249 research outputs found

    Adaptation and Personalization in Driver Assistance Systems

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    Driver-related factors (e.g., driver inattention) are a cause of majority of traffic accidents. To reduce the number of accidents and improve traffic safety a variety of driver assistance systems have been proposed. Today, many of these systems do not adapt recommendations and warning to the particular driver (having his-/her own driving style, reaction time etc.). However, in many cases utilization of personal characteristics and preferences may improve the quality of the driver assistance, besides if a driver's expectations about the functionality provided by the assistance system are not met, it may decrease the trust to the system and lead to turning it off, therefore ignoring its potential utility and influence on increasing the safety. In this paper we review scientific publications in the area of driver assistance systems and a) identify most widely used directions of personalization and adaptation in driver assistance systems, b) identify and describe the most widely used models and methods leveraged for personalization and adaptation, c) identify existing research gaps. The paper may serve as mapping study as well as a reference and a toolset of how to deal with driver variability in driver assistance systems

    An enactive approach to perceptual augmentation in mobility

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    Event predictions are an important constituent of situation awareness, which is a key objective for many applications in human-machine interaction, in particular in driver assistance. This work focuses on facilitating event predictions in dynamic environments. Its primary contributions are 1) the theoretical development of an approach for enabling people to expand their sampling and understanding of spatiotemporal information, 2) the introduction of exemplary systems that are guided by this approach, 3) the empirical investigation of effects functional prototypes of these systems have on human behavior and safety in a range of simulated road traffic scenarios, and 4) a connection of the investigated approach to work on cooperative human-machine systems. More specific contents of this work are summarized as follows: The first part introduces several challenges for the formation of situation awareness as a requirement for safe traffic participation. It reviews existing work on these challenges in the domain of driver assistance, resulting in an identification of the need to better inform drivers about dynamically changing aspects of a scene, including event probabilities, spatial and temporal distances, as well as a suggestion to expand the scope of assistance systems to start informing drivers about relevant scene elements at an early stage. Novel forms of assistance can be guided by different fundamental approaches that target either replacement, distribution, or augmentation of driver competencies. A subsequent differentiation of these approaches concludes that an augmentation-guided paradigm, characterized by an integration of machine capabilities into human feedback loops, can be advantageous for tasks that rely on active user engagement, the preservation of awareness and competence, and the minimization of complexity in human- machine interaction. Consequently, findings and theories about human sensorimotor processes are connected to develop an enactive approach that is consistent with an augmentation perspective on human-machine interaction. The approach is characterized by enabling drivers to exercise new sensorimotor processes through which safety-relevant spatiotemporal information may be sampled. In the second part of this work, a concept and functional prototype for augmenting the perception of traffic dynamics is introduced as a first example for applying principles of this enactive approach. As a loose expression of functional biomimicry, the prototype utilizes a tactile inter- face that communicates temporal distances to potential hazards continuously through stimulus intensity. In a driving simulator study, participants quickly gained an intuitive understanding of the assistance without instructions and demonstrated higher driving safety in safety-critical highway scenarios. But this study also raised new questions such as whether benefits are due to a