22 research outputs found

    A Systematic Literature Review on Machine Learning in Shared Mobility

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    Shared mobility has emerged as a sustainable alternative to both private transportation and traditional public transport, promising to reduce the number of private vehicles on roads while offering users greater flexibility. Today, urban areas are home to a myriad of innovative services, including car-sharing, ride-sharing, and micromobility solutions like moped-sharing, bike-sharing, and e-scooter-sharing. Given the intense competition and the inherent operational complexities of shared mobility systems, providers are increasingly seeking specialized decision-support methodologies to boost operational efficiency. While recent research indicates that advanced machine learning methods can tackle the intricate challenges in shared mobility management decisions, a thorough evaluation of existing research is essential to fully grasp its potential and pinpoint areas needing further exploration. This paper presents a systematic literature review that specifically targets the application of Machine Learning for decision-making in Shared Mobility Systems. Our review underscores that Machine Learning offers methodological solutions to specific management challenges crucial for the effective operation of Shared Mobility Systems. We delve into the methods and datasets employed, spotlight research trends, and pinpoint research gaps. Our findings culminate in a comprehensive framework of Machine Learning techniques designed to bolster managerial decision-making in addressing challenges specific to Shared Mobility across various levels

    Bicycle Sharing Systems: Fast and Slow Urban Mobility Dynamics

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    In cities all around the world, new forms of urban micromobility have observed rapid and wide-scale adoption due to their benefits as a shared mode that are environmentally friendly, convenient and accessible. Bicycle sharing systems are the most established among these modes, facilitating complete end-to-end journeys as well as forming a solution for the first/last mile issue that public transportation users face in getting to and from transit stations. They mark the beginnings of a gradual transition towards a more sustainable transportation model that include greater use of shared and active modes. As such, understanding the way in which these systems are used is essential in order to improve their management and efficiency. Given the lack of operator published data, this thesis aims to explore the utility of open bicycle sharing system data standards that are intended for real-time dissemination of bicycle locations in uncovering novel insights into their activity dynamics over varying temporal and geographical scales. The thesis starts by exploring bicycle sharing systems at a global-scale, uncovering their long-term growth and evolution through the development of data cleaning and metric creation heuristics that also form the foundations of the most comprehensive classification of systems. Having established the values of these metrics in conducting comparisons at scale, the thesis then analyses the medium-term impacts of mobility interventions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, employing spatio-temporal and network analysis methods that highlight their adaptability and resilience. Finally, the thesis closes with the analysis of granular spatial and temporal dynamics within a dockless system in London that enable the identification of the variations in journey locations throughout different times of the day. In each of these cases, the research highlights the indispensable value of open data and the important role that bicycle sharing systems play in urban mobility

    SMAP: A Novel Heterogeneous Information Framework for Scenario-based Optimal Model Assignment

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    The increasing maturity of big data applications has led to a proliferation of models targeting the same objectives within the same scenarios and datasets. However, selecting the most suitable model that considers model's features while taking specific requirements and constraints into account still poses a significant challenge. Existing methods have focused on worker-task assignments based on crowdsourcing, they neglect the scenario-dataset-model assignment problem. To address this challenge, a new problem named the Scenario-based Optimal Model Assignment (SOMA) problem is introduced and a novel framework entitled Scenario and Model Associative percepts (SMAP) is developed. SMAP is a heterogeneous information framework that can integrate various types of information to intelligently select a suitable dataset and allocate the optimal model for a specific scenario. To comprehensively evaluate models, a new score function that utilizes multi-head attention mechanisms is proposed. Moreover, a novel memory mechanism named the mnemonic center is developed to store the matched heterogeneous information and prevent duplicate matching. Six popular traffic scenarios are selected as study cases and extensive experiments are conducted on a dataset to verify the effectiveness and efficiency of SMAP and the score function

