know what effective communication means in that context. This study captures the understanding of effective communication based on interviews with industry professionals working in GD Scrum teams and reports on Scrum practices that keep communication effective. From these interviews, we developed a model consisting of communication transparency, communication quality, and communication discipline, leading to the alignment of team understanding. This paper contributes to practitioners’ knowledge about what effective communication means in GD Scrum and describes tools that support communication. The theoretical contribution of the study is a model of effective communication that lays the ground for future research on evaluating Scrum’s effect on communication in GD contexts

    Paradox of the daily stand-up meetings in agile software development context

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    Abstract. Agile software development has become the norm in the industry, and daily stand-up meeting is the most adopted Agile practice despite the used Agile methodology. Since mid-2000s, the daily stand-up practice has been reported by academics to deliver various kinds of benefits. However, in recent years, numerous studies have emerged, claiming the attitudes of practitioners towards the daily stand-up meeting being quite a bit on the negative side — many practitioners even feeling the practice is just a waste of time. This thesis is a literature review of existing studies on Agile software development teams, teams’ daily stand-up meeting practices, and perceptions towards the daily stand-up meeting. The objective of this thesis is to dive into rationale behind those negative attitudes towards the daily stand-up meeting. By understanding how teams conduct their daily stand-up meetings, and how practitioners perceive both positive and negative aspects of the daily meeting practice, this thesis seeks to understand what makes the practice so popular and disliked at the same time. Daily stand-up meeting is one of the easiest Agile practices to take in use. Therefore, it is often also one of the first Agile practices that teams start using when switching to an Agile methodology. Benefits of the daily stand-up meeting are notable and comes in various shapes and sizes. However, the original idea and purpose of the daily stand-up meeting is not well known among practitioners. Way too often, practitioners drift from inspection and adaptation towards status reporting, which is the most common daily stand-up meeting anti-pattern. Due to not fully grasping the original purpose of the daily stand-up meeting, practitioners start to experience negative attitudes towards the practice. Those negative attitudes towards the meeting impose undesired impact on meeting activities, which in turn further amplifies those negative attitudes. Customizing the daily stand-up meeting to suit team’s requirements is encouraged. Whatever works for the team can be done if the original purpose of the daily stand-up meeting is not forgotten. Teams need to be highly cautious not to turn daily stand-up meetings into status reporting meetings as that is a sure way to cause negative attitudes among participants

    Overcoming cultural barriers to being agile in distributed teams

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    Context: Agile methods in offshored projects have become increasingly popular. Yet, many companies have found that the use of agile methods in coordination with companies located outside the regions of early agile adopters remains challenging. India has received particular attention as the leading destination of offshoring contracts due to significant cultural differences between sides of such contracts. Alarming differences are primarily rooted in the hierarchical business culture of Indian organizations and related command-and-control management behavior styles. Objective: In this study, we attempt to understand whether cultural barriers persist in distributed projects in which Indian engineers work with a more empowering Swedish management, and if so, how to overcome them. The present work is an invited extension of a conference paper. Method: We performed a multiple-case study in a mature agile company located in Sweden and a more hierarchical Indian vendor. We collected data from five group interviews with a total of 34 participants and five workshops with 96 participants in five distributed DevOps teams, including 36 Indian members, whose preferred behavior in different situations we surveyed. Results: We identified twelve cultural barriers, six of which were classified as impediments to agile software development practices, and report on the manifestation of these barriers in five DevOps teams. Finally, we put forward recommendations to overcome the identified barriers and emphasize the importance of cultural training, especially when onboarding new team members. Conclusions: Our findings confirm previously reported behaviors rooted in cultural differences that impede the adoption of agile approaches in offshore collaborations, and identify new barriers not previously reported. In contrast to the existing opinion that cultural characteristics are rigid and unchanging, we found that some barriers present at the beginning of the studied collaboration disappeared over time. Many offshore members reported behaving similarly to their onshore colleagues.acceptedVersio

    Effective Communication in Globally Distributed Scrum: A Model and Practical Guidance

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    A trend in information systems development is for globally distributed teams to use agile methods and frameworks such as Scrum. In globally distributed (GD) software development, a known challenge is effective team communication. Researchers, however, cannot evaluate effective communication in GD teams using Scrum unless they know what effective communication means in that context. This qualitative study contributes a theoretical model of effective communication in GD Scrum teams and practical guidance for practitioners. Ten industry professionals working in GD Scrum teams were interviewed to capture their understanding of effective communication. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the interviews and form a basis for the model and the practical guidance. This novel model consists of communication transparency, communication quality, and communication discipline, which together lead to the alignment of team understanding (i.e., a team-level shared mental model). This theoretical model lays the ground for future research into the effect of Scrum practices on communication in GD contexts, and the effect of communication on team and project success. For practitioners, this study contributes 11 practical actions that professionals recommend for improving and sustaining effective communication