continuous time-intensity encoding and whether utility generalizes to intersection scenarios or highway driving with low criticality events. Effects of an expanded assistance prototype with lane-independent risk assessment and an option for binary signaling were thus investigated in a separate driving simulator study. Subjective responses confirmed quick signal understanding and a perception of spatial and temporal stimulus characteristics. Surprisingly, even for a binary assistance variant with a constant intensity level, participants reported perceiving a danger-dependent variation in stimulus intensity. They further felt supported by the system in the driving task, especially in difficult situations. But in contrast to the first study, this support was not expressed by changes in driving safety, suggesting that perceptual demands of the low criticality scenarios could be satisfied by existing driver capabilities. But what happens if such basic capabilities are impaired, e.g., due to poor visibility conditions or other situations that introduce perceptual uncertainty? In a third driving simulator study, the driver assistance was employed specifically in such ambiguous situations and produced substantial safety advantages over unassisted driving. Additionally, an assistance variant that adds an encoding of spatial uncertainty was investigated in these scenarios. Participants had no difficulties to understand and utilize this added signal dimension to improve safety. Despite being inherently less informative than spatially precise signals, users rated uncertainty-encoding signals as equally useful and satisfying. This appreciation for transparency of variable assistance reliability is a promising indicator for the feasibility of an adaptive trust calibration in human-machine interaction and marks one step towards a closer integration of driver and vehicle capabilities. A complementary step on the driver side would be to increase transparency about the driver’s mental states and thus allow for mutual adaptation. The final part of this work discusses how such prerequisites of cooperation may be achieved by monitoring mental state correlates observable in human behavior, especially in eye movements. Furthermore, the outlook for an addition of cooperative features also raises new questions about the bounds of identity as well as practical consequences of human-machine systems in which co-adapting agents may exercise sensorimotor processes through one another.Die Vorhersage von Ereignissen ist ein Bestandteil des Situationsbewusstseins, dessen UnterstĂŒtzung ein wesentliches Ziel diverser Anwendungen im Bereich Mensch-Maschine Interaktion ist, insbesondere in der Fahrerassistenz. Diese Arbeit zeigt Möglichkeiten auf, Menschen bei Vorhersagen in dynamischen Situationen im Straßenverkehr zu unterstĂŒtzen. Zentrale BeitrĂ€ge der Arbeit sind 1) eine theoretische Auseinandersetzung mit der Aufgabe, die menschliche Wahrnehmung und das VerstĂ€ndnis von raum-zeitlichen Informationen im Straßenverkehr zu erweitern, 2) die EinfĂŒhrung beispielhafter Systeme, die aus dieser Betrachtung hervorgehen, 3) die empirische Untersuchung der Auswirkungen dieser Systeme auf das Nutzerverhalten und die Fahrsicherheit in simulierten Verkehrssituationen und 4) die VerknĂŒpfung der untersuchten AnsĂ€tze mit Arbeiten an kooperativen Mensch-Maschine Systemen. Die Arbeit ist in drei Teile gegliedert: Der erste Teil stellt einige Herausforderungen bei der Bildung von Situationsbewusstsein vor, welches fĂŒr die sichere Teilnahme am Straßenverkehr notwendig ist. Aus einem Vergleich dieses Überblicks mit frĂŒheren Arbeiten zeigt sich, dass eine Notwendigkeit besteht, Fahrer besser ĂŒber dynamische Aspekte von Fahrsituationen zu informieren. Dies umfasst unter anderem Ereigniswahrscheinlichkeiten, rĂ€umliche und zeitliche Distanzen, sowie eine frĂŒhere Signalisierung relevanter Elemente in der Umgebung. Neue Formen der Assistenz können sich an verschiedenen grundlegenden AnsĂ€tzen der Mensch-Maschine Interaktion orientieren, die entweder auf einen Ersatz, eine Verteilung oder eine Erweiterung von Fahrerkompetenzen abzielen. Die Differenzierung dieser AnsĂ€tze legt den Schluss nahe, dass ein von Kompetenzerweiterung geleiteter Ansatz fĂŒr die BewĂ€ltigung jener Aufgaben von Vorteil ist, bei denen aktiver Nutzereinsatz, die Erhaltung bestehender Kompetenzen und Situationsbewusstsein gefordert