5 research outputs found

    Characterization of Best Practices for Customer/Supplier Collaboration in Co-innovation Projects

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    High market competitiveness and a lack of internal resources and knowledge make companies increasingly interested in open innovation, being the collaborative innovation projects with suppliers one of the most widely used initiatives. However, the collaborative process is difficult to manage given the diversity of factors to consider when mixing different organizational cultures, resources, competencies, and experiences. One way to support the process is through the management of related good practices. Therefore, based on a review of the literature and international standards on open innovation or collaboration, this document identifies five dimensions and 18 practices of the customer-suppliercollaborative innovation process. The identification of these good practices allows the characterization of the customer/supplier collaboration process in innovation projects and allows the establishment of a reference framework for the creation of an evaluation mode

    O processo de colaboração comprador-fornecedor para a inovação: um estudo da indústria eletrônica Brasil-China

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    Purpose: This study aimed to study the process of collaboration for innovation in a Brazilian electronics company with its Chinese suppliers, specifically in the bonds generated for the development of new products.Methodology: Firstly, it brings the theoretical ground about this field of study, related to the collaborative ties for the development of new products with international suppliers, focusing on the learning processes and innovation capacity. For the data collection, twelve interviews were made with internal actors and Chinese suppliers, as well as documental research. The data analysis was descriptive and interpretative through categorical content analysis.Findings: This study results show that the company does not have a solid supplier database nor stimulate internal collaborative practices of portfolio definition, which makes products sourcing slow and inefficient. In regards to the collaboration with suppliers, the interactions are reactive and focused on problem-solving. Besides, regarding the new product developments with suppliers, there is no formal policy that values learning processes and knowledge sharing practices internally.Originality/Value: These glimpses the possibility of improving the collaboration processes with suppliers regarding new products’ development impacting on the time-to-market and innovation capacity.Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o processo de colaboração para inovação de uma empresa de produtos eletrônicos brasileira com fornecedores chineses, nos vínculos gerados a partir do desenvolvimento de novos produtos.Desenho: Primeiramente buscou-se os fundamentos teóricos sobre a temática, relacionados aos vínculos cooperativos de desenvolvimentos de novos produtos com fornecedores internacionais, com enfoque aos processos de aprendizagem e capacidade de inovação. Para a coleta de dados foram realizadas doze entrevistas com atores internos e fornecedores chineses, e pesquisa documental. A análise dos dados foi descritiva e interpretativa, por meio de análise de conteúdo categorial.Resultados: O estudo de caso em questão mostrou que a Empresa I não possui uma base de dados sólida de fornecedores e não executa práticas internas colaborativas de definição de portfólio, o que torna os sourcings morosos e por vezes ineficazes. Em relação à colaboração com os fornecedores, as interações são bastante reativas e focadas na resolução de problemas. Também não existe uma política formal de valorização de práticas de aprendizagem e de disseminação interna do conhecimento adquirido em projetos.Originalidade/valor: Vislumbra-se a possibilidade de aprimorar os processos de colaboração com fornecedores no que tange ao desenvolvimento de novos produtos, impactando no time-to-market e capacidade de inovação

    Supplier Involvement in New Product Development under Technological Uncertainty

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