7 research outputs found

    Research Opportunities for Application of Gamification Models with VR for Crop Cultivation: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The learning delivery model in the increasingly developing information technology era and the era of teaching and learning between students and lecturers during the Covid-19 pandemic requires lecturers' creativity. The application of gamification using virtual reality is an alternative solution that can be applied to fill the saturation of online learning using Google Meeting or Zoom meeting. This review of the literature aims to see how many gamification applications using virtual reality are specifically applied to plant cultivation. The process of obtaining this literature review is based on the systematic literature review (SLR) method. The assessment process is carried out through four online databases based on the keywords gamification and virtual reality. The results obtained are 32 relevant literature on gamification using virtual reality although gamification using virtual reality for plant cultivation is not found and only one paper on forestry only discusses the concept. However, the results of this process become the basic literature for further research on the application of virtual reality gamification in plant cultivation. &nbsp

    Research Opportunities for Application of Gamification Models with VR for Crop Cultivation: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The learning delivery model in the increasingly developing information technology era and the era of teaching and learning between students and lecturers during the Covid-19 pandemic requires lecturers' creativity. The application of gamification using virtual reality is an alternative solution that can be applied to fill the saturation of online learning using Google Meeting or Zoom meeting. This review of the literature aims to see how many gamification applications using virtual reality are specifically applied to plant cultivation. The process of obtaining this literature review is based on the systematic literature review (SLR) method. The assessment process is carried out through four online databases based on the keywords gamification and virtual reality. The results obtained are 32 relevant literature on gamification using virtual reality although gamification using virtual reality for plant cultivation is not found and only one paper on forestry only discusses the concept. However, the results of this process become the basic literature for further research on the application of virtual reality gamification in plant cultivation. &nbsp

    A review on potential technological advances for fashion retail: smart fitting rooms, augmented and virtual realities = Uma revisão sobre os potenciais avanços tecnológicos para o varejo de moda: provadores inteligentes, realidades aumentada e virtual

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    Este artigo tĂ©cnico avaliarĂĄ os novos avanços tecnolĂłgicos que podem mudar a forma como compramos roupas, explorando soluçÔes existentes que ainda sĂŁo comumente confundidas entre si: provadores inteligentes, espelhos interativos, Realidade Virtual (RV) e Realidade Aumentada (RA). A abordagem metodolĂłgica baseada numa pesquisa exploratĂłria terĂĄ inĂ­cio com uma revisĂŁo da literatura sobre provadores inteligentes e espelhos interativos, comparando as principais diferenças entre essas duas tecnologias e abordando as suas tentativas de implementação malsucedidas no varejo. A nossa pesquisa tambĂ©m avaliarĂĄ tecnologias diĂĄrias, aquelas que possivelmente poderiam melhorar a experiĂȘncia dos clientes com compras online, bem como de clientes com mobilidade reduzida. Com dispositivos inteligentes em cada esquina, Ă© hoje mais difĂ­cil convencer os consumidores com produtos inovadores. Neste contexto, propomos algumas possibilidades de futuro para o varejo de moda, com os resultados a serem apresentados numa primeira abordagem, na esperança de que a partir deles possam ser criadas soluçÔes inovadoras para o futuro. AlĂ©m disso, as implicaçÔes sustentĂĄveis relacionadas com esta abordagem serĂŁo abordadas nas consideraçÔes adicionais. Este estudo tĂ©cnico considera apenas duas soluçÔes bĂĄsicas, que, eventualmente, eram muito complexas para caber no varejo de moda, e explora soluçÔes adicionais que poderiam mudar essas limitaçÔes. Embora exploradas e pesquisadas nos Ășltimos anos, soluçÔes como os provadores inteligentes e os espelhos interativos jĂĄ fizeram parte do que se considerou o futuro do varejo de moda. No entanto, modelos de negĂłcios deficientes e falta de avanços tecnolĂłgicos na Ă©poca limitaram essas soluçÔes. As novas tecnologias, como a Realidade Aumentada (RA), a Realidade Virtual (RV) e a Realidade Mista (RM), combinadas com a mais recente evolução dos smartphones, podem relançar estas soluçÔes.This technical paper will assess new technological advances that could change the way we buy clothes, exploring existing solutions that are still commonly confused with each other: Smart fitting rooms (SFR), interactive mirrors (IM), Virtual Reality (VR), and Augmented Reality (AR). The methodological approach based on an exploratory research will start with a literature review on SFR and IM, comparing the main differences between these two technologies and addressing their unsuccessful attempts in retail. Our research will also assess daily technologies, which could possibly improve the customer's experience with online shopping, as well as customers with reduced mobility. With smart gadgets in every corner, consumers are more difficult to convince with innovative products. We will propose future possibilities for fashion retail, where results will be presented as a first approach, in hopes of creating innovative solutions for the future. Moreover, sustainable implications related with this approach will be addressed in our additional considerations. This technical study considers only two basic solutions that were eventually too complicated to fit into fashion retail, exploring additional solutions that could change these limitations. Although explored and researched in the last years, solutions like IM and SFR were once part of what was considered the future of fashion retail. However, poor business models and lack of technological advances at the time limited these solutions. New technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed-Reality (MR), combined with the latest smartphone evolution could relaunch solutions like these

    Exploiting fashion x-commerce through the empowerment of voice in the fashion virtual reality arena. Integrating voice assistant and virtual reality technologies for fashion communication