sind. Im Anschluss werden Erkenntnisse und Theorien ĂŒber menschliche sensomotorische Prozesse verknĂŒpft, um einen enaktiven Ansatz der Mensch-Maschine Interaktion zu entwickeln, der einer erweiterungsgeleiteten Perspektive Rechnung trĂ€gt. Dieser Ansatz soll es Fahrern ermöglichen, sicherheitsrelevante raum-zeitliche Informationen ĂŒber neue sensomotorische Prozesse zu erfassen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird ein Konzept und funktioneller Prototyp zur Erweiterung der Wahrnehmung von Verkehrsdynamik als ein erstes Beispiel zur Anwendung der Prinzipien dieses enaktiven Ansatzes vorgestellt. Dieser Prototyp nutzt vibrotaktile Aktuatoren zur Kommunikation von Richtungen und zeitlichen Distanzen zu möglichen Gefahrenquellen ĂŒber die Aktuatorposition und -intensitĂ€t. Teilnehmer einer Fahrsimulationsstudie waren in der Lage, in kurzer Zeit ein intuitives VerstĂ€ndnis dieser Assistenz zu entwickeln, ohne vorher ĂŒber die FunktionalitĂ€t unterrichtet worden zu sein. Sie zeigten zudem ein erhöhtes Maß an Fahrsicherheit in kritischen Verkehrssituationen. Doch diese Studie wirft auch neue Fragen auf, beispielsweise, ob der Sicherheitsgewinn auf kontinuierliche Distanzkodierung zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren ist und ob ein Nutzen auch in weiteren Szenarien vorliegen wĂŒrde, etwa bei Kreuzungen und weniger kritischem longitudinalen Verkehr. Um diesen Fragen nachzugehen, wurden Effekte eines erweiterten Prototypen mit spurunabhĂ€ngiger KollisionsprĂ€diktion, sowie einer Option zur binĂ€ren Kommunikation möglicher Kollisionsrichtungen in einer weiteren Fahrsimulatorstudie untersucht. Auch in dieser Studie bestĂ€tigen die subjektiven Bewertungen ein schnelles VerstĂ€ndnis der Signale und eine Wahrnehmung rĂ€umlicher und zeitlicher Signalkomponenten. Überraschenderweise berichteten Teilnehmer grĂ¶ĂŸtenteils auch nach der Nutzung einer binĂ€ren Assistenzvariante, dass sie eine gefahrabhĂ€ngige Variation in der IntensitĂ€t von taktilen Stimuli wahrgenommen hĂ€tten. Die Teilnehmer fĂŒhlten sich mit beiden Varianten in der Fahraufgabe unterstĂŒtzt, besonders in Situationen, die von ihnen als kritisch eingeschĂ€tzt wurden. Im Gegensatz zur ersten Studie hat sich diese gefĂŒhlte UnterstĂŒtzung nur geringfĂŒgig in einer messbaren SicherheitsverĂ€nderung widergespiegelt. Dieses Ergebnis deutet darauf hin, dass die Wahrnehmungsanforderungen der Szenarien mit geringer KritikalitĂ€t mit den vorhandenen FahrerkapazitĂ€ten erfĂŒllt werden konnten. Doch was passiert, wenn diese FĂ€higkeiten eingeschrĂ€nkt werden, beispielsweise durch schlechte Sichtbedingungen oder Situationen mit erhöhter AmbiguitĂ€t? In einer dritten Fahrsimulatorstudie wurde das Assistenzsystem in speziell solchen Situationen eingesetzt, was zu substantiellen Sicherheitsvorteilen gegenĂŒber unassistiertem Fahren gefĂŒhrt hat. ZusĂ€tzlich zu der vorher eingefĂŒhrten Form wurde eine neue Variante des Prototyps untersucht, welche rĂ€umliche Unsicherheiten der Fahrzeugwahrnehmung in taktilen Signalen kodiert. Studienteilnehmer hatten keine Schwierigkeiten, diese zusĂ€tzliche Signaldimension zu verstehen und die Information zur Verbesserung der Fahrsicherheit zu nutzen. Obwohl sie inherent weniger informativ sind als rĂ€umlich prĂ€zise Signale, bewerteten die Teilnehmer die Signale, die die Unsicherheit ĂŒbermitteln, als ebenso nĂŒtzlich und zufriedenstellend. Solch eine WertschĂ€tzung fĂŒr die Transparenz variabler InformationsreliabilitĂ€t ist ein vielversprechendes Indiz fĂŒr die Möglichkeit einer adaptiven Vertrauenskalibrierung in der Mensch-Maschine Interaktion. Dies ist ein Schritt hin zur einer engeren Integration der FĂ€higkeiten von Fahrer und Fahrzeug. Ein komplementĂ€rer Schritt wĂ€re eine Erweiterung der Transparenz mentaler ZustĂ€nde des Fahrers, wodurch eine wechselseitige Anpassung von Mensch und Maschine möglich wĂ€re. Der letzte Teil dieser Arbeit diskutiert, wie diese Transparenz und weitere Voraussetzungen von Mensch-Maschine Kooperation erfĂŒllt werden könnten, indem etwa Korrelate mentaler ZustĂ€nde, insbesondere ĂŒber das Blickverhalten, ĂŒberwacht werden. Des Weiteren ergeben sich mit Blick auf zusĂ€tzliche kooperative FĂ€higkeiten neue Fragen ĂŒber die Definition von IdentitĂ€t, sowie ĂŒber die praktischen Konsequenzen von Mensch-Maschine Systemen, in denen ko-adaptive Agenten sensomotorische Prozesse vermittels einander ausĂŒben können

