4 research outputs found

    BigBlueButton, una alternativa de código abierto para la comunicación interactiva en actividades educativas

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    Las herramientas de comunicación síncronas permiten la comunicación en tiempo real y facilitan la colaboración online, abriendo nuevas posibilidades de enseñanza/ aprendizaje. Varios trabajos previos han descrito experiencias relacionadas con el uso de herramientas comerciales como Elluminate Live! o Blackboard Collaborate. En este artículo, examinamos los resultados de utilización de una alternativa de código abierto en diversas actividades educativas que requieren comunicación interactiva: la tutorización virtual a distancia y la realización de trabajos colaborativos. El análisis engloba la experiencia acumulada por siete profesores en asignaturas de informática e ingeniería impartidas en varios títulos de grado. Los resultados presentan a Big- BlueButton como una buena alternativa para la realización de actividades educativas, aunque también reflejan alguna carencia frente a otras herramientas comerciales.SUMMARY -- Synchronous communication tools allow real-time communication and facilitate online collaboration, opening new possibilities in teaching/learning strategies. Previous studies have already been reported related to the use of commercial tools such as Elluminate Live! or Blackboard Collaborate. In this paper, we examine the results of using an open source alternative in various educational activities that require interactive communication: virtual tutoring and collaborative tasks. The analysis includes the experience by seven professors when teaching Computer Science and Engineering subjects in several undergraduate degrees. The results suggest that BigBlueButton can be considered a good alternative to support certain educational activities, although it also reveals that it presents some shortcomings compared to other commercial tools

    The use of Adobe Connect in synchronous online teaching

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is a huge challenge to the world. It has interrupted many aspects of lives, especially education settings. Emergency remote education was put into practice to ensure the continuity of education while learners are physically out of universities, schools and institutes. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of learners’ attitude using Adobe Connect on their final course scores in synchronous online teaching. 75 participants from Qazvin University of Medical Sciences and Health Services participated in this study. Data were gathered by means of a questionnaire and final course exam. A one-way ANOVA was used in order to analyze the data. Results revealed that the attitude level significantly affected the participants’ final scores (F = 18.503, p \u3c .01). The participants who had higher attitude levels had higher final scores

    Creative Collaboration in Higher Education: A Guide for Distance Learning Technologies

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    A capstone submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education in the College of Education at Morehead State University by Christopher D. Howes on April 13, 2018

    AND app : o modo operativo AND em um ambiente colaborativo web

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    Orientadora : Laura Sánches GarcíaCoorientadora : Fernanda EugénioDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa: Curitiba, 19/12/2016Inclui referências : p. 87-88Resumo: Este trabalho aborda o desenvolvimento do AND App, uma aplicação web de caráter colaborativo que estende o Modo Operativo AND, permitindo que suas oficinas sejam realizadas com participantes geograficamente distantes. O Modo operativo AND é uma metodologia para a tomada de decisão responsável, para a improvisação de soluções contingentes sustentáveis e para a composição colaborativa sem liderança centralizada. Ele pode ser praticado por meio de um jogo de tabuleiro de escalas variáveis, no qual os jogadores colaboram entre si para a construção de um espaço coletivo. Esta construção ocorre por meio da introdução, manuseamento ou remoção de materiais quotidianos diversos em um espaço previamente estabelecido. Essa prática permite a cada jogador perceber os seus próprios padrões comportamentais, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de capacidades de auto regulação emocional, de auto-gestão da atenção, de tomada de decisão e execução consequentes. Para auxiliar nessa atividade de composição colaborativa o AND App foi desenvolvido, uma extensão para um sistema de videoconferências que fornece uma interface entre os usuários e o jogo. A aplicação foi submetida a dois tipos de avaliação: 1) questionário qualitativo respondido por um grupo de usuários não praticantes e um grupo de usuários praticantes do Modo Operativo AND; 2) avaliação heurística por especialistas em interface humano-computador. O AND app atendeu de forma satisfatória as necessidades dos usuários não praticantes e dos usuários praticantes do Modo Operativo AND, permitindo jogar uma partida do jogo Modo Operativo AND do inicio ao fim. Por meio da avaliação heurística foi possível identificar as limitações da aplicação. Os especialistas apontaram problemas e melhorias a serem feitas na usabilidade do aplicativo que uma vez aplicadas podem melhorar a experiência dos usuários e, portanto, devem ser objeto de estudos futuros. Palavras-chave: Modo Operativo AND, Colaboração, Sistemas Colaborativos, Comunicação Mediada por Computador.Abstract: This paper discusses the development process of the AND App a collaborative web application that extends the Modus Operandi AND, allowing it's workshops to be conducted with geographically dispersed participants. The Modus Operandi AND is a methodology for responsible decision-making, for improvisation of sustainable and contingent solutions and for collaborative composition without centralized leadership. It can be practiced through a board game with variable scales in which players work together to build a collective space. This construction happens through the insertion, handling or removal of everyday materials of any kind in a previously established space. This practice allows each player to acknowledge their own behavioral patterns, contributing to the development of emotional self regulation skills, self-management of awareness, and responsible decision making. The AND App was developed to assist in this collaborative composition activity. To assist in this collaborative composition activity AND App was developed, an extension to a videoconferencing system that provides an interface between users and the game. The application was submitted to two types of evaluation: 1) qualitative questionnaire answered by a group of non-practicing users and a group of users practicing the AND Operational Mode; 2) heuristic evaluation by human-computer interface specialists. The AND app has satisfactorily met the needs of non-practitioners and practitioners of the Operational Mode AND, allowing them to play a game of the AND Operational Mode from start to finish. Through the heuristic evaluation it was possible to identify the limitations of the application. The experts pointed out problems in the usability of the application that once solved can improve the experience of the users and therefore, should be object of future studies Keywords: Modus Operandi AND, Colaboração, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Computer Mediated Communication