8 research outputs found

    Exploring Adversarial Attack in Spiking Neural Networks with Spike-Compatible Gradient

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    Recently, backpropagation through time inspired learning algorithms are widely introduced into SNNs to improve the performance, which brings the possibility to attack the models accurately given Spatio-temporal gradient maps. We propose two approaches to address the challenges of gradient input incompatibility and gradient vanishing. Specifically, we design a gradient to spike converter to convert continuous gradients to ternary ones compatible with spike inputs. Then, we design a gradient trigger to construct ternary gradients that can randomly flip the spike inputs with a controllable turnover rate, when meeting all zero gradients. Putting these methods together, we build an adversarial attack methodology for SNNs trained by supervised algorithms. Moreover, we analyze the influence of the training loss function and the firing threshold of the penultimate layer, which indicates a "trap" region under the cross-entropy loss that can be escaped by threshold tuning. Extensive experiments are conducted to validate the effectiveness of our solution. Besides the quantitative analysis of the influence factors, we evidence that SNNs are more robust against adversarial attack than ANNs. This work can help reveal what happens in SNN attack and might stimulate more research on the security of SNN models and neuromorphic devices

    Learning Spiking Neural Network from Easy to Hard task

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    Starting with small and simple concepts, and gradually introducing complex and difficult concepts is the natural process of human learning. Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) aim to mimic the way humans process information, but current SNNs models treat all samples equally, which does not align with the principles of human learning and overlooks the biological plausibility of SNNs. To address this, we propose a CL-SNN model that introduces Curriculum Learning(CL) into SNNs, making SNNs learn more like humans and providing higher biological interpretability. CL is a training strategy that advocates presenting easier data to models before gradually introducing more challenging data, mimicking the human learning process. We use a confidence-aware loss to measure and process the samples with different difficulty levels. By learning the confidence of different samples, the model reduces the contribution of difficult samples to parameter optimization automatically. We conducted experiments on static image datasets MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, CIFAR10, and neuromorphic datasets N-MNIST, CIFAR10-DVS, DVS-Gesture. The results are promising. To our best knowledge, this is the first proposal to enhance the biologically plausibility of SNNs by introducing CL

    Adversarial Defense via Neural Oscillation inspired Gradient Masking

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    Spiking neural networks (SNNs) attract great attention due to their low power consumption, low latency, and biological plausibility. As they are widely deployed in neuromorphic devices for low-power brain-inspired computing, security issues become increasingly important. However, compared to deep neural networks (DNNs), SNNs currently lack specifically designed defense methods against adversarial attacks. Inspired by neural membrane potential oscillation, we propose a novel neural model that incorporates the bio-inspired oscillation mechanism to enhance the security of SNNs. Our experiments show that SNNs with neural oscillation neurons have better resistance to adversarial attacks than ordinary SNNs with LIF neurons on kinds of architectures and datasets. Furthermore, we propose a defense method that changes model's gradients by replacing the form of oscillation, which hides the original training gradients and confuses the attacker into using gradients of 'fake' neurons to generate invalid adversarial samples. Our experiments suggest that the proposed defense method can effectively resist both single-step and iterative attacks with comparable defense effectiveness and much less computational costs than adversarial training methods on DNNs. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that establishes adversarial defense through masking surrogate gradients on SNNs

    DVS-Attacks: Adversarial Attacks on Dynamic Vision Sensors for Spiking Neural Networks

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    Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), despite being energy-efficient when implemented on neuromorphic hardware and coupled with event-based Dynamic Vision Sensors (DVS), are vulnerable to security threats, such as adversarial attacks, i.e., small perturbations added to the input for inducing a misclassification. Toward this, we propose DVS-Attacks, a set of stealthy yet efficient adversarial attack methodologies targeted to perturb the event sequences that compose the input of the SNNs. First, we show that noise filters for DVS can be used as defense mechanisms against adversarial attacks. Afterwards, we implement several attacks and test them in the presence of two types of noise filters for DVS cameras. The experimental results show that the filters can only partially defend the SNNs against our proposed DVS-Attacks. Using the best settings for the noise filters, our proposed Mask Filter-Aware Dash Attack reduces the accuracy by more than 20% on the DVS-Gesture dataset and by more than 65% on the MNIST dataset, compared to the original clean frames. The source code of all the proposed DVS-Attacks and noise filters is released at https://github.com/albertomarchisio/DVS-Attacks.Comment: Accepted for publication at IJCNN 202

    Benchmarking Spiking Neural Network Learning Methods with Varying Locality

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    Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), providing more realistic neuronal dynamics, have shown to achieve performance comparable to Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in several machine learning tasks. Information is processed as spikes within SNNs in an event-based mechanism that significantly reduces energy consumption. However, training SNNs is challenging due to the non-differentiable nature of the spiking mechanism. Traditional approaches, such as Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT), have shown effectiveness but comes with additional computational and memory costs and are biologically implausible. In contrast, recent works propose alternative learning methods with varying degrees of locality, demonstrating success in classification tasks. In this work, we show that these methods share similarities during the training process, while they present a trade-off between biological plausibility and performance. Further, this research examines the implicitly recurrent nature of SNNs and investigates the influence of addition of explicit recurrence to SNNs. We experimentally prove that the addition of explicit recurrent weights enhances the robustness of SNNs. We also investigate the performance of local learning methods under gradient and non-gradient based adversarial attacks

    Adversarial Examples Detection with Bayesian Neural Network

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    In this paper, we propose a new framework to detect adversarial examples motivated by the observations that random components can improve the smoothness of predictors and make it easier to simulate the output distribution of a deep neural network. With these observations, we propose a novel Bayesian adversarial example detector, short for BATer, to improve the performance of adversarial example detection. Specifically, we study the distributional difference of hidden layer output between natural and adversarial examples, and propose to use the randomness of the Bayesian neural network to simulate hidden layer output distribution and leverage the distribution dispersion to detect adversarial examples. The advantage of a Bayesian neural network is that the output is stochastic while a deep neural network without random components does not have such characteristics. Empirical results on several benchmark datasets against popular attacks show that the proposed BATer outperforms the state-of-the-art detectors in adversarial example detection