    A Survey on Graph Neural Networks in Intelligent Transportation Systems

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    Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is vital in improving traffic congestion, reducing traffic accidents, optimizing urban planning, etc. However, due to the complexity of the traffic network, traditional machine learning and statistical methods are relegated to the background. With the advent of the artificial intelligence era, many deep learning frameworks have made remarkable progress in various fields and are now considered effective methods in many areas. As a deep learning method, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as a highly competitive method in the ITS field since 2019 due to their strong ability to model graph-related problems. As a result, more and more scholars pay attention to the applications of GNNs in transportation domains, which have shown excellent performance. However, most of the research in this area is still concentrated on traffic forecasting, while other ITS domains, such as autonomous vehicles and urban planning, still require more attention. This paper aims to review the applications of GNNs in six representative and emerging ITS domains: traffic forecasting, autonomous vehicles, traffic signal control, transportation safety, demand prediction, and parking management. We have reviewed extensive graph-related studies from 2018 to 2023, summarized their methods, features, and contributions, and presented them in informative tables or lists. Finally, we have identified the challenges of applying GNNs to ITS and suggested potential future directions

    Evaluating the effects of road hump on speed and noise level at a university setting

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    This study is carried out to determine the effectivness of road humps to reduce the traffic speed and traffic noise in institutional area. The difference in hump profiles in terms of height, width and length are the main factors in determing the effectiveness of road humps. The difference in the profiles of the road hump will cause changing driver behaviour of the users especially when approaching the road hump. The road humps with different design profiles are selected to measure the speed and noise level of the vehicles at, before and after each of the selected road humps. Radar speed gun and noise level meters are used to measure speed and noise level of the vehicles at each of designated points along the major circular road in IIUM. The changes in speed and noise level at different selected points at each of the different profiles of the road humps are the expected findings of this study

    Evaluating the effects of road hump on the speed of vehicles in an institutional environment

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    Vehicles travelling at speed above the permissible speed limit have jeopardized the safety of road users. The concern is greater at institutional environment whereby most road users travel by walking. Road hump is considered as an efficient traffic calming measure in reducing the speed of the vehicle. This paper investigates the effects of different road hump dimensions in decreasing the speed of vehicles at the main road of International Islamic University Malaysia. Six (6) road humps with different design profile were selected. The design profile and spot speed of the vehicles at all six (6) road humps were measured. The speed of vehicles at the road hump was analyzed by using descriptive analysis and t-test. The findings of this study suggest that road hump is effective in lowering the speed of vehicles in an institutional environment. The dimensions of road hump, especially height, influence significantly the speed reduction of vehicles

    Feasibility investigation of crowdsourcing-based product design and development for manufacturing

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    In the era of Industry 4.0, to help manufacturers make quick response to rapidly changing market and customer needs, this research explores the feasibility of realizing benefits of crowdsourcing in product design and development from a lifecycle point of view through investigations on product design quality control and crowdsourcing technology theories, product design lifecycle information modelling, and simulation platform prototyping. It intends to help manufacturers create a product-service ecosystem to deliver values to all involved stakeholders of a PDD process. This study started with building up the theoretical foundation of product design quality control in crowdsourcing design environment. Then, key crowdsourcing technologies for realizing a lifecycle PDD process on a crowdsourcing platform while enabling the design quality were explored. Thirdly, a multi-layer product design lifecycle information model was developed to accommodate all design related information in a PDD process and the identified information at each design phase and the relationships and interactions among information entities were evaluated by case studies and ORM modelling method, respectively. Finally, two crowdsourcing platform prototypes based on the PDLIM were developed to test their effectiveness in communicating design information among stakeholders and delivering value to them. The proposed research made contributions to knowledge through the following improvements/advancements: (1) understanding of key factors affecting product design quality in crowdsourcing design environments, (2) a technical foundation of crowdsourcing technologies for PDD process, (3) a novel product design lifecycle information model accommodating design information in crowdsourcing environments, and (4) guidelines on developing intermediary and integrated crowdsourcing platforms for PDD