    Personalizing steering experience using steer-by-wire systems

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    NEW BRAINS FOR THE DEFENCE SYSTEM : Systematic view on the Finnish Defence Forces on the edge of Artificial Intelligence revolution

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    There are about 3,5 billion smartphones in the world, and all users can use applications based on the research of Artificial Intelligence. The rapid expansion of this research to the new areas creates both new threats and possibilities for the defence systems in the future. The Finnish Defence Forces is obligated to plan, implement, and maintain ade-quate military capabilities for all risk dimensions, and an essential question is raised, how to prepare the whole defence system for the future development of Artificial Intelligence as an emerging research area. To answer this question, the Soft System Methodology is chosen for the main method of this study. This methodology is suitable for the future studies, when the area of study is complex, organized, self-regulating, dynamic, and in interaction with its environment. This provides a needed holistic approach to the defence system along with a foresight perspective. The other method, document analysis is focusing on the open sources and used to study the characteristics of the defense system and the history of technological development. The third method, deductive reasoning, is used especially in model creation and risk analysis. As a result, this study presents five recommendations for the organization: - the organization should increase the intensity of collecting data - the organization should improve the capability to store and share data - the organization should boost the training of agile methods with the experimental projects - the organization should tune-up organizational culture to match the future - the organization should keep on monitoring the development of AI The research results can be summarized in the following conclusion: it is important to choose the role we want to play in this potential Artificial Intelligence revolution - today’s decisions matter the most for the future.Maailmassa on noin 3,5 miljardia Ă€lykĂ€nnykkÀÀ, joissa voidaan kĂ€yttÀÀ applikaatioita, jotka perustuvat tekoĂ€lytutkimukseen. TĂ€mĂ€n tekoĂ€lytutkimuksen nopea leviĂ€minen uusille alueille luo uusia uhkia ja mahdollisuuksia puolustusjĂ€rjestelmille tulevaisuudessa. Suomen Puolustusvoimilla on velvoite suunnitella, rakentaa ja yllĂ€pitÀÀ riittĂ€viĂ€ sotilaallisia suorituskykyjĂ€ kaikkia uhkaulottuvuuksia varten, mikĂ€ herĂ€ttÀÀ kysymyksen siitĂ€, miten koko puolustusjĂ€rjestelmĂ€n tulisi varautua tulevaisuuteen nopeasti kehittyvĂ€n tekoĂ€lytutkimuksen takia. TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa esitettyyn kysymykseen vastataan pehmeĂ€n systeemimetodologian avulla, joka on valittu tutkimuksen pÀÀmetodiksi. Se soveltuu tulevaisuuden tutkimuksen menetelmĂ€ksi, kun tutkittava alue on monimutkainen, organisoitu, it-sesÀÀtelevĂ€, dynaaminen ja vuorovaikutteinen ympĂ€ristönsĂ€ kanssa. TĂ€mĂ€ mahdollistaa puolustusjĂ€rjestelmĂ€n lĂ€hestymisen kokonaisvaltaisella ja tulevaisuuden nĂ€kökulman sĂ€ilyttĂ€vĂ€llĂ€ tavalla. Toinen kĂ€ytettĂ€vĂ€ metodi, avoimiin lĂ€hteisiin perustuva kirjallisuustutkimus, keskittyy tutkimuksessa puolustusjĂ€rjestelmĂ€n ominaispiirteisiin ja teknologisen kehityksen historiaan. Kolmatta metodia, deduktiivista pÀÀttelyĂ€, kĂ€ytetÀÀn erityisesti mallien luomisessa ja riskien analysoinnissa. Tutkimustuloksena esitetÀÀn organisaatiolle seuraavia suosituksia: - organisaation tulisi panostaa datan kerÀÀmisen tehokkuuteen - organisaation tulisi parantaa kykyĂ€ tallentaa ja jakaa dataa - organisaation tulisi tehostaa harjaantumista ketteriin menetelmiin kokeiluluonteisilla projekteilla - organisaation tulisi virittÀÀ organisaatiokulttuuriaan vastaamaan tulevaisuutta - organisaation tulisi jatkaa tekoĂ€lyn kehittymisen seurantaa Tutkimustulokset voidaan tiivistÀÀ seuraavaan johtopÀÀtökseen: on tĂ€rkeÀÀ pÀÀttÀÀ, missĂ€ roolissa haluamme kohdata tulevaisuudessa mahdollisen tekoĂ€lyn vallankumouksen - tĂ€mĂ€n pĂ€ivĂ€n pÀÀtöksillĂ€ on kaikkein tĂ€rkein merkitys tulevaisuuden kannalta

    Thriving Transitions, Navigating and empowering micro-businesses toward a promising future with the “Transformative Strategy Journey”

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    Our research adopts a transformative approach to reimagine strategic frameworks to enhance accessibility and effectiveness for micro-business owners. This study integrates a robust methodology combining statistical, qualitative, and textural analyses with real-world insights from the Greater Toronto Area. It challenges the efficacy of traditional strategic models through three foundational hypotheses, exploring the interplay of strategic frameworks with physical, psychological, and team-design aspects of micro-business operations. The research methodology includes extensive literature reviews, actor mapping to analyze power dynamics, iterative inquiries, and environmental scanning to identify gaps in current strategic frameworks. Additionally, interviews with micro-business owners and strategic planners were conducted to gather in-depth insights into the practical challenges and unique needs of micro-businesses. Our findings highlight the need for strategic models that accommodate the specific realities of micro-businesses, emphasizing flexibility, adaptability, and the integration of personal values into business strategies. By addressing these needs, the research proposes innovative, practical strategic frameworks that facilitate better decision-making, foster sustainable growth, and enhance the overall strategic engagement of micro-businesses. The research synthesizes these insights and contributes to understanding micro-business dynamics. It offers actionable strategies that are directly applicable and beneficial in enhancing competitiveness and sustainability in a rapidly evolving business environment. This approach supports micro-business owners in navigating uncertainties and aligns with broader economic and societal trends, ensuring their long-term viability and success