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    The ongoing development of eXtended Reality (XR) technologies is supporting a rapid increase of their performances along with a progressive decrease of their costs, making them more and more attractive for a large class of consumers. As a result, their widespread use is expected within the next few years. This may foster new opportunities for e-commerce strategies, giving birth to an XR-based commerce (x-commerce) ecosystem. With respect to web and mobile-based shopping experiences, x-commerce could more easily support brick-and-mortar store-like experiences. One interesting and consolidated one amounts to the interactions among customers and shop assistants inside fashion stores. In this work, we concentrate on such aspects with the design and implementation of an XR-based shopping experience, where vocal dialogues with an Amazon Alexa virtual assistant are supported, to experiment with a more natural and familiar contact with the store environment. To verify the validity of such an approach, we asked a group of fashion experts to try two different XR store experiences: with and without the voice assistant integration. The users are then asked to answer a questionnaire to rate their experiences. The results support the hypothesis that vocal interactions may contribute to increasing the acceptance and comfortable perception of XR-based fashion shopping

    Game on! A state-of-the-art overview of doing business with gamification

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    Gamification is the act of applying game-design elements to transform activities, products, services, and systems in a way that provides the kind of experiences similar to those offered by games. These elements include badges, points, and leaderboards to motivate and reward problem solving activities and processes. Both businesses and business researchers are increasingly interested in the application of gamification. In this regard, this review aims to offer a state-of-the-art overview of gamification in business, revealing its current trends and future directions. Using business research on gamification published in the last decade (2012–2022) found on Scopus and Web of Science, we conduct a performance analysis to illuminate the field's performance (publication productivity and impact) alongside its key contributors (journals, authors, and countries) as well as a science mapping using a co-citation analysis to locate knowledge foundations, and bibliographic coupling and keyword co-occurrence analysis to reveal major themes in business gamification. Our exploration has unearthed gamification's pervasive influence across business domains, from enhancing learning and fostering innovation to empowering marketing strategies and catalyzing transformation. Gamification has also made significant inroads into management practices, driving engagement, influencing behavioral outcomes, and ushering sustainability. Peering into the future, our density-centrality quadrant analysis casts light on emerging frontiers. Noteworthily, we expect the next wave of gamification to be shaped by the allure of video games and the metaverse, bespoke industry-specific designs, confluence with e-commerce trends, emphasis on sustainable development, expanded social responsibilities, innovations in virtual reality, intersections with human urbanism, and the rise of smart cities. As gamification continues to integrate and reshape myriad facets of the business world, it holds the promise of not only enriching current practices but also charting the course for the future of innovative, sustainable, and transformative business strategies

    Digital Technology for Saudi Arabian Fashion Shows

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    Saudi fashion designers have encountered numerous challenges promoting their designs to the public in Saudi Arabia, especially women’s wear, due to religious and cultural regulations. The primary regulatory barrier is that women are not permitted to expose their bodies in the presence of men. Therefore, Saudi designers must deliver their fashion shows to a single gender audience. Furthermore, because there is no governmental process granting permission for these events, fashion designers are forced to take the risk that fashion shows at which they are exhibiting may be shut down. Therefore, this research investigated whether technology could assist fashion designers in promoting their designs, by replacing live fashion shows with digital versions. In order to evaluate the practicality of using technology developed for fashion shows in the context of Saudi Arabia, it is necessary to first resolve any religious, cultural and technical barriers that might restrict the potential acceptability of digital versions of live fashion shows. In this research, a mixed methods approach to data collection was employed, consulting stakeholders including cultural leaders, fashion designers, and consumers. The quantitative data instrument was a three-stage questionnaire, and the qualitative data collection involved two stages, i.e. interviews and observations. The data collected was used to create a framework to establish an outcome based on both a visualisation and a guideline. The visualisation covered the multitude of religious, cultural, and technical issues identified by the study. In addition, a guideline to recreate the fashion show method was developed for fashion designers to follow. The outcome of the framework was then evaluated to examine its validity. The visualisation was evaluated by focus groups, comprising consumers, cultural leaders and fashion designers, while the guidelines themselves were evaluated by fashion designers only. The results obtained from the research clarified that fashion designers are dissatisfied with the current fashion show options, because vital components that would support their success are not present. Therefore, the researcher navigated practices and behaviour in reference to cultural expectations, explored acceptable representations of female in public, developed an approach to modifying this and explored a variety of approaches to creating a visualisation, including using a bodysuit to permit exposure of certain areas of the body. This enabled the development of a replicable and relatively low-cost approach to creating a digital fashion show with guidelines to recreate it. The research concluded with a set of recommendations for fashion designers, allowing them to benefit fully from the digital fashion show. It also helped them to utilise the benefits of using a framework and guidelines to promote their collection in Saudi Arabia.Jeddah university represented by the Saudi Arabian Cultural Bureau in Londo

    Exploiting Immersive Virtual Reality for Fashion Gamification

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    The relationships between fashion and technology are, year by year, increasing in number and depth. Information and communication technologies (ICT) do not have an influence, in fact, only on the manufacturing processes behind the production of clothes and accessories, but nowadays have implications on the end products as well as on their advertisement. This is witnessed by the plethora of designers that are today considering the use of consumer electronics in their creations and by the number of fashion brands that are exploring non conventional communication strategies including the use of ICT platforms. On the other hand, also consumers have changed their habits and ways of approaching products: consider, as a relevant example, the large share of users that today buy fashion online rather than in a brick and mortar shop. Now, what is by many considered the fourth wave of consumer electronics, i.e., the advent of Virtual and Augmented Reality, may have important implications on such relationships, setting new paths for product discovery and brand communication. In this scenario, we here experiment with gamification and Virtual Reality, showing the result of presenting a fashion game to an audience of fashion experts. Our results confirm the promising opportunities that the use of such technologies may provide to such creative and commercial domain