    Machine Learning-based Methods for Driver Identification and Behavior Assessment: Applications for CAN and Floating Car Data

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    The exponential growth of car generated data, the increased connectivity, and the advances in artificial intelligence (AI), enable novel mobility applications. This dissertation focuses on two use-cases of driving data, namely distraction detection and driver identification (ID). Low and medium-income countries account for 93% of traffic deaths; moreover, a major contributing factor to road crashes is distracted driving. Motivated by this, the first part of this thesis explores the possibility of an easy-to-deploy solution to distracted driving detection. Most of the related work uses sophisticated sensors or cameras, which raises privacy concerns and increases the cost. Therefore a machine learning (ML) approach is proposed that only uses signals from the CAN-bus and the inertial measurement unit (IMU). It is then evaluated against a hand-annotated dataset of 13 drivers and delivers reasonable accuracy. This approach is limited in detecting short-term distractions but demonstrates that a viable solution is possible. In the second part, the focus is on the effective identification of drivers using their driving behavior. The aim is to address the shortcomings of the state-of-the-art methods. First, a driver ID mechanism based on discriminative classifiers is used to find a set of suitable signals and features. It uses five signals from the CAN-bus, with hand-engineered features, which is an improvement from current state-of-the-art that mainly focused on external sensors. The second approach is based on Gaussian mixture models (GMMs), although it uses two signals and fewer features, it shows improved accuracy. In this system, the enrollment of a new driver does not require retraining of the models, which was a limitation in the previous approach. In order to reduce the amount of training data a Triplet network is used to train a deep neural network (DNN) that learns to discriminate drivers. The training of the DNN does not require any driving data from the target set of drivers. The DNN encodes pieces of driving data to an embedding space so that in this space examples of the same driver will appear closer to each other and far from examples of other drivers. This technique reduces the amount of data needed for accurate prediction to under a minute of driving data. These three solutions are validated against a real-world dataset of 57 drivers. Lastly, the possibility of a driver ID system is explored that only uses floating car data (FCD), in particular, GPS data from smartphones. A DNN architecture is then designed that encodes the routes, origin, and destination coordinates as well as various other features computed based on contextual information. The proposed model is then evaluated against a dataset of 678 drivers and shows high accuracy. In a nutshell, this work demonstrates that proper driver ID is achievable. The constraints imposed by the use-case and data availability negatively affect the performance; in such cases, the efficient use of the available data is crucial

    Understanding, Assessing, and Mitigating Safety Risks in Artificial Intelligence Systems

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    Prepared for: Naval Air Warfare Development Center (NAVAIR)Traditional software safety techniques rely on validating software against a deductively defined specification of how the software should behave in particular situations. In the case of AI systems, specifications are often implicit or inductively defined. Data-driven methods are subject to sampling error since practical datasets cannot provide exhaustive coverage of all possible events in a real physical environment. Traditional software verification and validation approaches may not apply directly to these novel systems, complicating the operation of systems safety analysis (such as implemented in MIL-STD 882). However, AI offers advanced capabilities, and it is desirable to ensure the safety of systems that rely on these capabilities. When AI tech is deployed in a weapon system, robot, or planning system, unwanted events are possible. Several techniques can support the evaluation process for understanding the nature and likelihood of unwanted events in AI systems and making risk decisions on naval employment. This research considers the state of the art, evaluating which ones are most likely to be employable, usable, and correct. Techniques include software analysis, simulation environments, and mathematical determinations.Naval Air Warfare Development CenterNaval Postgraduate School, Naval Research Program (PE 0605853N/2098)Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimite

    JURI SAYS:An Automatic Judgement Prediction System for the European Court of Human Rights

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    In this paper we present the web platform JURI SAYS that automatically predicts decisions of the European Court of Human Rights based on communicated cases, which are published by the court early in the proceedings and are often available many years before the final decision is made. Our system therefore predicts future judgements of the court. The platform is available at jurisays.com and shows the predictions compared to the actual decisions of the court. It is automatically updated every month by including the prediction for the new cases. Additionally, the system highlights the sentences and paragraphs that are most important for the prediction (i.e. violation vs. no violation of human rights)
